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Naruto's domestic life is looking pretty sweet!... It is perfect, though, that the Knucklehead Ninja would find himself in a situation that prevented him from attending his own Hokage ceremony! :-D

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NARUTO BECOMES HOKAGE OVA - Domestic Naruto Has A Glitch On The Way To Hokage!

Naruto's domestic life is looking pretty sweet!... It is perfect, though, that the Knucklehead Ninja would find himself in a situation that prevented him from attending his own Hokage ceremony! :-D SUPPORT NARUTO: viz.com/naruto


Brother E

Goodbye Naruto 🍥


Nice, one more before it ends all


Kurama geting punched in the balls :D


Oh how far we’ve come 😢😢😢. Well... on to bigger and better things guys!


I absolutely love Naruto,but I wish Shippuden ended with Naruto becoming Hokage,instead of a OVA,it was still a very good episode


Kakashis voice tho 🙄🙈


Audio is too low though, I cant hear nothing >xD


I think this a came out two years before episode 500. I think it was more of promotion for a movie than the Boruto anime


First of all Curtis that little shit, not the girl, is boruto naruto's son (hate him with a passion sorry) and second of all what you saw was legit, naruto the one who fought many strong opponents, the one who fought the 10 tails along with everyone else, the one who fought the op as fuck madara along with sasuke of course, the one who was trained by jiraiya of the legendary sannin, the one who defeated a seven of pain, the one who mastered sage mode, the one who fought against shukaku when he was 12 years old, the one who made friends of all the tailed beasts and has their power and strength with in him, the one who United all of the shinobi against one common enemy, the one who along with sasuke fought and sealed away kaguya the goddess of chakra and zetsu too, the one who has the power of the sage of six paths with in him, the one who fought the strongest tailed beast (besides the ten tails)the nine tailed Fox, the one who has the strongest tailed beast kurama the nine tailed Fox within him, the one who was able to befriend said tailed beast and master it's power and combine it with his sage mode, AND the the seventh hokage along with kurama where both knocked out by said man's 7 or 8 year old daughter. Yup I couldn't believe it the first time I saw it.


Honestly, even if it was mostly for comedy, I've always thought that Naruto getting knocked out for an entire day from one chakra point strike was a bit too extreme. I bet Neji wishes Naruto went down that easily in their fight.


Yea, I had thought - and hoped - Shippuden would end with Naruto ascending to Hokage, too.


You should just watch the Boruto movie on here. And dont bother watching the boruto series


I would also advise you watch Chuunin Exam after war (How Naruto took the Chuunin exam along with all the genins). It also is a short video. Please watch it!


Better to watch the series than the movie. The series makes Boruto much more likeable (or less hateable lol), as well as fleshing out side characters and redoing the movie to be better than the movie. The series is a superior experience to the movie.


I normally do not like to tell you what to do.. And I'm not about to either. I just like to request that you do not watch this series. It's fun at the beginning but then it becomes incredibly boring. I would suggest like others, just watch the movie. And maybe some highlights of Boruto. Because most of Boruto feels like a bad filler, yeah not even a good one.


Bigger and better? Hope you not referring to Boruto lol, that is worse and smaller.


i would wait a while on boruto, from this point the series seems to be making a turn in the right direction, but until all of us can fully say its worth it, i would hold off. i for one believe that the series has great potential that it has not yet capitalized on. you probably shouldnt slog through the first 64 episodes until we tell you, "Ok, boruto is now thoroughly enjoyable". another option is binge it off screen to catch up, then review it weekly, but i know your busy schedule will most likely prevent that. i guess, at the end of the day, you do you ill watch whatever you post regardless.


can't get into boruto, i tried. in the end, i tend to watch segments of videos that show development for characters i liked. new generation kinda sucks for me


I would suggest watching the movie and holding off on watching the series for a while. Maybe watching another series in the meantime after Fullmetal Alchemist like Fairy Tail.


Dude Boruto is getting so damn good. Episode 65 is literally one of the best episodes of the entire series. As well as there was multiple good arcs leading up to it.


watch bortuo


Boruto has story, just not the extreme levels of combat due to it being a time of peace (currently). I'm quite sure Curtis would still enjoy Boruto since he's enticed by an intriguing plot as well as fights. So if he ever chooses to watch it in the future I'm sure he wouldn't be disappointed.


It has the same quality. Some times even more so. Just not as much fighting so far but if you actually think about it theres quite a bit. Theres only been 60 something episodes lol


Seriously yes please. It kind of makes me sad to see all the people hating on it extremely when I know for a fact Curtis will love it. As well as that it's actually a good show and has the absolute potential to match Naruto. I kind of hope Curtis just watches it cause he feels like it's a necessity lmao

Manthan Shah

he has alreday watch it before ep 494


Never thought naruto would get put in a minicoma after getting 1 shotted by a 4 year old did you 😂

Weiss Schnee

hope he watches the sarada episodes where she's trying to meet sasuke


Curtis, I'm BEGGING you to watch Boruto: The Movie. Just watch it on your own time like you did with The Last. You said you really liked Sasuke's new persona and there will be loads of grown-up Sasuke in the movie so you'd love it, I'm sure.


I love how we started and ended with the dub


Glad you got to see him naruto as kokage esceilly if you decide not see boruto. Personally I think Boruto has some pretty great moments mixed in with some dull ones.

Martin Mendez

You should have placed close attention to the ending credits pictures so you could ride the feels train