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This is unbelievable! It does, however, prove that the Japanese companies are targeting certain channels, and it will soon be a very different landscape for anime reactors on YouTube!

FMAB #1 will be up here at THE GOOSH in just a little while, so no worries for you guys. However, this is gonna force some changes over at YT, and I thought I'd give you guys a heads-up that there will be a vid posted there, addressing all of this in just a little while. (It's rendering right now.)

Here at THE GOOSH, things will proceed as usual.  :-)

Thanks again, everyone, for all of your support! (Please envision Gai, his dad and Rock Lee all standing beside me, giving a thumbs-up at this point.)


Brother E

It’s like I told you a while ago...YouTube & the Japanese likes the pick on certain channels and label them on their “blacklist” especially if you’re reacting to certain series like HxH & FMAB.


You're welcome 😁👍🏻


oof, thats fucking annoying, a shame your getting targeted so much kurt, at least we will get the vid up here though where they cant hurt us


FUCK YES, not for YT but for getting FMA :3


So are you gonna do the same thing you do for naruto for the yt channel?


Nope... It's all explained in the video that's uploading to YT, but I'm quite sure YouTube will be coming after the videos that contain a redirect very soon.


Fvck Susan that Whore daughter of an Egyptian Sand Seller


Ive seen alot oof channals reacting to FMA and have no apparent problems, its BS that you get shit on


Susan has Her Own Youtube account....with one upload....maybe you should ask Spazkid to ask Golden to reach out to her then Seduce her and Sh!t on her pillow in the morning

Sheriff Uchiha

They can hit you with copy right for video and audio and YouTube can hit you with violation of guidelines (never knew why they are called guidelines, guidelines are optional...) for sending people of the platform so I suggest using the timer and facecam method with no audio or video just like sing the opening to help sync since different sources might have logos before the video. They don't own you face yet!




The problem with that is, the way I record, I have my face cam and the video recorded at the same time, on one timeline. There'd be no way to separate my face and put a timer on the video... And I don't want to change that because this method is one of the things that expedited things for me so I could do this many vids per day. :-(


Wait are you finishing naruto still?


Ever since you started watching Naruto in sub,you've been put on the blacklist lol


I am so glad to be a part of your community ever since I found your channel by accident you've given me more entertainment than regular television has. Thank you for everything you do here at YouTube and at the Goosh Curtis


God im happy im a Goosher!


Man, that's messed up. Glad we got a backup! Since we're on vimeo anyway, can we see your reactions to the openings and endings too?


As long as they can't get you here it's all good for us lucky ones

Ondra Moravec

this is crazy, i remember watching the whole uncut episodes reaction on a different channel and it was just fine for years