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I just wanted to give you guys a heads-up as to why the Naruto vid will be a bit late. I watched "The Last" yesterday and really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, all 3 of my editing softwares refused to properly conform the video for editing!

I won't bore you with all the details, but suffice to say that I spent the entire afternoon yesterday searching for a fix, but none of the suggestions worked. I had the computer working on something overnight, but when I got up this morning, it too, had failed.

So, I don't have the Naruto vid I planned for today, so I just watched episode #489, and I'll have that up here as soon as possible.

Also, for any of you who saw the vid I posted this morning about how I'm going to have to change the uploads at YouTube, I wanted to assure everyone that THE GOOSHERS will still have early access to the NARUTO and subsequent videos. The link won't be made available to the YouTube channel until two days after you guys already have access to the video.  :-)



You should give the episodes based on the Itachi Light Novels a watch. Episodes 451-458.


Well that sounds aggrivating to no end ._. Just do what you can manage man


It sucks that you cleared out your schedule to watch it after everyone nagged you to death about it and then technology decided to tell you to fuck yourself. Did anything in particular stand out to you as far as the movie is concerned?


I really don't get why people like Itachi so much. He is wayyyy too overated 😑 Itachi's story has been addressed and replayed many times already during Shippuden, so I think he should be fine without watching it. (I have watched Naruto countless times by the way and I assure you I know all the details).. Oh and thanks Curtis for giving us heads up. We support you and have patience


I REALLY enjoyed the imagery they used while telling Naruto and Hinata's romantic story! Plus, the arrival of Sasuke was very well done and a good adrenaline moment! :-)


Did you watch the English dub?


Wait, its the recording or the softwares themselves that give the error?


Kind of a Spoiler. Watch out. Itachi's story was replayed many times in Shippuuden. Yeah. But That arc tells you everything about what came BEFORE what we were told in Shippuuden. How Itachi grew up, how did think when he was young, his early missions, his awakening of Mangekyo, his love story, his time in Anbu and everything. Almost none of what was shown before is repeated (in fact it is shown only in the last 10 minutes or so).


The editing softwares can't - or won't - conform the entire videos, making only the first 50 minutes or so editable.


Can't you just upload the raw to patreon, and if you fix the problem somehow or find another way to edit it you upload that version to youtube?


I have no idea how live streaming works but couldn't you stream your screen with the video playing and put a timer overlay on the stream? Then the video would save to YouTube after


I've put in an entire day devoted to trying to get that video up... I just don't have any more time I can spend dealing with it.


Can you do a review video?