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YAY! A new episode of MHA!! Some of the gang are coming along REALLY quick with badass moves! Deku, of course, has a lot to deal with in trying to reach that next level, but it's gonna be a lot of fun watching him get there!... Plus, the budding romantic triangle he's a part of is really cute!

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YAY! A new episode of MHA!! Some of the gang are coming along REALLY quick with badass moves! Deku, of course, has a lot to deal with in trying to reach that next level, but it's gonna be a lot of fun watching him get there!...



Yayyyyy more MHA (: and you are right their food always does look delicious lmao in literally every anime it feels like. Also is the MHA dub caught up? Or is this as far as they are right now

Brother E

Don’t forget their is another episode on Saturday


I assume no HxH on days where MHA is up?


Hey Curtis, about your question you asked about him not needing the braces, i think that Deku created his "shoot style" where he uses his legs to completely change the way he fights. im pretty sure he's going to avoid using his arms unless he absolutely needs too from here on out and the braces are just kind of a safety net so he doesnt risk fucking them up any more. but shoot style will be his new primary martial art.


Just remember, if Hatsume wants you to make babies with her in a cramped room filled with all sorts of equipment she is most likely NOT talking about what you think she is ;)


they are 2 ep behind the sub and will probably stay that way for the rest of the season, they were going hard to keep that same day release for the first 12 episodes


Honestly, I really only follow This series for the characters. I would prob. like it more as a sitcom.


Hey Curtis i don't know if anyone in your streams or other people on Pateron as informed you but just in case you haven't i'd like to show you this, .@shonenjump @ #SDCC18 Q: “All-Might is such a supportive mentor. Do you base him on anyone in your life?” Horikoshi: “No, not anyone in real life. I based him on Goku in Dragon Ball.” Before anyone goes "he watched the dub lol" or are confused by his reasoning he also said this, So, Sensei, what heroes do you like? Probably have to be Goku and Spiderman. To me, when mentioning heroes, these two are the ones that I think of. In Goku’s case, it’s the reassurance that everything is fine when he arrives. Such as, on Namek, Goku was getting healed, and his friends are all beaten badly. When Goku finally recovered and walked out of the healing machine, that reassurance right there is what I’m talking about. Something like “Ah, everything is going to be fine”. When I first read it and saw it was really Goku who had arrived, I continued reading thinking and thought about it afterwards, and even though there are a variety of heroes the hero model that is built up in mind is built around the concept that the hero is somebody that brings reassurance. That’s why I think a Hero to me is somebody that helps and brings reassurance to others. In Spiderman’s case the fires- end quote. Sorry that was the end of the quote that i found so i won't be elaborating on the Spiderman part even though i really want to. (he is my favorite Western Super Hero) SO there's that All Might shows obvious signs of being influinced by Goku in the way the writer of MHA has said above.


though i wouldnt go that far personally, i want more slice of life stuff. we have been going hard for the first 11 episodes and we are already full throttle in the next arc, i feel like we could have used another episode or two for cooldown, but i guess thats one of the very few drawbacks of the 25 episode season format


Midorya can use one for all at 5% right now without braces. His costume before this episode didn't have any arm braces, just gloves. The new braces are to protect his arms because of the damage he sustained fighting against muscular.


Yeah the reassurance you get with Goku is so iconic and I love it, but what MHA did with All Might kinda combining that reassurance with the ominous threat of OFA fading is really cool


Curtis's laugh is literally the most infectious thing ever!


I don't know if you caught it, but when they went "First the USJ and now this?" they were talking about how TDL can also mean Tokyo Disney Land just like USJ can also mean Universal Studios Japan.


All might smile when he looked at deku. 😢...


Even as a Manga Reader we don't know if he'll ever be able to safely use 100%, it's assumed he'll have to get to that point but MHA could throw a curve ball at us. The problem is, OFA is the cultivation of physical power across many people. When All Might started out he could use 100% from the get go, he grew to be a pretty big kid with a body well suited to handling the quirk, you could say All Might will always have been the most suitable person of all to ever have the power. All Gran Torino had to do to train him was give him combat experience which is why All Might was afraid of him, power usage wise he was totally fine. What you can kind of infer from this is that All Might having the power for so long and him being so suited to it probably added *alot* to the overall strength that would be passed on, so even though he tried to warn Deku about the risks, he was never going to really understand because it had never been an issue for him and even if he had heard stories from Shimura about how dangerous it could be, that would have been a much lower level One For All. So unless at some point the power evolves into something that doesn't *require* a strong body, you could say it's only going to become more and more dangerous and unusable for people that have might have it after Deku.


No Curtis, it's not just you, anime food always looks way better than real food aha.


Shes my favorite character in the show, just so cute and funny.

Ricardo Herrera

I would say its not just you but im a big fat guy too.


ugh i love you reacctions