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Sasuke, get over the darkness, brooding and now the God complex!


REACTION VIDEO | "Shippuden" Clips - I Know For Sure How I Want This Fight To End!

Reaction video time again, and given that I am most definitely not onboard with Sasuke's line of thinking here, it's REALLY easy for me to decide who I'm rooting for in this fight! SUPPORT NARUTO: https://www.viz.com/naruto OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/SpazBoysComedy GET "RAUHA - PROLOGUE" LIMITED EDITION NOW: http://welcometorauha.com/order GET "RAUHA - PROLOGUE" ON KINDLE! SEARCH "RAUHA" FROM YOUR DEVICE OR GO TO: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BRH3M6T/ ALL OUR NARUTO CLIPS REACTIONS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9LUith3uVutQpVhvULb1FRZtRoSmaA-O ALBAGANISTAN; OUR MINECRAFT SERVER: TWITCH: http://www.twitch.tv/curtiscandy DISCORD: https://discord.gg/yC5DkQh TWITTER: http://twitter.com/TheSpazGamer OUR MAILING ADDRESS: Spaz Boys Comedy - PO Box 370 - Fonda, NY 12068 A LINK TO STUFF THE POST OFFICE DOESN'T WANT SENT IN THE MAIL: https://www.usps.com/ship/shipping-restrictions.htm FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/SpazBoysComedy



Omg I can't wait for tomorrow


And the day after


And the day after that


And the final manga canon after that.


The final battle is about to begin. One that will decide the fate of the shinobi world. Will it be burned to ashes and be rebuilt for the better or will jiraya's dream be fulfilled by the lights determination and never say die attitude. Will the one from the light save the one who is in the darkness? Or will the one from the darkness finally sever the past and extinguished the light with the power of his eyes and begin his revolution? The final battle of indra and ashura is about to commence. Get ready Curtis this is going to be one hell of a ride.


This fight is my all time favorite anime fight! It’s sasuke’s birthday today too lol


i honestly got tired of Sasukes revenge/hatred plot,was never a big fan of him,maybe Kishimoto got lazy and couldn't fit Sasuke in the story any other way


When Sasuke says he wants to live the way Itachi did and not by his words. Itachi carried all the burden on himself and killed his whole. He did that cause he believed that was the right way. Sasuke is taking the burden of the world on himself and doing what he believes is right. Even after Itachi said his story. You notice he had regrets cause he didn’t live to what he spoke like what he told Naruto. So Sasuke is following his actions not his words while Naruto is doing the opposite


I love this part of the series. Because we finally get to see Naruto and Sasuke finish their own unique hero journeys and come up with their own solution. Naruto's solution to continue the current shinobi world and try and guide them to peace, meanwhile Sasuke who has learned from the history of the shinobi world cannot see a peaceful future with the current, but a more peaceful, system, and so wants to rebuild the world. If you look at it, Sasuke is making the ultimate sacrifice by making himself the enemy of the world. I love how the two walked different paths yet came to the same end goal, wanting to bring peace and end the current way things are ran yet have drastically different ways to do it. Neither are completely right, but neither are they completely in the wrong as history DOES make Sasuke's method sound logical in its own way, meanwhile how the war progressed showed Naruto a possible future he wants. Excluding all that... this fight is absolutely amazing and you've a lot to look forward too!


How to find peace in the Naruto universe?,......ummm have you tried killing everyone?


Although I get that sasuke is a frustrating character, this is his best moment. He has been someone who has been lashing out blindly due to bits of info someone gives him inorder to control him. This is one of the few times he has come to a conclusion of his own and naruto can't pull any sentence out of his ass to talk him out of it. He is unique because he evolves in his own way and stays true to his character, the writer does not allow him to bend uncharacteristically for lazy plot, Intense changes are earned by colossal sacrifice with sasuke, he ain't no soft neck bitch


You seem a little confused about sasuke. So let me clarify. He learned from Itachis actions. He was the one Sasuke loved the most, that's why sasuke was filled with anger and hatred after he learned how much his beloved brother suffered to preserve peace. He idolizes Itachi and he wants to be just like him. So he wants to kill the kage to be hated by the whole world just like itachi did. Also he thinks they deserve to get punished for all their mistakes(wars,greed,genocides ect.)So he wants to be hated by everybody juat like Itachi. This shared hatred twords a main enemy will keep the peace between the nation's. Also he wants to kill the tailed beasts because they are like WMDs and have caused to much harm and many wars in the past. So his plan is actually way more logical and thought out then Narutos IMO.


I think you just dont understand his motivations because this plan has nothing to do with revenge/hatred.


They are working towards the same goal, one just does so in more edgy way.

James Watters

How about that delicious musical composition


Sasukes plan in short:"common enemies bring piece to all nations. Like Madara,kaguya. But they are dead so in some years or decades at best the wars will start again. So I will become the common enemy, while I continue to work for peace from the shadows"


Sasuke's logic is basically that in the absence of a common enemy like Madara, the 5 nations will soon go back to quarrelling factions so he wants to impose a forced peace upon everyone and rule the world. It's because of these conflicts of the past that people like Itachi have suffered so greatly e.g The Uchiha discrimination started because of the tailed beast attack, which led in turn to Itachi having to slaughter the whole clan. Sasuke sees the tailed beasts as the source of these conflicts, and so resolves to eliminate them. As for his reasons for killing the 5 kage, Sasuke basically wants to become the dictator of the 5 nations in order to prevent conflict with a forced peace. While I don't agree with his logic, and in particular the second aspect of it (killing 5 kages), I think it's worth pointing out that it's at least founded upon something, even if it's radical.


Also are we getting hxh today instead of MHA?

Daniel Turner

After ep 479 are we getting the movie the last after or continuing to 480


Doesn’t Naruto also wants to be the one who finds piece and lay it down for everyone?


Yup, all duly noted, but I'm just not a fan of the God method of governance, regardless of his motivations.


By slaughtering those who have come before or could potentially interrupt his plans? No, I haven't seen that.


Man Itachi fucked Sasuke up so badly. And don't come here and try to tell me that Itachi is some hero or good brother. If you actually read the novels about Itachi you would know how he for example murdered the son of an Uchiha member, then his parents and then his wife. As Yashiro begged for his life, Itachi put him in a genjutsu where he was being tortured for several days. At the end Yashiro couldn't even speak coherently, so Itachi cut his head off. And that's CANON. (Not aimed at you Curtis)


I disagree about Sasuke's sacrifice. He may be making himself the enemy of the world, but that is only to facilitate becoming the god of the world.


Anyone feels that the reason for this last fight is pretty lame? I felt that the hype of the series ended after Madara transformed into Kaguya, this last fight feels like they trying to milk the series.


This I agree with. I'm not saying Sasuke doesn't have a cohesive plan, I'm just saying I find his design to be completely unpalatable.


You couldn't be more wrong. It allways was gonna be Naruto vs sasuke at the end. Everyone was seeing it coming. And it's the first time sasuke is acting naturally and without revenge/hatred.


Doesn’t the nine tails say help me in the manga?


I have a suggestion of going about this with the Naruto movie, just my opinion, it would more flesh out if you did 2 videos on the “Last Naruto the movie”, one of the shorten 14 min reaction of the highlights, the other for a review of what you think about the movie and talking about certain things you couldn’t show or get into in-depth with the movie.


At the end of the is Sasuke wrong. After all he’s seen. I don’t agree with it but is he really wrong. The source of conflict was the tailed beasts and leaders who allow such a system to work. Like Obito, Rin was the was what enlightened but he was fighting for was that it was world where people like Rin and Other children could die. And who’s fault was it that there was war. It was the leaders of these nations. Only when there is a common enemy do they have semblance of peace. When there’s a problem people will try to eliminate it. The worlds problems were the leaders and the existence of the tailed beasts as that’s what has cause conflcit up until the akatsuki where the world shared a common enemy. It was world were Itachi could kill his own clan and then be branded as a traitor. Who’s fault is that. It’s the Hokage and leaders fault. Thus Sasuke plan is 1) eliminate cause of conflict- tailed beasts and leaders 2) create a common enemy- cause as history has shown. That is the only way there’s peace. Which would be Sasuke himself. While I don’t agree, it’s very logical. If pain was Killing the Kages wouldn’t be okay cause it’s their fault his village was the way it was and what were those Kages fighting over . The tailed beasts. I’m starting to see a pattern here. Why don’t we just eliminate the source of the problem AKA the beasts and then eliminate the cause for war


He is just trying to find a new reason to start a fight, which makes it boring.


It’s pretty apparent that Itachi becoming the noble saint was clearly an afterthought from Kishimoto. Especially when you take a look at things he’s done earlier on like you have mentioned.


did the video get cut off at the end? cause it ends with you mid sentence


The biggest issue with that would be which series I’ll be suspending for a day or so while I make the time to watch an entire movie AND make 2 separate videos about it.


Thank you .finally someone gets it. I will request swagkages sasuke disection for Curtis 😉soon


This is why I love the goosh because we are having a "civilized" discussion with each other and Curtis about sasuke's motives. And not over at YouTube where you insult or disagree with sasuke's motive and people Start dissing and insulting you.


That happens when there are to many people beeing able to comment on it.


I like how they brought back the "Sadness and Sorrow" Soundtrack from part 1. Also it's kind of weird, Sasuke seems all over the place but when you watch Swagkage's dissection video all of his character changes make perfect sense.


Oh please do! That'll be an interesting clash of opinions...


I think god complex is a bit too strong and exaggerated but curtis has the right to his own opinions


After the next few episodes you should do swagkage video reactions.


The one aspect i dont really understand of sasuke's plan is the narrative that he's sacrificing himself for the betterment of the shinobi world. While I understand his logic, and I don't think he is simply a megalomaniac, I don't really get how he comes to the conclusion that a dictatorship and rule from the shadows would improve the world and resolve conflict. The people would be just as oppressed as they would be during wartime under a dictatorship


I’m on the road right now, but that is EXACTLY the sentiment I will be posting here and at YT when I get home. 😊


Lotta people misunderstand Sasuke's intentions, he isn't looking to be a shadow figure that doesn't show himself, he's looking to become the antagonist that unites the nations. He understands the world needs a villain to unite against, and wants to be that villain, pulling strings as he acts as a catalyst for unity. That's where he's being similar to Itachi, "his actions not his words". Itachi played the villain for the sake of the village, Sasuke would do the same for the sake of the world.


A few things here sasuke isnt 100% wrong in his world views especially on the Akatsuki. Second it was nice he waited after minato and naruto shared words. Third the sage was like okay sasuke you want to kill naruto here you go you now have the power to do so.


Let me explain my take on Sasuke's ambitions here: I know many of you respect or even admire his determination to bring about his version of peace, but I don't care for it. That's simply because it's a methodology that has been employed for centuries, and I've never been a fan. What he's laying out is simply Dictatorship 101. He is embarking on the exact path laid out many times before throughout the real world... STEP 1 for potential dictators: Become a dominant military force. A potential dictator needs to either amass an army or gain control of an existing one. Without muscle, there is no power. In Sauske's case, HE is the army he has created. Through his natural abilities, combined with years of training from Orochimaru, et al, and concluding with sage abilities granted him by Hagoromo, he is one of the two greatest military mights in the world.... STEP 2 of a dictator: Eliminate any potential enemies or detractors that may now - or in the future - rival your might. In short, kill Naruto. STEP 3: Eliminate dissidents or potential dissidents. A dictator cannot allow those who may have or could gain a following of any significant portion of the masses that are to be controlled. This is most certainly true when the potential dissident also has some level of military might. Solution: Kill the 5 Kage. STEP 4: Disarm the populace. The last thing a dictator needs is to have the governed people to have potential access to any type of weaponry. A potential Jinchuriki could pose a true threat to the Dictator's throne. Solution: Kill the Tailed Beasts... After accomplishing all this, the dictator can rest assured that his way will be the ONLY way. Of course to make sure no new threats from the masses arise, a good dictator must be ever vigilant in monitoring the people for any signs of unrest questioning or opposing his rule. Some might illustrate this by saying "watch from the shadows"... I'm also not a believer in the whole "I'm sacrificing myself by making the world hate me" stuff. That, to me, is simply someone who desires unquestioned and absolute power, but also wants to take on a false role of martyr... That's why I'm not a believer in Sasuke's vision. :-)


The reason I say "God Complex", Matt, is simply because - as I see it - he desires absolute power and control of the people and their destinies, and his plan is to wield that power via abilities that are certainly other-worldly. To me, the only way he doesn't have a God Complex is if we're willing to acquiesce that he is actually a god... Then it's no longer a complex. :-D


I think you will have a hard time finding anyone who would support sasukes idea


And by the way, you guys certainly make discussing these things fun here! Good conversations with excellent point/counterpoints, as opposed to the dumpster fire YouTube comments' section discussions typically become. :-)


While I do agree that Sasuke is wrong in his beliefs, to me there is a certain noble aspect of his plan. In the real world, Naruto's plan of "everyone is working together now so they will continue to work together" would never work out, and in all honesty, I think it's pretty dumb of him to think that. However, because it's an anime, Naruto's idea is the one with the highest chance of working out.


I don't disagree with you at all, that the Polyana version Naruto sees wouldn't work. There will always be something to once again trigger conflict. I just personally think that's still a better option than living in a dictatorship. :-)

Charlie baker

narutos version is plausible purely because of the shinobi alliance comradery and naruto is here to stop all conflicts single handedly lol but its plausible non the less


Sasuke turns heel once again ;)


Did the video get cut off at the end? Didn't seem like you were finished with your sentence.


Ya know what, that might work.... actually... if i were an all natural, all powerful god watching out his creations do this over and over again for peace, i would eventually get SICK of it all. Ya'll wouldn't like me since the only way i could see them getting any closer to Peace is by even a small margin would be whipping the slate clean. I'd kill all of my creations and start over from scratch but do something differently that could lead to a better outcome. You sir just got me thinking.....


Nope. It was not about Hagoromo. It was a literal piece of shit.