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Be careful what you wish for...


REACTION VIDEO | "Shippuden" Clips - HASHIRAAAAMA!! - Be Careful What You Wish For

Reaction video time again, and Madara's almost gleeful shout when he senses Hashirama's presence is cool, but I gotta wonder if he shouldn't be careful of what he wishes for. SUPPORT NARUTO: https://www.viz.com/naruto OUR PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/SpazBoysComedy GET "RAUHA - PROLOGUE" LIMITED EDITION NOW: http://welcometorauha.com/order GET "RAUHA - PROLOGUE" ON KINDLE! SEARCH "RAUHA" FROM YOUR DEVICE OR GO TO: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BRH3M6T/ ALL OUR NARUTO CLIPS REACTIONS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9LUith3uVutQpVhvULb1FRZtRoSmaA-O ALBAGANISTAN; OUR MINECRAFT SERVER: TWITCH: http://www.twitch.tv/curtiscandy DISCORD: https://discord.gg/yC5DkQh TWITTER: http://twitter.com/TheSpazGamer OUR MAILING ADDRESS: Spaz Boys Comedy - PO Box 370 - Fonda, NY 12068 A LINK TO STUFF THE POST OFFICE DOESN'T WANT SENT IN THE MAIL: https://www.usps.com/ship/shipping-restrictions.htm FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/SpazBoysComedy



That thumbnail tho. Rapeface to the fullest xD


Thats what I love about this series. Even the evil characters are written so well, that you can really understand them


Madara got a boner for a second


How Obito surviving with a hole in his chest?,he is human after all


Genjutsu. You can see him use it on kakashi right before he pushes himself into his chidori.


If u remember during the zabuza arc he mentioned how when he became a ninja his graduation exam change an they had to kill all other participants to graduate..it was obito controlling the mizukage at the time an gave the orders for that to happen..in order to get revenge for what happened to Rin


The flashes you seen to Remeber was only obito seeing kakashi chidori in Rin, then he looses it and kills the mist ninja. That’s it.

Martin Mendez

“And what the hell? Kakashi and Ob...Obito gonna go settle it on their own?” Been waiting for this... Let’s get ready to rumbleeeeee!


A better title for this show would be "Ninjas need a hug"


Best thumbnail madara is about to rape hashirama


I just Love your very accurate conclusion Curtis:"He's just really really broken and really really powerfull to do something about it."


"You just can't hate Obito" yea right Curtis. Tell that to the cancerous fandom 😒🙄


Yeah, I was honestly afraid he would simply jump on the bandwagon with thast one. Glad he formed his own opinion

The Nuclear Reactor

Ya so Curtis do you finally understand what they made rin. The reason she couldn’t return.

The Nuclear Reactor

I agree with obito tbh about the infinite tsukinomi. I wish I could use it

Manthan Shah

Next episode 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


You hit the nail on the head on understanding Obito. So much of the fan base refuse to see his side.


For what happened to Rin, they sealed the Three Tails within her to try to make it rampage once inside the Hidden Leaf so they could destroy it from the inside, but she killed herself instead, so then it was sealed into Yagura.


So close to 375 now, my personal favourite fight, the choreography, art and animation are top notch, really look forward to your reaction to it, I'm sure you'll love it too!




Obito really got the short end of the stick in life. Constantly that's why I always liked him because he was more realistic than some of the other people in naruto in terms of his goals.


Sakura... soon!


In a world where we have stories like Itachi, he grew up seeing conflict and was naturally a pacifist looking for peace and thus did everything for that goal even putting himself through immense pain to protect the village. I just can't bring myself to like Obito's story or even him as a character, all of his shit just seems so crazy, Kishi should have left him dead, all of this stuff with Obito falling through the earth and meeting Madara just still feels tacked on to the original story that Obito died a hero, because that was all we knew for a very long time, it didn't feel like there was anything more to tell. It's just one of my huge gripes with the series, "Oh by the way Rin was a made into a makeshift jinchuuriki so she needs an excuse to die by Kakashi's hand even though none of this is ever seemed to be referenced or hinted by Kakashi who was still mourning Obito after all these years" There are very old rumors either from interviews with Kishimoto or I forget what that the series was suppose to end with Pain, that Naruto would fight Pain, save the village and become the hero, he'd help rebuild it and then finally fight Sasuke who would still be feeling the effects of Itachi's death. I do enjoy Madara alot and the Hashirama stuff, I just find the Obito stuff messy as a story.


damnit i thouhgt this one would have hokage action =/


Curtis you had some questions: "why isn't he blaming the mist ninjas?" He's not that stupidly seeking vengeance. He is blaming all counties for his despare. He's blaming the hole system. And the only solution to fix it is to put everyone to sleep. In this dream where they will have everything they desire. In one movie he makes like a test drive where he puts Naruto and Sakura in this dream. And it feels like real life only better because sasuke never left the village and he wants Sakura 🤣 Also Narutos patents are alive and he finally has the one thing that was always missing in his live. So he doesn't want to let it go.😭


I don't mind Obito. I think he's a good character that got manipulated. Just because you like itachi better or you think his story is somehow more tragic, doesn't make Obitos story illogic or forced on the original story. Roumors don't mean anything. If they where true than maybe just in the beginning of shippuuden. Where Pain was clearly gonna be the leader. But as soon as they introduced Tobi, they decided to not end it with pain.

Freddy Jimenez

You really feel bad for obito. Also if you really think about it, who among us at our worst time didn’t wanted to live in a dream and never wake up. Messed up but that’s life


I mean, Obito acting as Madara did mind control the fourth mizukage and turned the mist village into hell basically, that is when he met Kisame and a lot of the swordsmen left the village. I'm guessing that was a part of him getting some revenge.


I only had pain here before, but whats the meaning in that....... You don't need to suffer in life since often the suffering holds no meaning, some time you gains nothing from criticizing reality. This is just how our world is, a world with conflicts where people can never truly understand each other. Sometimes you just have to deal with life without suffering yourself, because there is nothing you can do, you don't need to feel sad, since you won't find meaning from feeling sad anyway.