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Wow! This fight between Todoroki and Midoriya was insanely awesome! The only downside was that flaming daddy got to feel good about Todoroki using his fire side, but still what an incredible fight!

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Wow! This fight between Todoroki and Midoriya was insanely awesome! The only downside was that flaming daddy got to feel good about Todoroki using his fire side, but still what an incredible fight! WATCH MY HERO ACADEMIA AT FUNIMATION! - funimation.com/shows/my-hero-academia/



Wow I totally forgot what a Dick "flaming pile of shit" can be.

Brother E

This is probably one of the best fights in the series, reminds you of Naruto vs Garaa


Probebly the most epic moment in the show! One line in this episode that i really prefer in the sub is when Deku says "im not done yet", in the japanse version he says "where are you looking" and that quote is just awesome imo


As I said before, MHA does a great job of expanding it's supporting characters, to the extent where it almost feels like there isn't a main character. Deku is our narrator, the person leading us through this story, but the other characters always seem just as important.


One of my favorite fights ever!! Todoroki's backstory is so touching. Btw you noticed Todoroki's siblings at 09:04? That flaming douchebag conceived with Todoroki's mom over and over until Todoroki was born... Fucking asshole man, pff.


I love that Izuku is not a overpowered protagonist. He is human he doesn't always win.


I think This fight is overhyped by many, But it's Ok.


lol, theyd die instantly if they attacked Endeavor. hes the no. 2 for a reason


So what's worse, having a backstory like Naruto and Sasuke where your parents aren't around but you know they loved you, or having one like Todoroki, where your parents are alive and well, but your dad is an abusive pile of trash and your mom is terrified of you and slowly losing her sanity?


Don't think anybody ever jumped up Curtis's shit list as fast as Endeavour

Cetacean Needed

Kabuto when the shit hit the fan perhaps? He went 0-60 pretty quick if memory serves. I'd have to go back and rewatch to be sure, but I still think Endeavour went to the top of the shit list a bit faster.


This isn't a spoiler because well Deku says it in the intro but he does surpass all might because this is the story of how he becomes the number one hero


Have you ever thought about watching the seven deadly sins (even just catching up with the abridged)? I personally think it's better than MHA


Spaz Kid's watching it right now and really enjoying it, so I definitely want to watch it, as well! :-)


yeah but udk if he acquired it for all the time or just for some time he became best hero and then some of his friend or rival surpass him d be nice to see sth un[redictable ^^ . i pref 2nd option cuz its exhausting seeing all about protagonist . hope the best ll be kacchan / icyhot / or kirishima


Personally while endeavor is undeniably an asshole i hate icy mom too. No matter what endeavor did that shouldnt excuse her pouring boiling water on her child's face.


The one thing that annoys me the most about the end of this episode is the way the announcer explains the end of the fight. Sure at least half of the explosion was due to rapid cooling then heat. Midoriya also threw in his own powered swing into that mix, and they all saw how powerful that was before. It leads the crowd to believe that all that strength was icy hot's and none of it was due to midoriya.


I was so happy Todoroki won bc hes one of my favs and bc its fun when the main character loses bc its not as predictable. Todoroki is also way stronger in my opinion now and has been super hyped up so he needed the win here.


The moment at the end was a crucial one for the series. Not because of the story, but the fanbase. I don't think it's ridiculous to say that if Midoriya won then a lot of people would have dropped the series, myself included.

Anthony Mosher

To be fair though, I was surprised and a bit annoyed that Todoroki won. Not because I think Midoriya should of beat him in fact I would of still liked to see Todoroki beat Midoriya as at this point the power difference is huge, but the fact that the two pros interfered it should of been a tie at this point. Midoriya was clearly at a disadvantage with the state his body was in, and then the disadvantage became even bigger when he had to break through the cement with his smash to get through to Todoroki, whereas Todoroki having a ranged quirk had no such issues. I just think it would of been more realistic, but obviously it would of made it so that Midoriya would win if they did a tie breaker like the previous one (arm wrestling).