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I also wanted to get you guys' feedback on another idea: As far as "One Piece" goes, would you guys prefer to continue watching it in clips here like we were doing at the channel (Brother E does a GREAT job of lining up the clips) or wait until we finish some of the shorter series, then pick it up as reaction vids here?

Either way is fine with me, but be forewarned, it would be some time before we started it here as reaction vids, as we have several shorter series ahead of it. The clips we could include as we go, in conjunction with the reaction vid series.

Let me know...   :-)



I would say wait and do reactions. I wish you would of done dragon ball z with reactions instead of clips. I thinks it better to just watch the series then watch clips. Just my opinion but I think you will enjoy it more if u watch it in order and not just bits and pieces.


I would have preferred to do Dragon Ball Z with reactions, too, My Friend, but that's not an option at YouTube... I completely understand that take with One Piece, though, as here at Patreon we can do that. :-)


I am glad people agree with my vote. One Piece is such an captivating and long show, so waiting for what will give us more of a broader view of your thoughts and reactions on the episodes is better,so yeah reactions are better. OMG I can't wait for those :) (Figure of speech, I can wait, and it will be amazing when it gets here!)


Sitting this poll out. I'll enjoy it either way, but there are pros and cons to both. Have at it, folks!