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Hey, Gang...

Just wanted to give you guys an update and also get your feedback on catchup shows we need to do.

First of all, on the 21st, I'll be heading to Disney World. My grandson is as big a Disney nut as is my wife, and ever since he was a little guy we have promised that we would take him to Disney for his 16th birthday. That birthday is already here! (It stuns me how fast time genuinely does fly!)

We'll be driving back on the 27th, and I'll be bac at my computer on the 28th. Of course, I've been getting vids done ahead of time, so the daily uploads will remain the same; there just might be some minor fluctuations in what time they're uploaded. Also, I will definitely be checking in here VERY regularly, but responses to messages and stuff might take a little longer than usual.

After catching up on Rick and Morty, we'll be catching up on Demon Slayer, watching the Hashira Training arc. We've got a number of other shows to catch up on, so I thought I'd have you guys suggest which ones you'd most like to see.

THIS IS NOT a formal, winner-take-all poll. It's just for me to get a feel of what you guys would most like to catch up on next. When you see a show listed that you like, please give that post a "heart" to let me know your feelings.

This is just for shows we need to catch up on. Things where we've watched a complete season(s) and new episodes have come out. Things like Breaking Bad will be working their way back in as I get everything squared away at the YT channels.

Thanks, Gang!


Lewd Angel

Since people have already mentioned Konosuba, imma say Dr Stone. Gotta make sure to also keep pointing out that the 50-60 minute OVA called "Ryuusui" is required before you start season 3, it can easily be split into two parts thankfully.


Higurashi season 2