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Max may have acted just a bit hastily, but it was in defense of Lucy, so we'll allow it!

I WATCH FALLOUT AT AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/Fallout-Season-1/dp/B0CN4GGGQ2



Heavenly Demon

All vaults have some f up experiments. One if I can recall right vault 11. They had to vote to pick who would die, so many years they kept voting and killing there own, till there where only like 5 people left and they told the computer no, where not going pick who is going die anymore. Then the vault computers says congratulations you passed the test. Then the vault opens. .. the last 5 people killed themselves afterwards since for many years they killed hundreds of there friends and family. All they had to do was say no , we won't chose who to die . ( I guess the test was how long will it take for them to stand together and say no this is wrong) .. this is also the short version of it.... the purpose of the Vault, determining how long it would take for the population to refuse further sacrifices, essentially a test of self-preservation versus morality.

Lewd Angel

Yeah as people have mentioned, pretty much every Vault was some sort of fucked up social, moral or scientific experiment by Vault-Tec, none were meant as legit hideaways from the nuclear threat. Heres a couple more prime examples: -Vault 87 was a radiation exposure experiment, where the denizens were given FEV (Forced Evolution Virus), which originally was meant to quickly adapt the human race to an extremely irradiated enviroment. This however ended with the vault inhabitants turning into Super Mutants, think the Hulk but less powerful and more stupid, they of course ended up taking control of the vault. -Vault 118 was a sociological experiment with a dozen extremely wealthy people and 300 empovrished people that acted as slave labor for the wealthy dozen, the actual squalor where the slaves were supposed to live never got constructed in time before the bombs fell though, so the experiment never saw fruition. -Vault 95 was social experiment posed as a rehabilitation facility for chem (drug) addicts, after 5 years of the door closing and a consistent and successful rehab effort, a secret stash of drugs was to be indirectly revealed to the inhabitants. Everyone ended up fighting and killing over the stash, or overdosing.


Oh I remember that vault... I think its in New Vegas. That was one of the most screwed up vaults of all time, mind you they're all messed up. But I mean with this one, you could make a singular film out of it. And to correct you, one of the five wished to spread word about what happened and only four of them killed themselves; it is unknown what happened to the singular survivor, but as this was over a century ago by the time the player of New Vegas visited the vault, they had long since died.