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This year is finally coming to an end. Thanks to everyone's support, I was able to have fun creating it, and I struggled with the production pace. . .Next year, we are preparing for KARA-STEP (confirmed), Kimagure Mercy, and [A]ddiction. We hope to see you all next year. Happy new year!  

今年もいよいよ終わりですね。皆さんの支援のおかげで楽しく作成できたり、制作ペースで苦しんだり。。。来年は、KARA - STEP(確定)、Kimagure Mercy、[A]ddictionの準備をしています。皆さん来年もよろしくお願いします。よいお年を。



Happy new Year

wen hay

Happy new year! .................