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The January 2023 rewards have been sent out to you! A pretty classic Brooke pack this time but not any less exquisite <3 I hope ya'll enjoy it!

If your payment was declined/delayed and end up getting processed in the coming days shoot me a message and we'll get it sorted for you!

You can get a hold of previous Hi-Res pinups over on my Gumroad Account: https://gumroad.com/mleth

Thanks for all your continued support!




Sleeping in the nude and then getting up to enjoy a hot beverage casually naked on the balcony, that's pretty sexy. I love how Brooke and her gang are pretty nonchalant in being naked outdoors.


Question! I’ve had the discord membership for a couple months now but never got an invite to the discord. Do you know how that works? :(


The first thing you can check is to see if your Discord account is connected to your Patreon account! Then you can also go through this article to see what's up: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408372541581-Discord-isn-t-working-for-me-Patron-#:~:text=Clear%20your%20cache%20and%20cookies,should%20have%20your%20correct%20role!