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Brooke has put on her nicest new years dress to the party! She also curled her hair for ultimate adorableness <3

I really hope that you guys have enjoyed your first year here on my Patreon and will enjoy the coming years as well! I'm having tons of fun with these and they have been as therapeutic as Brooke has been in general over on DA. I'm really, really thankful for the support!

And with that I shall wish you all a very Happy New Year and I hope you'll be living up to your new years resolution to some extent! 




And from the way that dress is clinging she maybe forgot her panties too! Happy New Year :D


Haha maybe ;D Wouldn't put it past her! And happy new year!


Love this one &lt;3 Can't wait to see the high res for dem eyes.


Thanks! Shiny eyes are one of my favorite things to color :'D


Happy New Year Mathias :) I hope you're new year is great, much better than 2016! So umm... does Brooke want a New Year's kiss? XD


I don't think anyone would want to say no to a nice lil new years smooch! And happy new year buddy!