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The first pinup is all ready, together with its different versions (nude, topless, bottomless, no tentacles etc) <3 The tentacles has been a fun way of adding some more lewdness to the pinups <3

Sorry about the lack of updates this month by the way, but I had some freelance work to catch up with but I'll have the next pinup ready (which is quite a saucy one) before the end of next week!

A reminder to newcomers: You will get a hold of the full 4K pack and all its different versions (nude too of course) when your pledge has been processed by the beginning of the next month <3



Donovan "Ravenhull"

It’s good that she give the one proper attention and provide him with glasses. That’s the proper way to take care of your minions.


The frills make this surprisingly adorable given, y'know, tentacles.


Haha I thought it would balance it out! I love frilly lingerie &lt;3


Haha, the lil buddy needs to be able to read at all times!


I love this! Those expressions and that lingerie and perfect!!! &lt;3


Aw, this is cute :). Honestly from the preview I thought this was gonna be rougher (I thought Brooke was being hoisted up or something), but I like where it ended up.


Ah haha yeah no hoisting! Just a good ol’ tentacle hug 💕


Rather than having bad eyes I love to imagine the tentacle with glasses is just really old. XD


Haha it doesn't really know what's going on but it's happy to be a part of it :')


I love the braid in brooke's hair!

Lucas Bechtol

Can't wait for Part 2: The Re-tentacling.

Red Winterwolf

I absolutely have a weakness for white panties ^^; these look great!