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Since the "Brooke does nude intimate (hugging and stuff) photoshoot with other OC" option is leading by quite a large margin after just one day I'll go ahead and have it be the winner!

So which OC of mine would you want to see Brooke get touchy with? I do have more OC's but these are the ones I'm willing to.. *lend* to this occasion so to speak haha. So have a look at this image and cast your vote!  Small note: I think I am going to redesign Kim a bit to make her cup size a bit larger so keep that in mind hehe <3


Donovan "Ravenhull"

Though, I wouldn't mind seeing the fantasy trio together, either. ;)


Dang, I didn't know you guys liked Thea this much!


Sad not to see the dressing room lady in this poll, but I’m sure any of these ladies will be lovely to see with Brooke! 😄


Haha yeah that lady wasn't really any character I was going to draw again but who knows in the future!


Ooh, this is a fun theme. Well whoever wins, October can't end soon enough. (it better be Thea tho :p)


Hopelessly voting for Beth!!!


Goooooooo Saehlin


This is a hard one for me. I want to say Kim, because I share Brooke's thoughts on boobs, but Saehlin has those tentacles, which could fit in with the idea of a Halloween theme. Can we get a definition of what 'stuff' is?


Hmm... that woman who keeps walking in on Brooke in the changing room?


Stuff like squishing boobs together, touching, hugging! Nothing too smutty but yeah :&gt;


Aww, but she was just a one-off character ;w; (so far)