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O hi everyone! 

It's been a hot minute hasn't it? So I wanted to give an update on things and I'm currently finishing up the January art pack which will be ready around next weekend. I'm doing a little return to Beth Reynard the wizard this month!
I want to try and return to more OC's I introduced for Patreon previous years because I think a lot of them have potential :')

Concerning the November Tsuaii collab Art Pack: Due to a lot of personal issues for both of us we weren't able to finish it by the end of the year as you might've noticed but it's currently in the rendering phase. So that pack will be in your hands soon! For those who were pledged during November that is and then it'll later be available on Gumroad ^^

A little bit of news concerning my personal life too should be in order too because things are about to change for the better for me in the next 2 months! I managed to land a BG artist gig for an animation project on twitter which will hopefully be the beginning of more gigs. Following this new gig I also decided to quit my full-time job that I've been at since the end of 2017. The last 6 months or so there has been absolute hell in terms of my mental health and it's going to be so great to finally be free of that stress and pressure.
This will also get rid of my 2 and a half hour commuting time every day which will help me to keep up with Patreon as well as my new BG gig.

However, there's a SLIGHT chance that I will have to pause my Patreon again next month because I'll be working on the BG gig as well as my full-time job until my coworkers has found a replacement for me for a smoother transition. Just a heads up so ya'll know in advance that it may happen ^^ Post-April things will have calmed down though at which point I can focus on only Patreon and my new BG job.

With that I shall end this long update and I hope we will all have a more hopeful year than 2020. See you soon and once again thank you all for your continued support!



Hey, congrats, man! That's wonderful to hear!


Thanks a lot, Rayman! I'm really excited for the future and I literally cried when I landed that BG gig which meant I could finally start working with something I'm passionate about :')


Congratulations old friend. I’m so happy for you!


HE LIVES!!! Sorry to hear your mental health has taken a beating but I'm extatic to hear you're on the road to making your dreams a reality! No worries on pausing the Patreon (at least from me), life happens, we must do what we must. Can't wait to see the little Wizzard in action again (hopefully she got her refund from that dwarf xD).


Congrats on the NEW GIG! <3 Cant wait for the new pack!


Your own mental health should always take top priority over everything else in life. I'm glad to hear you managed to get out of the working environment that wasn't good for you, now I hope you'll get enough gigs to support you financially.. I can wait a month or to for more content if it means you can take care of yourself.


I'm so happy things are looking up for you!


I liveeeee It's okay, this job has helped me grow a lot as a person so I'm thankful in that way but I'd be lying if I wasn't ecstatic about leaving haha. And it's Beth Reynard, not Celitra ;w; Beth is the elf with the demon sidekick (I made a pack with her in a cave against some monsters)


Grats on the new gig! That's so cool! Keep up the good work and take care of yourself! ^^