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So here's the pack that was technically meant for November hoho. I do believe it's my favorite pack of Brooke I've done so far so I hope you like it!


Allright, so I talked about how I've been thinking a lot about how I'm going to change up the rewards this year and so I'm gonna lay down the idea for ya'll here. And keep in mind that not only will this make things way more managable for me but you'll see (and feel) the positive results of this change!

So my new plan is to have two FULLY FLEDGED pinups per month that always includes some kind of intricate background rather than just having abstract boxes or colors like what I've done so far. I'll then add in some hi-res sketches that I've done during the month. Just stuff I like to draw and they'll most be likely lewd in nature as well.
An example of this reward pack would be me drawing two fully rendered pinups of Pyra and Nia from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and then sprinkle some sketches of other characters from the game!

Again, I can't stress enough how much this would make the packs more managable for me and also it'd make me way more motivated since I love doing backgrounds but doing four every month for each pinup just wasn't feasable but with this new plan it will be!

I'd love to hear your thoughts and if all pieces fall into place I'll put this new plan into action starting this month.


If your payment was declined but end up getting processed in the coming days shoot me a message and I'll send the pack to you!

You can get a hold of the Hi-Res pinups over on my Gumroad Account:


Thanks for all your continued support!




So some thoughts on my end (format might be messy since this is being typed on my phone): 1. I love your art. You draw beautiful pictures that are only enhanced by the girls. I really love your style! 2. I enjoy the nudity, Like I said, your arts great and the girls are hot. That being said, the next two thoughts are consequences of the pinup art and I am of mixed minds on the subject. 3. I want more smut! I want to see your art when you are drawing full blown porn! 4. On the other hand, I do miss the days of your beautiful desktop wallpapers (featuring characters, not backgrounds). Pretty much none of the stuff on the Patreon or in deviantart (which you seemed to have mostly abandoned due to the understandable pressure to keep up with Patreon) is something I want to have splashed across my desktop for others to see (either because it is a pinup or because it isn’t really a desktop wallpaper image). I hope to see an eventual return to this kind of art, at least partially.


In my ideal world, using the system you propose, maybe do it like the following (will still happily stay a Patreon if you don’t do this, just listing my ideal): 1. 2 colored detailed art pieces with one often being some type of pinup like you have been doing and the other being something that could be publicly shown to others (action shot, desktop, comic, etc). 2. Some sketches of whatever you want. Maybe a few more smutty ones as an experiment? 3. Occasional mixing and matching of the above points based on your mood or enjoyment of the art. Like if you did a smut piece that you loved, you colored it for the month and made to initial pinup just a sketch. Etc. Regardless, I continue to love your work and can’t wait to see what you come out with next!


Edited several times so might not have alerted you to the full messages


Thank you! I don't think I'll transition to smut anytime soon. When you say beautiful desktop wallpapers, which ones in my DA gallery would you consider such? Just so I know haha. And indeed, I've had to sacrifice normal art in order to keep up with Patreon but I feel like I've been able to put out some nice pieces of artworks unrelated to Patreon considering I have a (not well paid) full-time job as well. To answer your second comment batch: I'd love to do something like that! But I don't know how receptive my patrons would be to the idea of only having one fully rendered pinup per month (along with the sketches). But it's absolutely something I'd like to try! Doing what I enjoy always gives a better result. This new system will surely help a lot in the enjoyment department hoho


I'm more about the baby-got-back than the baby-got-background myself. (Not that you don't do very nice backgrounds!) Buuut... maybe give your new way a go and ask what we think again later?


I getcha! I enjoy doing backgrounds a lot and it leaves me with a more complete piece which makes me feel good about it! But yeah I'll give it a shot this January and then we'll see what happens!

Tsumetai Kaze

I've always wondered, but what's the red dots that really only appear in Brookes eyes?