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Look at this first!: https://www.patreon.com/posts/beth-reynard-4-14559906

What in the world is going on? What is this creature and why is it ordering two bottles of mead in the middle of a battle?!

We've got one more piece in this pack but I ended up creating quite an extensive story with these two so I will have to return to them some day! 

Also, I'll have a version without the text in the art pack too!



Donovan "Ravenhull"

Love her expression. And he’s a good imp, ordering one for him, and one for her. Little known fact, imps can be gentlemen. Well, at least until they secure your soul.


If he's buying one for her then yeah that's courteous but I'm not sure that's the case! Ordering drinks from a monster might not be a good idea either ):