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This month's going to be all about them selfies, dawg. Miranda is first up!  Who would you like to see next? Brooke's obviously going to be in there haha 



Donovan "Ravenhull"

As soon as I saw the title, my first thought was "this has potential". Kinda wish we could see more of her face, though.

Donovan "Ravenhull"

Maybe your fairy girl, with a bit of comedy of her trying to operate the normal size phone camera...


I just thought it would be kind of endearing to leave out her face as if she's teasing the one she's sending the selfie to!


I second the Erlyia suggestion or how about Saehlin with some kind of magic camera equivalent?


Oh you teaser Leth you =p Looking forward to the Brooke one of course!


I like the Erylia idea! I also feel like we've not seen Chloe in a while, though? :)


The Saehlin thing is a good idea! I'm still kind of reluctant to draw Erylia in suggestive ways but I suppose I could just draw her doing a regular selfie :'D Or at least attempt to!


That's true! Chloe was my first "mascot girl" but she's kinda become replaced by Brooke haha