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Update regarding below: I made a hasty decision to remove old folders not thinking that there would be some of you, or patrons who are no longer pledged, that may not download all the pinups you get DM'd to you. So I have recovered all Dropbox folders.
I will make sure to communicate with you all before I make a similar decision going forward!

Original post below:


Another update regarding the change to the new subscription model. I have be removing old Dropbox folders all the way up to 2022 but I'll hold off on deleting anything beyond that for now. I'll let you know in advance before I delete any more folders!

If there are packs from 2022 and backwards you hadn't downloaded yet, send me a DM here and I'll help you out.

I'll wait to remove 2024 for now until I've figured out a new way to send rewards to patrons with the new suscription model.



So... How will patrons be able to re-download their supported months after you deleted the folders?


I'll have to make sure I communicate that old folders eventually stop working after a certain amount of time going forward. But I will probably also change how I send out rewards when I switch subscription model anyway!


Does the new store you use for previous works, have a discount code system? If so you could give codes to people who were subscribed at the time that make specific packs free. Might be a lot to manage though


It does have a system to create bulk keys yeah! Problem is how I would distribute these codes to the right Patrons ): It'd have to be sent manually since all the keys would be unique. That would be a big ask when there's almost 500 patrons hehe