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And so we'll start off May that will be dedicated to Brooke!  I'm gonna have a blast with this month.. I hope you'll enjoy it too! I think I will end the month with a twofer :'D Which character would ya'll want Brooke to be with?




Aww there she is. Being a little playful it looks like xD Geese Louise am I gonna enjoy this month!

Donovan "Ravenhull"

I'm thinking Kim. Then again, I'm for any excuse to see Kim, and the two of them are cute together.


I think I might have a good idea for Kim and Brooke :'D


Hehee - I tried a different hairstyle this time around too! I love the bangs and I won't stray from that being her official design but she's fun to play around with.. She's my fashion guinea pig!


Looking hot! If it wouldn't be twisting continuity too much i'd love to see Brooke and Saehlin together :)