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Another short update this week.


  1. No stream next week.
  2. College Craze is SpicyGaming’s Adult Game of the Month! View my interview with them here.
  3. April postcard preview featuring Prof & Dr Gray below! This is for Juniors+ at no additional cost! Add an address to your pledge settings if you want it.
  4. April’s 3x3 die-cut sticker preview below! This month’s set features Samir, a Honeycrave Bistro, and a “No face, no case” sticker! This is for Seniors+ at no additional cost! Seniors get a random one & Dropouts+ get the full set. Add an address to your pledge settings if you want them. ***No requests.


Nothing new in this department, but I am editing and testing content for Chapter 6. 

As soon as the edits are complete, I’ll be sending out a tester interest form.  Keep an eye out for that announcement in the coming weeks.


April’s postcard is a cheeky little spring photoshoot moment with Dr. Gray and Professor McGregor! Check out the low-res, grayscale preview below!

Reminder: the postcard perk is included in the Junior+ tiers at no additional cost, so if you want this bad boy in your mailbox this month, add an address to your pledge info!

April’s sticker set features Samir, Honeycrave Bistro’s logo, and a “No face, no case” sticker. Check the preview below!

Reminder: the sticker perk is included in the Senior+ tiers at no additional cost. Seniors get 1 random sticker, and Dropouts+ get the full set. No requests. You know what to do if you want these!

That’s a wrap! See you next week!






Just read your interview. Yups that puritian attitude is wayy too much. I experienced it myself back in 2013 with Oblivion and Skyrim modding. Glad you mentioned The Sims, Turbodriver (WW) and OnikiKay (Kinkyworld) would be proud. I'm also surprised you have your own office space. I did receive your postcard and sticker, and I didn't think you would follow through, which is the reason I bumped my monthly payment to you. We DO need more female perspectives in AVNs, otherwise it will by like the Kristen Archives, which is a collection of all erotica on alt.sex newsgroups from the mid 90s forward, and most are written by males. The best ones seem to be written by females, and that is more evident in Kindle-based erotica. I find stories to be more "porn" than traditional "porn". Thanks for the update and link to the interview. Congrads. ;)