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This was the scene you voted for this month's sneak preview!

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Wordlessly, he brings a small piece of plantain to my lips, and I diligently open my mouth to accept another delicious morsel. The slightly sweet, starchy flavor mellows out the punchy explosion of flavors from before and I sigh in contentment.

“To answer your question from before, [MC]. I don't think your palate needs training... Though I do think it would benefit from it."

I don't know when his hand found its way to the small of my back, but he's stroking there gently. Back and forth in a way that allows a few of his fingers to graze the top curve my ass.

“There is a benefit to [REDACTED]. More than just [REDACTED], networking opportunities..." He caresses the edge of my jaw with his other hand, pinching my chin like he had earlier and tilting my head to stare at him. “More than nice dinners, flirtatious conversation, more than sex..."

The word ricochets in my head. The rich color of his eyes studies my lips as he speaks in a low, controlled tone that I can feel on my tongue and in my chest and navel.

“I like a lot of things about you, [MC]. But one thing I like in particular is your potential. I can open doors for you and teach you how to navigate in a world of exclusivity and refinement." He says. “A bright girl like you doesn't strike me as the type to turn down help if offered..."

His fingers leave my chin to dip into the bowl of chocolate besides the fruit platter. Dark chocolate coats two of his fingers, it slowly drips down them in an obscene way. He hovers them over my lips, intently watching my mouth as they quiver.

“So, tell me, [MC]... Do you want to train your palate?"

Keeping my eyes trained on him the entire time, I let my mouth fall open and my lips wrap around his fingers.

Rich, deep and sweet, the chocolate spreads over my tongue in a warm velvet.

Something seeps into my veins when he groans. The sound is deep and rumbling and so unlike the tame, reserved man I'd spent my evening with before. It's addictive, and so much sweeter than the chocolate I'm now sucking off his fingers dutifully.

Just when I swallow down what is left of the sweet cocoa, I slip my tongue between his fingers to catch the last traces of sweetness.

Another low groan vibrates out of him, and he snatches me up in a strong embrace. He studies my face before pressing a soft, wet kiss to my lips.

I'm sandwiched between his hard body and the even harder marble countertop, but I don't mind... He's pressed flush against me, prying my legs apart to make space for him.

My skirt hikes up to my waist, my thin tights and panties are the only things shielding his view of my pussy.

His breath is shaky. There's a harsh sizzle through his nose as his stubble scrapes against my cheek. His mouth consumes me. My tongue, my lips, any residual taste of chocolate is practically sucked from my tastebuds, stolen away from me so only he can savor it now.

A desperate, keening sound whines out of my throat every time he drags against me.

The hardness of his erection lines up perfectly along the seam of my pussy. And with every brief, brushing movement, I'm able to grind my clit along it.

He pulls away from my lips with a hiss, but hovers closely. His breathing is deep, and ragged.

Seeing his lips swollen from my kissing only makes me want to kiss him again. I lean forward to try and capture his lips with mine, but he brackets my face with a strong grip.

I freeze, my grinding hips come to a halt against him. Worried, I search his eyes for a sign.

Why did we stop?

"Oh, you greedy, hungry little thing..."

My cheeks melt with a blush.

Of course I'm going too fast, I don't know what the hell I'm even doing...

“There is no rush... You have to savor it, honey. Savor."

He drags out the word deliberately, tasting each syllable with intention and trying to convey it's meaning through the amused, chastising look he's giving me now.

"Could you show me?"

He lifts my hand to his lips and plants a soft kiss on the tips of each of my fingers.

“Of course, baby. I told you; I can show you a lot of things, and I enjoy teaching." He presses my fingers into his mouth now, swirling his tongue around the delicate pads of them. My clit jumps at the way he wets them, so precise, so soft, so teasing..."

"You'll have to teach me a lot..." I gasp when he leans into my body a little more. 

The weight of his dick presses against me. Everything about him pins me in place, his eyes, his body, his words...

“Anything you want, [MC]."

"You'll teach me how to savor it?"


My fingers buzz with the vibration of the throaty noise around them.

"How to make you feel good?"


I fold my lip into my teeth to stifle a moan, his lips seal over my fingers again. His tongue rolls with some impossible shape.

If there's a time to tell him, now is the time...

"...How to have sex?"

Warmth and wetness immediately vanish when my fingers fall out of his lips. It's the most shocked I've ever seen him.

“You've never been touched? Are you a virgin?"

A line of worry creases his brows and I have the sudden urge to swallow every word I'd ever said right back up. I try to look away, but he forces me to look up at him again.

“It's okay if you haven't, honey. I just want you to be sure you want to share that with me..."

The worry and shock in his face is replaced with something deeper, something more carnal and intense.

Maybe it is a good thing I told him... Maybe he likes something about that...

"I'm sure." My voice fades, lost somewhere in the trembling anticipation and lust that swells everything in my body.

“Then perhaps I should be the one to savor..." He kisses me again; slower this time and I can feel his tongue tasting me with measured movements.

He undresses me, starting with my sweater. When his fingers hook under the bottom hem, my heart stutters. He sucks my tongue into his, pulling away my racing thoughts and apprehensions. Before I know it, my skin is exposed to the cool air.

He goes on like this, gently peeling away my clothes, and sucking my inhibitions away from my body, until I am stark naked on the marble counter. He steps back to admire his handiwork, to admire the breathless way my bare chest rises and falls, the way my nipples have tightened and strain for him, the way my clit swells and thighs have dampened all from his kisses.

He savors it, taking in every vulgar detail of my arousal and stores it away somewhere for himself. This is for him now. I am for him now.

“Such a sweet, sensitive, little thing..." He muses to himself, tracing my lips with his finger, drawing along my jaw, the long column of my neck, the thundering space between my breasts….

He turns away for a moment, opening the fridge behind him that's disguised in the wall of cabinets. He returns with a container of ice, formed into little perfectly round spheres.

“Take one, baby. Put it in your mouth.” He sets the container beside me before undoing the buttons on his shirt.

It's something I wish I could reach out and do myself, but I have a feeling that wouldn't be 'savoring it' in the way he wants.

I pluck a cool sphere from the clear box and place it in my mouth. Immediately it douses the heat there, almost to the point of pain. My mouth waters more around it, and my tongue wiggles to keep it from resting in one place too long.

The ice almost distracts me entirely from the shirtless man before me and the hard, toned signs of a man who takes care of himself...

He braces the counter and claims my mouth with his. The quickly melting ball of cold suddenly is caught between two hot tongues. I reach out and caress the back of his head, and shoulders, wanting to draw him in more, wanting the stupid ice to melt entirely so I can feel all of him again. So I can taste his incredible tongue, unfiltered.

His tongue curls around the ice and then it's gone, stolen from my mouth, and now perched between his teeth like a triumphant, icy medal. He ducks down to my neck and does something incredible and confusing and arousing all at once. 

With the ice still in his mouth, he devours the side of my neck with a kiss.

It alternates between hot and searingly cold, soft, and unmovingly hard, his tongue and that ball of ice manage to make my skin experience every sensation all at once. My breasts feel heavy now that his lips are moving further south.

His kisses end just between my breasts. My heart thuds just beneath those warm, soft lips, knowing he's near.

The ice has melted, leaving only the heaven that is his warmth again. But without even looking, he retrieves another sphere and begins again.

Ice rolls in a chilling, numbing line from my heart to my nipple. He doesn't kiss me there yet, and instead chooses to torture me with the chill instead. The cold is so intense and unforgiving, it tightens my nipples to painful little points, drawing out timid wails from my lips.

It's not until his hands close around my waist, that I realize how much I'm squirming under him.

The feeling is uncomfortable and intense, but I would be brought to tears if he stopped it. His eyes never leave mine when he does this, those eyes peer at me intently from under his prominent brow. He lets the ice slide down the line of my abdomen to pool in my navel, where he finally, finally makes contact again with his tongue.

Desperation wrings out of me in a moan when I feel his tongue dip in to that sensitive hollow and lap up the melted ice.

Even when he sucks it dry, he keeps going, wriggling his tongue into the impossibly tight space. In and out. He shows me, without saying a word, what savoring it is. And now all my mind is stuck on is if he'll savor me elsewhere. Will the magic of his lips and tongue venture lower?

Will he lick me like that down there? 

God, I hope he does...



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