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Happy Holidays Prospies! Buckle up, I’ve  got a few extra notes on new perks and goodies!


  1. New Merch! Rolling out die-cut stickers for Seniors and up in January at no additional cost! More details below, but check for previews next week!
  2. Jace’s interview drops later this week! Be on the lookout!
  3. January’s Inkspot Interview poll is up! Poll closes next week and questions will be submitted via Google form afterward, so get your votes in! 
  4. Last postcard in this series will preview next week!
  5. No Stream on Wed, Dec 28th!


The word count’s up to 38,155 this week. I'm at the start of Sunday's big event and hope to wrap that up by the time the next update is out. I think I hit some good emotional beats with the MC and hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.


This week in Art, I’ve finished 7 CGs and a new outfit for MC! Thanks again for tuning in on Wednesday! Streams will resume some time after the New Year.


For Seniors and up: As I said above, I’m rolling out new die-cut College Craze themed stickers for Seniors and up, starting in January. You'll receive one of three unique stickers from that month's collection.

For Dropouts and up: You’ll receive all three stickers in that month's collection. You’ll also start getting first looks of certain written scenes once a month come January.

On past postcards: For those who’ve expressed interest in being able to get postcards that were produced before you joined, I will be working on ideas to address that towards the end of College Craze’s development. But rest easy, I’ll figure out a good solution, and will let you all know at that time what I come up with when I do!

That’s a wrap! Happy holidays and stay safe if you’re traveling this week. See you next week for the last update of 2022!






Im still waiting on my Jace postcard D; hoping its not been lost in the post

Vespa Soo

Hoping poor MC doesnt have it hard (others should) in the the next update. Also got Jace and Gabe postcards safely, love them. Thanks for your hard work 💗