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Hey y'all!

Another meaty update for this week.


1. Got 10 reviews on Steam! Thank you to all those who left a good review, I really appreciate it, and can see that Steam’s pushing the game a lot more aggressively on the discovery queue because of it! 😄 If you haven’t left one yet, please take a few mins to do so here, it’s seriously helping the game get more visibility 

2. College Craze DnD Info session this Saturday at 11AM EST! Discord members Satan, Summora and Zombie will be running it, and showing us the ropes, and will be there to answer Qs about creating a character. This is to prep for a future DnD game with CC Characters in it! Beginners are encouraged to join! Link to invite is here .

3. Will be doing another Spoiler/NSFW stream for Sophmores and up, Wed 8/17 from 6-8PM EST. I will continue drawing the new character sprite, just gotta give him some pants and some shading and we’re set! I may start the next character, time permitting. These will likely be a regular thing for Patrons, with a non-spoiler stream for non-patrons once a month.

4. First lore post will be released Mon 8/15. Excited to share a lot more info about MC’s hometown, Bitterby!

Game updates

Now, onto other updates. My mood hasn’t been 100%, so this week was a little slower, but I’m still happy with progress made! The word count’s sitting 19,432 and 2,259 lines are coded. 

I’ve completed all of Monday, and currently in the middle of Wednesday. (Time skipped Tuesday.) Finishing Wednesday should be fairly decent, it’s Thursday that’s gonna be a really big lift for me since that’s donor dinner night. I think because of my outlining style, I may be able to get through it faster than if I did it my old way, but there's still A LOT of content on Thursday alone, and I hope to do it justice!

I’m chatting with the GUI dev who helped me last update and asking about ways to optimize clothing choices, cause it may make my life a lot easier. If I’m able to code it so that I don’t need to explicitly say “If MC chose this choice, give her this outfit” every time she appears on screen. Fingers crossed there's an easy way or he can help me figure it out! Cause I got some scenes that involve clothing choices and customizations coming up, this may limit or expand it.

In the Art Department, one CG is done. This time around I’m trying to incorporate more art into the writing process to minimize crunch. I’m sure I’ll still have a healthy pile, but it should hopefully feel less cramped as a result of doing art along with writing. I’ve gotten some minor stuff in for MC, an expression and accessory. I’ve gotten 4 silhouettes in as well (Which I’m really liking instead of just no characters when I need people to speak!) and of course, nearly done with a character sprite!

See you in the next one!





Tweedle Dee

I can't seem to get the link to the discord dnd working.


This event was last week actually, so we already had it! But iif you're in the Discord and interested in making a character, theres a DnD thread in the general chat that has resources tand notes from the event!