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Alright folks.

I'm a day early on this update, but it’s for good reason. Testing is coming to a close. There were a lot to find because we were testing for regular bugs, Streamer mode bugs, UI bugs, and bugs with the VA. 

HUGE thank you to the testers who were diligent in finding as many bugs as they could! The UI developer let me know there’s one bug he is still working on that may affect old saves from Investment routes. If he’s unable to figure it out this weekend, I will still release on schedule with the disclaimer that you shouldn’t try loading any Investment route saves from 2021. We’ll provide a fix for it after initial release, but it isn’t a big enough bug for us to delay release.

So, what can you look forward to in v0.4? 

This update will span one in-game day, Sunday, as our main character deals with the blowback from Saturday’s events. More spicy scenarios are a given, but you’ll also get to meet 2 new characters, find more clues, see more of people we haven’t interacted with as much, and learn more about some we’ve been introduced to. And let’s not forget, Von Necros’ voice acting that varies based on your choices throughout the week!

Version 0.4 features 88,000+ words and 50 CGs worth of material. I’ve added a Gallery to see all obtained/locked CGs, the ability to name your save files, and a Streamer mode to censor profanity, explicit CGs, and nudity while playing. Y’all know the drill, everything isn’t viewable in a single playthrough because your choices significantly alter the narrative and who/what you run into. As always, there are shortcuts included in addition to the skip system to help players who want to do multiple playthroughs get through content they’ve already seen quicker. (Which I highly encourage!)

That being said, here are the following dates for the release of v0.4:

Dropouts & Alumni - Receive v0.4 on July 5 at 12 PM EST

Seniors & Juniors - Receive v0.4 on July 12 at 12 PM EST

Sophomores - Receive v0.4 on July 19 at 12 PM EST

The release date for v0.31 will be for the following tiers:

Freshman & Non-Patrons- Receive v0.31 on July 5 at 12 PM EST

We’ve got a few bloggers and streamers on board to share College Craze on their platforms next month, so be sure to show them some love by popping into their streams and/or liking their blog posts. I’ll post on Twitter/Discord as those happen!

I’ll be taking another week-long break post-release, but I can’t wait to catch up on your fanfics, hear all your tinfoil theories, and see your expanded headcanons and fan art!






vibrating with excitement !!