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Hey guys! 

Sorry for the late release on this one, time escaped me! But if you are a sophomore looking to get your hands on v0.3 you can do so here. It will also be updated in the pinned post I have up right now!

Thank you for your patience! I'm so glad to be able to release this update to that final wave of patrons! 

I know that this latest release has a lot of nooks and crannies, with some of the more smutty scenes (yes, theres more than one) not as obviously apparent as with previous chapters. So to the remainder of those downloading this version for the first time, please understand that your first play through will not hit all sex scenes, or interesting tidbits of information. I will release a checklist of scenes you can discover in v3 next week, similar to what I've already done for v2, but without the walkthrough component cause frankly, your girl just don't have the time.

Speaking of walkthrough, there's a wonderful group of folks getting together to write an actual walkthrough for the game in it's current state. They've organized on discord, but if you'd like to help out, feel free to join there! There's a lot of content to get through, so it'll be a while before we see a final product, but I'm excited that its even happening in the first place. Thank you to those who are generously donating their time and efforts toward the walkthrough! Your hard work is appreciated 💕.

Beyond that, I've broken ground on v0.4 already! I'd dabbled in some planning through the last few weeks, and was able to get that outlining done fairly quickly. So I've already started scripting and have hit about 440 lines of code and 4,131 words of dialogue since the last update. I'm hoping that the writing goes by quickly this time around so I don't have to rush through artwork this time. I'm also hoping to do a bit of back and forth when it comes to the artwork and writing, instead of the larger batches, as that helped toward the end of last release as far as getting things out faster.

I'm currently looking into getting some quality of life improvements for the game as well, hopefully to be implemented by next release. I'm in the process of finding someone who may be able to help with those as well as a bigger project that will allow for more mobile play and a wider audience. I don't want to set any expectations around those ideas yet though, so I'll keep it vague until I'm sure these things can be done, haha. 

Also, big thank you to those who came and hung out during the Q and A session on Saturday! I had a lot of fun getting to chat with all of you, and it was nice getting to know the people who help make this game possible. It was really chill, and I look forward to doing more events like that in the future. If you have ideas of events you'd like to see happen in the discord, please lemme know, I'm not super creative when it comes to things like this, so I'm all for your ideas. 

I also have to say thanks to all those who have been submitting asks on my Tumblr!! I see them all and will get to answering them when I have a little more time. I'm on a bit of a tighter schedule as far as content I know I need to make for this release, so once I start hitting my own milestones, I'll be able to get back to your Qs. But please keep them coming, cause I  have a lot of fun answering them! 

That's all for this update! I'm looking forward to telling you all how far along I am next week! As always, I encourage you all to ask questions on Discord, cause keeping up with my inbox here is not as easy for me, and folks there are typically a lot more responsive and can help you better than I usually can, haha. 

Have a great rest of your week!

Pretty Ink



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