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Alright folks.

I know I'm a little later than usual on this update, but it was for good reason. I'd been spending the time going through the game a few times, correcting easy bugs and prepping it to send out to testers. I just shot the files over to them and I'm comfortable in announcing the following dates for the release of v0.3 for the following tiers:

Dropouts & Alumni - Receive v0.3 on March 22

Seniors & Juniors - Receive v0.3 on March 29

Sophomores - Receive v0.3 on April 5

The release date for v0.2 will be for the following tiers:

Freshman & All non-Patrons - Receive v0.2 on March 22

So what can you look forward to for v0.3?

This update will continue the plot from v0.2, spanning one in-game day, Saturday as we follow our main character for another night on the town. This update allows you to explore a little more of Sugardale and get to encounter some of the colorful characters you may not have had too much of a chance to get to know before. It currently features 65,000+ words and 20+ CGs worth of material. Of course, not everything is viewable in a single playthrough because your choices significantly alter the narrative and who/what you run into, as always, there are shortcuts included in addition to the skip system to help players who want to do multiple playthroughs get through content they’ve already seen quicker. (Which I highly encourage!)

Obviously this update will not be as massive as v0.2, since I've had a much tighter deadline. But I believe you will still get lots of play time, find great clues, and find some fun, spicy scenes to enjoy on multiple playthroughs. This was a more challenging development time for me, considering the added pressure of a set dev schedule, but I'm happy with what I've produced, and I really hope you all will enjoy it too.

I'm really excited to share my work with you all and taking a nice week-long break after release so I can come back to this project, re-energized and ready to tackle v0.4 (Holy shit!) 

Thank you for your patience and continued support!

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