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Hey guys!

As you may know, I’m finally gearing up to drop College Craze’s first major update in a long time. It’s a pretty exciting and nerve-wracking time that has led to me having to ask myself a lot of questions about how I intend to move forward with College Craze and future NSFW projects to come.

Regular Updates are Coming

First of all, this update represents more than just the game’s first major update. It’s going to be the start of regular updates – a sort of true beginning to the Patreon. I’m not going to make the foolhardy mistake of promising rigid regular updates, but I do intend to begin updating the game regularly moving forward – hopefully every two to three months at the very least.

Adjusting the Tier Rewards

This transition to more serious, regular updating has made me reconsider the Patreon as a whole and see it in a bit of a different light – more as a business instead of simply a tip jar. That doesn’t mean I’m planning on major sweeping changes or going all corporate on you guys, but I do think there are some changes that I can make to the Patreon in order to give College Craze and potentially future projects beyond it the best chance to succeed.

Starting today, the following changes to specific tiers are going to be made:

  • The $1 Freshman tier is losing early access to the latest chapter

I want to make it clear that I still intend to maintain and update the free version of the game. However, giving early access to the latest update at the $1 tier honestly feels like I’m selling myself and my content a bit short. As someone recently put it, “If you don’t value yourself or your own work, then why should anyone else?”

That said, for this recent update I will be making sure everyone who was a $1 supporter at the time of this post’s release will be given access to the update as if they were pledged at the sophomore tier. It feels like the only way to be fair to those who’ve been pledging and supporting me at this tier from the outset with hopes that they would be able to play the upcoming update as soon as its available.

  • Getting rid of voting power across the board

In rethinking the tiers, the patreon, and life itself, it occurred to me that the voting power rewards would become a logistical nightmare at best. Plus, I think it’s only fair that everyone’s voice be heard and counted equally regardless of their financial status. It was a tier reward I added while imitating other patreon projects when I initially was setting mine up, but it just isn’t for me or in-line with my views to be honest. Also, to be honest, I need all the advice and feedback I can get if College Craze is to have any hope of being good and successful!

  • Consolidating the Bullet Points

The two aforementioned changes are the only ones actually being implemented. However, the tier rewards are going to look a bit different moving forward because I’m going to mostly assume people realize that they get previous tier rewards when they subscribe at higher tiers. I think enough people naturally understand that to the point where I don’t need to make the bullet point list on the tiers really long simply repeating what’s already been said. 

Release Changes

Finally, while I know it may look bad to go back on what I literally posted about not a week ago, after further consideration I’ve decided to change the release date of the upcoming update. I’ve decided that, for this update only, I’m going to forgo the staggered early access release dates and give it to all of my patrons at the same time. You’ve all waited so patiently and been so amazing supporting me for so long as I worked on this update that it just wouldn’t feel right to stagger the access for this big occasion.

I do want to apologize to those in the Junior and Seniors tiers, because I know this means you won’t be receiving the promised reward of a week-long early access for this update. However, as an apology and hopefully a bonus to you all for these sudden changes, I am working to hopefully get the update released prior to the previous Jan 8th date I discussed in my last post. I don’t want to make a specific date promise quite yet (look forward to a post this weekend that should have a specific date), but I’m hoping to get the update into everyone’s hands sometime in the next week.

Discord and About Changes

I’m also in the process of revamping the Discord and my Patreon’s About change during the next week too – hopefully better pitching my game and creating a welcoming environment for everyone new and old who want to hand out and discuss College Craze with me and/or other people. I appreciate everyone’s understanding and patience through all of these changes.

Like I said, it’s a nerve-wracking time, but I’m really hoping that doing all of these things will help the game and myself move ever closer to promoting and providing you all with unique, high-quality NSFW gaming experiences.

Thanks for reading!






I think these changes make sense. I'm looking forward to the update!