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Hey All! 

It's been a while, but to be honest there hasn't been too much to update you all on. I'm in the thick of writing for the most complex and longest day out of the 7 for the next release, and I'm trying to get through it before switching back to drawing or creating any art at this point. So as I said in my previous post, there's nothing too exciting to muse on since it's just been a lot of writing, and a lot of writing the same thing.

The main reason this bit is taking so long is because I structured Friday to be the "climax" of the 7 day week, so the most amount of things are happening on this day. I planned for each of the four major routes to have a completely different storyline, and each will have their day split up into the morning activities/plotline and the night plot line. And then of course numerous times to make new decisions within each of those. As I'm sure you can imagine, theres a lot to get through here, so please bare with me as I make it through this large chunk. 

I'm contemplating whether I should release after I'm done writing and putting the art together for this section, or if I should finish out with the originally planned Saturday and Sunday. It may be almost too much stuff to go get through, and I don't want the next release to take forever, but then again, doing things as I originally intended, and doing them the right way will probably prevail in the end. I'll keep you all posted though when I make a decision, because let's be honest, I'm just as antsy, if not more so to get the next release out.

Also, I finally closed out the poll I put out a while back, and after tallying the votes, I found that the Gamer Girl aesthetic won out of all of them by 2 points! Trailer park girl and Goth girl were actually tied, so it was actually pretty evenly split. Once I'm back on the drawing bit I'll  be excited to get that character design together and show you all!

I don't anticipate I'll have much to update on next time, but as always, I'm happy to chat with you all, its fun getting to hear your opinions on all aspects of this. Hope you have a great weekend!





well i guess the old saying goes "If your gonna do something, do it right the first time"