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Happy Monday folks!

So first: Meet Shaun! He's yet another student at Sugardale U! He's a senior (with a secret) But of course, what fun would it be if I spilled the beans on what that secret was?

Now, as far as my update goes, I'm still trucking! This last week was a little productive than I would have liked, but I was on the road for some time, and wasn't able to get into the groove I usually am when I'm producing content. 

I've completed writing the script for all of day 2 of 7 today (It is much longer and more involved than day 1, and has a sex scene with different options on how to 'perform').  I also am about 75% done with the character design for Jace, Shaun's roommate. I just have to figure out his clothes. (Does anyone know what soccer bros like to wear *outside* of soccer jerseys? Lol) 

I've realized though, that with the amount of content there is to create and maintain, it might be better to release shorter bits, so that you all can actually play through more frequently (rather than waiting who-knows-how-long for the next release.) 

Then I had an even better realization, this could be the subject of my first poll! So you will be seeing that posted shortly, if it's not up already. I'm happy to do things either way, but I want to keep your excitement and the momentum behind this up as well. 

Beyond that, I do have quite the hefty load of artwork to produce, I've toyed with the idea of streaming while creating my art, so if that's something you may be interested in, lemme know! I'm on the fence about that one though, since its a lot more vulnerable and subject to more scrutiny. But if its something enough people are interested in, I'll seriously consider it. 

Hope you have a kickass week!






I would love to watch a stream of you drawing!! I haven't seen a lot of VN's with your art style and I really like it, so I'd definitely be down to watch your streams. :)) But I get if you end up not doing that, it can be really nerve-wracking putting yourself out there like that!


Much appreciated! Yeah, its pretty scary. And I definitely don't do everything from scratch, so theres a dependance on references, etc. But its the quickest way to crank out the artwork, haha. Good point though, I dont think my style is really out there on VNs, so I think others could definitely see value in it. :) Thanks for your feedback!!