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I don't blog often (or ever, really, lets be honest) but its my 4th day straight where I've been tapping away furiously like a madwoman while trying to think of every possible way to ensure that:

A. This launch goes well

B. People actually know this launch will happen and

C. I don't lose my mind. 

In the course of 3 days, I went from thinking I was going to launch, deciding to create a website from scratch, making a discord, actually filling out my Patreon page details, to figuring out how to make a TikTok. 

I think I'm just making things up for me to do at this point...

Who knows if I'll succeed, but I'm trying my hardest and really put a lot of love into the demo, so I hope it all goes well. It's my first game and there are bound to be hiccups, but I hope that you can see the effort put into it and appreciate it for that at the very least.

In anticipation for the big day, I've been trying to get a head start on the next chapter's plot line. It was a huge undertaking with such a branching narrative already, but I think it'll be worth it in the end.

I admit, I probably should have started on some of this earlier, but when you're writing, drawing, coding and trying to market the game all by yourself, forethought escapes you. 

But with the launch of the demo done, I'm sure I'll have some extra motivation to get the rest of the planning for chapter one complete. 

Thanks so much for checking out this page and paying my game any attention. I appreciate it. Looking forward to posting more updates and building more momentum!


Pretty Ink


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