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Hi guys!

Milfs on fire - Peg needs a help- Page 10 is coming.

I'm just waiting my dialogue proofreader to check out lines and send me back.

Thanks, 5tarex.



ok, great stuff, cant wait for it man! Good thing you have a proofreader (btw, if you need more help with proofreading, or english, would be no problem for me to help a bit).


For some reason i can't see it


Hi ! It's just an update of Milfs on Fire page 10 is coming . It's only a text. ( Although I don't know if you're referring to the text itself or you can't see anything in this page). If that's it, plz let me know.


He has offered this collab since 2015. But thanks, if I'll need to, I'll contact you then ^^