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Disclaimer * All characters depicted are at least 18+ years old *

Hello everyone, I just wanted to update everyone on where I am currently at. First I must apologize as I originally intended to be done with this animation a week ago. Unfortunately at my IRL job, we suffered a hacker attack which crippled my company network so I have been working 14 hour shifts for the past 2 weeks trying to rebuild our servers and what not. That left me no time at all to work on the animation. To make things worse, I ended up getting sick, but thankfully it ain't covid.

I'll be pausing for the month of November and releasing the Ahri animation as well. Hopefully my job lets up soon so I can have more time to animate. To be honest, I am contemplating taking a gamble and quitting my job to full time animate. I am no where near making enough to make a living off Patreon, BUT I believe if I put my mind to it, I can make it. (I got enough saved up to live for a year). I always find myself wishing I had more time to animate, but life unfortunately gets in the way.

Well, that's it for the update. Keep an eye out for further updates and thanks for always sticking around~




You should advertise you animation abit on twitter and the usual places. Really get your name out there. Maybe post a section of the animation like a teaser/trailer?


Yeah, to be honest, that's one thing I'm pretty bad at in general. Advertising and promoting my work. I think that once I quit my job, I'll properly set up a workflow for promotions and teasers. I'm also looking into making a discord server. It also doesn't help that twitter is kinda exploding into itself. It's unfortunate since it has been a major platform for nsfw creators for years. I know I wouldn't have been where I am at now without twitter!