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So I have been MIA for the past few months. I was burnt out from the last animation I made with Caitlyn and didn't want to force myself to work. My full time job unfortunately was pretty far away so I was spending 2 hours a day on the road leaving me with barely anytime to animate by the time I get home. Anyone with a full time job can relate, when you get home, you don't wanna do ANYTHING.

My apartment lease expired and I had to move due to my job. As of now I have finished moving into my new apartment. It's pretty great since it's really close to my job now so shorter commute . I am slowly regaining my drive to animate again so I been taking my time working on it. Complacency is pretty deadly and I have been beating myself up for it. I really want to improve my skills and become more professional. I apologize to everyone who has kept up with me for so long during this time.

My next animation will feature Lux from League of Legends so please look forward to that. I been practicing more fluid animations so there may be a lot of "squirt" action going on. My current format for animations are usually full videos with a bit of everything. I realized that I been spreading myself thin doing this format so I'll probably be changing it up in the future. For now, this Lux animation will probably be my last one using my current format. I'll drop a WIP once I am further along.



Just find a routine that works for you... I struggled hard when i was 10 months partially unemployed during covid... Since then i had to find something that works with my current state in life ^^... For example i now work at a different time then before and make hour long nap after work to have some energy for the rest of my day... Its often kinda exhausting XD...


I'm still working on finding my new routine and it'll probably change up since I'll be picking up some new art programs to learn in the future. Thanks for the insight!