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Impressions from my trip to the city of Kazan. Unexpectedly for myself, I discovered that the winged snow leopard is considered a local symbol there (the emblem of Tatarstan). I jumped up and down with delight when I noticed here and there statues and images of this big kitty. And of course, souvenirs - snow leopard figurines were bought by me for my personal collection of cats from different cities. ^^




Breathtaking! I bet it was a wonderful trip. :)




Very beautiful!

Radix Panther

I guess I gotta vacation there myself sometime now!! O.o

Kilgore Trout

Beautiful kitty! I love the texture - it makes the picture look like a real painting.


Yo this is good ^^ It really stands out from your other works! Love it ;D And as a non-tech person... Still amazes me that you're doing all of your art on an ipad with this level of quality ._. And must have felt like a breath of fresh air from doing all the lion king related artworks I bet xD


oh, I really like to draw the lion king works!!! I guess I can draw such pictures for a long time. A breath of fresh air I get from changing style and changing brushes. Something like this ^^


Oh I didn't mean it like you dislike doing the lion king stuff ;D And that's just what I meant with a breath of fresh air. It just took me by suprise in how different it was from your usual style. Digital art that looks like a painting is new:)