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My dear patrons, I don't know what to do...what is better?

Patreon Support Team wrote me some days ago. They asked me to delete the picture with Mufasa, Sarabi and Scar. They considered it was an incest TT ("we define incest as sexual activity between family members or relatives. We also include larger extended family, which means that we don't only look at the bloodline, but also stepfamily members whether or not they are bound by law") . I  had to delete it.

And now they asked me delete a few more pictures...Sarabi and Sarafina, Shere Khan/Nala/Bagheera. 

Please, help me...



Maybe open a discord server for Patreons. You can show the work you have done on this server.


time to move to subscribestar like all the other furry artists?


Patreon becomes more and more puritanical by the day. I'm not sure what's causing it, but I doubt the issues will stop at more extreme fetishes. Not for long, anyways.


I say delete the posts they ask and just send a private message with a Dropbox link for all the forbidden art. In the future you can just upload it to Dropbox

Mattis. Probably.

Yeah I'd say delete and just send the files through something like Dropbox. It's a hassle but switching to a different platform would be as well, both for you and your supporters.


Probably Subscribestar or the Dropbox idea. I don't use Discord, so wouldn't be able to participate in that.


Hard to say for sure because there is no telling what else they will want you to delete. Seen some use Primeleap, which connects to Patreon so only your subscribers can access the images offsite.


Deleting is a temporary solution and what tells us that it will be possible to continue making other drawings if the poll vote does not please Patreon. Changing platforms is not so simple, because contributors may not follow, but it is a solution. Regarding Discord, an artist on Patreon did not publish his content on the site but on Discord, Patreon did not like it and he had to migrate to another platform. Creating an external link (drop..) sent by PM is a good idea.


It's unfortunate that patreon seems to favour against feral NSFW art, I'm sorry this is happening to you. As other people have suggested, maybe a Dropbox link with certain artworks should be created for patrons to see in full. Hope this gets sorted for you fast! 🙏🏾


Shere Khan, Bagheera, and Nala are not related (or extended family). Is the concern that that they are different feline species?


I’m on Patreon because of you, so I’ll follow wherever I need to go if you want to switch. That might be the right move if they’re going to start making you delete your work even if it doesn’t seem to violate the rules. I mean, are they going to make you delete the new art you’re about to release because they are all basically related? Because Sarafina has her paw on Sarabi’s butt?


Perhaps the support team does not realize that Sarafina and Serabi are not related. Disney specified they were only friends because otherwise it would have made Nala and Simba half-siblings. Perhaps there are rules against depicting polygamous relationships, but that’s how prides work. Would it be a violation to draw normal lion behavior?


It's useless to expect patreon moderators to know the lion king's genealogy. Time to move on to a new platform. Sugestion: Subscribestar several furry artists +18 are there without problems.


Patreon seems to be trying to remove most “adult” content off of its services, as it cracks down more and more. While Patreon offers a few nice features not on other services, in the long run I think it’s better to move to a platform that’s not filtering out content. Subscribstar has been a safe platform in that regards. Radix, Giant Hamster, and a few others are there.

Radix Panther

I'll reach out in DM, Lynx. Unfortunately, Patreon is very unfriendly to furry and r34 artists. :(


Patreon is a piece of shit and like half the people I follow have moved to subscribestar already. Just pull the band-aid off, it's only going to get worse on this platform


As someone that has gone through this exact situation, I would recommend you start th emove over to SUbscribestar. Its not quite as user friendly as Patreon, but Patreon is a time bomb for us nsfw furry artists. In my instance I set up a subscribestar and kept my Patreon active, posting all of my content on subscribestar and omitting the stuff Patreon didnt allow on Patreon. It should help brunt the blow of moving and help to slowly shuffle people over to Subscribestar.


Yeah, feral author Alis Mitsy offers her work on both Patreon and Subscribestar. She charges slightly more for the Subscribestar subscription because she does not omit content on that platform.

Kilgore Trout

Primeleap adheres to patreon’s content policies, so it’s not a solution.

Kilgore Trout

The short-term solution is to remove all questionable content from Patreon and start distributing your NSFW art to Patreon subscribers via Dropbox or other file-sharing service. The long-term solution is to move all your NSFW content to a different subscription service, such as Subscribestar. The transition to a new platform would need to be done gradually over the course of several months to avoid a drop in the total number of subscribers on both platforms.


Patreon has been getting progressively more hostile to freedom of expression. Moving to a more liberal platform may well be in your long term best interests. I will happily sign-up to a Subscribestar account or similar if it means you no longer have to worry about ignorant moderators.


That’s so dumb. Your work is amazing


I’ll follow you if you go to another platform btw. Your content is astonishing. I consider you to be the best NSFW feral artist in the world.


there are a good few who use discord for there art


That's a really difficult situation. I hope that you won't leave Patreon though. I and many others aren't familiar with Subscribstar, Discord, and all these other platforms people are mentioning.


Patreon is being stupid about artwork deletion which is preventing freedom of expression. I've never seen anyone care about fictional furry characters. I hope more and more artist abandon ship and find another place. Good luck!


That's so dumb! I mean neither one of those pics, except maybe the Scar/Sarabi/ Mufasa one, violates that rule. Last time I checked Nala isn't from the Jungle Book. Not to mention they're animals, I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if you did like a Simba and Nala piece, then all of a sudden it's considered "Incest" or violating some sort of stupid rule. I hope you find a solution to all of this, in a way that you can post theses kinds of arts, while being able to make a living off of them.