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Congratulations to those who voted for them!

Ok, now, help me please to decide how long/short will be Kion's mane.


Kilgore Trout

Not to throw water on anyone's fire, but posting NSFW art featuring teenage characters might get the artist in trouble with patreon ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patreon - read the very last line).


"Adult" and "teenage" are terms that indicate a size of male mane. I'm not going to draw the minor cubs in NSFW content. But thank you for warning me anyway.^^


Even if you wanted to you'd be taking a chance with Patreons Rules. Ill support you no matter what you want to make. I'm just gonna say Subscribe* doesn't have such rules yet. I know id like to see such content in the mix. But I support you and want you to make whatever you want to make :3. Another option would be to make a Slave IB account for that type of content and use the friend system to keep it between you and your patrons. Just FYI.