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The scene where Jihoon (his real name) screamed, " What do you want ? " This scene always amazed me. He's such a good actor, bcz that moment he left out all the things he kept in his heart : sadness, pain, fear, anger, loneliness etc... He's tired of all of this. He never show emotions, I think he only show emotions when he was around Soo Ho, but even with Soo Ho, he kept some feeling in his heart, we could definitely see it when he was crying out loud in the hospital. Literally, this man since ep 1 just wants to go to school and study. He didn't do anything wrong to anyone, but people want to hurt him, destroy his soul literally, + the fact that this is how bully really acts in real life. Bullies can do smth really bad : killing someone, they can make a happy person to suicide himself, they can turn an innocent person into a bully (example : Bum Seok)... Like this kdrama is truly a masterpiece (the webtoon actually) ❤️🔥 So yeah, but GOSH, I just need season 2 asap. Thank you so much, guys, for your reaction to this 💜❤️ Edit: 1:20 I truly love the way they are foreshadowing us that Si eun will be alone at the end, bcz Bum Seok go study abroad, Soo Hoo is in coma, and Si eun is transferred to another school. Even at the end of the intro, we could see that Si eun will be alone bcz the other two aren't there with him. Note: Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language, so I hope you understand what I'm trying to say

Asi Dus

Thanks! )) it was faster than I thought; ) will wait for True beauty😊😇


I just want to add one more thing. This kdrama actually taught us a lot, not only about bullying. They actually taught us : 1. How abusive parent/family can affect a kid, to the worst (Bum Seok) 2. How a kid can be affected by ignorant parents (Si eun). He was depressed and never really talked heart to heart with his parents about what he likes or doesn't, how he feels daily, .... bcz since he's born, they never really care about him. For example, when her mother was talking with him at the restaurant and just left him alone bcz she was "busy" so she really didn't have time for him. + His father, who wasn't often at home and literally said that he never thought that Si Eun could get hurt one day (when he was a child and broke his arm). I mean, as a human, you can possibly get hurt and get sick, so I don't understand Si Eun's father point here. Again, I just think that he never intended to get a kid. 3. How a kid have to deal when their parents aren't there or are dead, I can assume it's Soo Hoo since we don't know much about his family, + he only have his grandmother + he do 2 part-time job and always want to know how to make money. 4. How things work when you're a politician. You can be manipulative and play a role, put an act so people can think that you're a good person, when it's not the reality (Bum Seok's father). 5. How does school deal with bullies. Teacher sometimes aren't even there, but when they're here, most of the time, it's when the innocent child stand for himself/herself ( Si eun at the beginning and the end of the drama). Most of the time, teachers don't even help innocent people who got bullied. 6. How money and power can buy someone. For example, when the bullies got a chance to escape from prison when they beat Soo Hoo, by saying a lie (which was created by Bum Seok's uncle). Or when the assemblyman literally makes sure that Si Eun wouldn't be accepted by any school in Seoul. 7. How a friend can out of nowhere and for no reason or dumb reason can betrayed you (Bum Seok). 8. How bad person can make kids work/do smth illegally. And it's truly happens in life. You know, with the terrorists (kids who became terrorist bcz of brainwashed), children who are exploited to work or child who work for bad people bcz they need money or simply to live...(it's a complex subject actually) 9. We aren't born evil. We became evil. I can definitely say that for Bum Seok case. In the beginning, he was all innocent, kind-hearted, but unfortunately he was bullied in his old school, + his father was abusive with him for almost nothing. He was literally his punching ball. Then he got transferred to another school, which he met bullies again, and his only friends were Si Eun and Soo Hoo. So, in the beginning, he was happy to finally get new friends, who could hang out with him and protect him eventually. But he always felt left out. So when the girl came, it was like and evidence for him. Soo Hoo was his closest friend, so eventually he got "jealous" and fell even more left out when the girl came, so he started to have some hatred toward her and Soo Hoo (it wasn't even Soo Hoo's fault if he's a sociable butterfly/happy pill). But for Bum Seok, people continue to hurt him, so all the feelings that were in his heart became hatred and only revenge (towards his father, older bullies, New bullies...) and I think that's why he acted like that and became a bully. And I think he's confused too, we could definitely see it at the end when Si Eun asked him why he did that, and he responded, "I don't know either. (but that's not gonna change my mind, I hate him for what he did to Soo Hoo. It was dumb of him to do such a thing) 10. The unhealthy Korean school system. As you can see, Sieun always wakes up early, first one to go to school, begin to study, then have lunch break, having school at night too, then go back to home to STUDY again then sleep to do all that again. And let me tell you smth, this is really how schools work in Korea. Students have to wake up at 6:00 a.m, have to be at school at 7:00 a.m. Finish school at 4:00 p.m, the go back to school at night to have private lessons 6:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m, go back to school again and study until around 11:00 p.m, then go back home, to study until 2:00 a.m, to just wake up at 6:00 a.m again to go back to school. It's sooo unhealthy, and Sieun portrayed it soooo well. You were always wondering why he always studied, now you know. At least that's my pov. Note: I hope I'm not mistaken with the study program, but at the end of the day, korean school system is truly HARD. That's it, I think. I'm sorry for the long paragraph. Btw that's only my opinion and the vision that I have about this kdrama, Idk if others who watched it would agree so. Thank you so much again. I hope you'll appreciate True Beauty (personally, I've never watched it, so). I hope one day you can react to Girl From Nowhere. It's a good one, too, and taught us A LOT about serious matters in life 🔥❤️😊 Sry for mistakes again 😅


Thank you for reacting to this drama it’s one of the best of 2022 can’t wait for the second season ahhhh! Hopefully you guys will check out jihoon (actor who plays sieun) his solo work as an idol he’s multitalented and has some bangers! Anyways, really excited for true beauty as well <33

Samira Garcia

the tattoed man at the end is actually really important for the webtoon, as you may know the webtoon starts where the series finishes so they have a lot of where to take




Sad thing is, Su ho was always the one stopping his friends from "crossing the line", but someone crossed the line with him...

Uteneti Fapiano

Be prepared for s2 cause this is where the webtoon starts