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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 126: marooned butt naked with jack

She sighed looking at the wealth in front of her along with her great plan.

They took her in front of the stone box filled with the gold pendants just like the one she had with her.

Barbossa took her hand to make the cut to draw out her blood.

Then he smeared the golden pendent with her blood and made her drop it in the big box of golden pendants.

Unfortunately she is not the one they are looking for.

Her blood would not lift their curse.

So they are in for a sever disappointment and anger.

Naturally Barbossa shot at one of his pirates to check if the curse is lifted or not.

Well their disappointment has earned her a slap.

But she needs this slap to find her ideal cuckold that would not come back to her for at least 20 years after their first night.

Well at least it is a first night for him.

So she wanted got the slap for hiding his name and identity.

She rolled down and fell beside the small water way around the cave.

She is waiting for Will turner to come over to save her just like that in the plot.

When she was brought in here she has already asked them where the gold and other things are.

Also she specifically looked at all the gold on both land and in the water.

She has to find some time to steal everything.

She also noted down on how to come to this place with her navigation skill that improved by observing the movement of the ship to this island.

Her navigation skill has reached level 5.

She can come back to this island from Port Royal again.

But it is better to take the important things with her before just in case.

Unfortunately she could not take anything with her right away.

She can only wait to return again to save will.

Then she will steal the things quickly.

She can take the help of commodore Norrington to transport all the wealth back to the Port Royal along with the captured pirates.

While sneaking out of this place with will turner she found that will turner did not try to remove the oars of the other rowing boats of the pirates.

“Oh, I forgot.

Will turner is so stupid that he can be cucked by her.

So he should not be intelligent enough to come up with a way to remove the oars when escaping to delay the pirates.”

With that thought she made the suggestion to the dimwit protagonist and they successfully escaped from here.

Naturally Jack was not included in this escape and he was captured by Barbossa and other pirates.


Back on HMS interceptor that set sail, Will turner started to gently tend to her wound by wrapping her cut hand with a clean cloth.

Well the wound has already healed because of the regeneration skill and there is only blood and scabbed skin on her hand.

She knows that the cursed pirates would come back to them.

So she was not that emotionally moved.

Also she hid her thoughts really well so that Will could only feel that she loved him.

Well she did not give out his name when her life was threatened.

This was enough for him to trust her.

She pulled his hand towards her cleavage when he wanted to kiss her.

Then she pulled out the medallion that she brought back telling the origin of the gold medallion.

Naturally after knowing the origin of the gold pirate medallion he acted like a stupid protagonist and naturally Elizabeth walked away after saying sorry.

“Sigh… dealing with stupid protagonists is really hard.

Well let’s go out and have some fun before the pirates catch up.”

She thought in her mind and came out of the lower cabins.

Unfortunately for a moment she forgot about the speed of black pearl.

Well the black pearl started to catch up.

They made a stand when they could not run.

The result is the destruction of the interceptor.

At the same time she was thrown into the hands of countless pirates that touched her body all over.

Their lust towards a woman has become endless and they could not hold back.

She happily let them touch her as they please and only let out few screams for one person that would come to save her.

She needs to put on her image in front of him.

So it is only natural that she screamed like she is unwilling while still enjoying their hands touching her tits and ass through the dress.

A moment later Will turner arrived with his stupid terms.

This let her walk on the plank to jump into the ocean near an unnamed island.

Also Barbossa asked her to return back the dress he gave her before.

But unlike in the original plot she is not wearing anything under the dress.

So she is butt naked when she removed the dress.

This would not damage her image in the eyes of Will turner because the pirates made her do this.

So he can only scream but could not say anything as she jumped beautifully into the water completely naked.

She looked like a mermaid that came out of the water when she was in the water.

She got to the shore of the island naked and felt very refreshed with the deep dip.

There is also Jack behind her that is watching her curves as she walked on the sandy beach with wet body.

She is extremely hot and the dick of Jack stood up directly and started to dance.

But he would not make a move just yet.

Any way she did not have any clothes to wear.

So she would need his warmth to support her during the night.

What he doesn’t know is that she has a dress hidden in the portable pussy space just in case if she needed it later.

Chapter 127: bad lover Jack, pirates whore title

So she would need his warmth to support her during the night.

What he doesn’t know is that she has a dress hidden in the portable pussy space just in case if she needed it later.

But the scene of a naked beautiful woman walking on the beach is incredibly beautiful even for this unnamed island out of nowhere.

Naturally Jack noticed her curves coming from behind her and he was really interested in her ass with a very hot shape.

He could not take his eyes off her ass.

But he still looked behind looking at the black pearl that is sailing away with a hint of sadness.

He still spoke the same words to Elizabeth but the lust could not be hidden from his words.

It is still morning reaching the time of after noon.

Whenever she comes in front of Jack to talk he could not take away his eyes from her tits.

It is like his eyes are glued to her tits and pussy.

But he held himself back and explained on how he escaped from this island before.

While doing that he jumped down into the underground stash of rum bottles.

As he took them he spoke with Elizabeth looking up from underground.

The scene in front of him was really incredible.

It was really a great view for him to watch making him lose his power of speech.

On the other hand Elizabeth also got a quest.


Quest: bad lover

Description: every cheating bitch needs to have a bad lover that would help her cheat her husband and boyfriend.

But this bad lover should not be loyal to the host instead he should help host become a whore

Host can chose Jack that is famous for his unreliability towards woman to become your bad lover.

Conditions: host has to ride the cock of Jack sparrow.

Reward: pirate whore (Title)


Lilith gave this quest and title because this title is more like a curse to many people and it is free to give because this thing is from the will of lust.

Elizabeth has looked at the quest and wanted to take a look at the title.


Title: pirate whore

Description: the host with this title would have many encounters with the pirates.

Pirates would be more interested in fucking the host than looting her treasures or killing her crew.

After fucking the host pirates would not cause any damage to her trade or goods because of intimacy.


The eyes of Elizabeth lit up.

She wants this exact title.

It was really perfect for the life she wanted.

She can ride the cocks of all the pirates and come out without losing a single thing from her trade ships.

For that she spread her legs and stood at the edge of the underground stash for Jack to have a better look at her.

As she expected Jack became speechless when he saw the view of her pussy from below.

He gulped down his saliva few times but still walked out with the bottles of rum.

He gave her a bottle straight to her chest feeling the softness from before.

Then he walked forward.

“Jack, why are you leaving?

How can we leave this island?

Don’t you have anything that I can ride on?”

Immediately Jack wanted to say that she can ride on his dick.

But he held back for a moment looking at her pussy and gulped down his saliva to wet his dry throat.

Elizabeth knows that she has to take the initiative in this matter to speak and act.

So she followed behind Jack to the beach quickly holding the bottle of rum.

When he sat on the beach she also wanted to sit on the beach but she did not have any clothes.

So she could not sit like this.

The sand on the beach will be soft but sometimes it can be a little sharp to cut her skin.

So she stood in front of Jack with her legs spread a little holding the rum bottle.

Jack felt an incredible arousal looking at the scene in front of him.

A beautiful naked woman is standing in front of him with a rum bottle on this sandy beach.

It is like a dream come true for a pirate.

Elizabeth took the chance to walk forward till her pussy was just a feet away from his face and said.

“I don’t have any clothes so I cannot sit on the sad.

So let me sit on your lap.

Any way you will not just dislike a beauty to sit on your lap while you drink the rum right.”

She said and boldly took a step forward with her pussy almost touching the face of Jack and slowly squatted down to sit on his lap while facing him.

Her tits rubbed on his face with her nipples almost poking his eyes.

Because of the change of height he got to face her bog tits in front of his face while her face it a little above.

Well she sat on his lap so she should be sitting a little above than Jack.

Right then she felt something hot touching her crotch.

She knows what this is without even looking at it.

Jack was still in daze at this moment and don’t know what to say.

Elizabeth took the initiative to speak.

“I am really hungry right now.

Also it is really cold here without a dress.

I need you to keep me warm.

I heard that men can give some high supplement milk from down there to my mouth below.

Is it really true?”

Immediately as soon as Elizabeth said these words the mind of Jack went blank.

He did not expect that Elizabeth with the appearance of a good girl would have this kind of side hidden inside her heart.

But he was more than happy to help her fulfill her wishes after knowing what kind of woman she actually is.

Chapter 128: Bad lover

He did not expect that Elizabeth with the appearance of a good girl would have this kind of side hidden inside her heart.

But he was more than happy to help her fulfill her wishes after knowing what kind of woman she actually is.

Now he doubts that she is still a virgin or is playing with the lover boy Will turner.

But he did not care about this because tasting the woman of other men is what he likes the most.

Also the risk in this situation is particularly less compared to many other situations.

As long as Elizabeth is not a virgin it is not a problem at all.

Based on the aggrieved expression of Will turner when she was pushed into the water completely naked tells him that will turner did not take the virginity of Elizabeth.

But based on the slutty appearance of Elizabeth, he was sure that she might not be a virgin.

While he was thinking, the hand of Elizabeth reached his crotch and rubbed his dick.

When his thoughts came back Elizabeth spoke.

“Wow, there is something hot here.

As long as it is inside me, the night would be really warm for me.

Sitting on your lap is not stable.

You need something to anchor my on the spot so that I can sit more comfortably.

So take out this hot rod from inside your pants and poke it into my pussy.

This way I can sit on your lap with stability.”

She said this and pulled down his pants slowly to reveal the big hot rod like dick from inside.

During this time her tits completely occupied the face of Jack and he could not see anything.

Also he did not move from the start to finish because he was enjoying the process of getting a fruit into his mouth.

He opened his mouth gently and one of the nipples of Elizabeth entered his mouth.

He took the right opportunity to catch the nipples in his mouth and started to suck it and lick the tip.


Elizabeth moaned from the pleasure and she trembled for a moment.

She stopped what she is doing and looked at Jack that is looking at her face with her nipple still in his mouth.

Elizabeth moved her other tit and placed the nipple towards the mouth of Jack and said.

“Suck on both the nipples.

If you only suck on a single nipple the other one would feel sad.”

As she said that she put both the nipples onto his mouth till he caught them both with his teeth and started to suck on them slowly.

His hands are on the sand al this time because he was supporting his body from falling back with all the movements of Elizabeth.

With her nipples inside the mouth of Jack Elizabeth moaned few more times before moving her hands to hold the dick of Jack.

Jack was very aroused and finally moved his hands to place them on the ass of Elizabeth.

He spread her butt cheeks gently making her moan more from the pleasure.

Then he slowly inserted his fingers towards her pussy and spread her pussy while his thumb tried its best to enter her tight ass hole.

Her pussy was already wet and ready for action.

Jack on the other hand started to suck her nipples harder and decided to move to the next action.

But she has to suck the dick to make it wet too.

So she wanted to get to that work.

Jack also wants to taste the pussy of Elizabeth.

It is the high class pussy of the daughter of the governor of Port Royal.

So he flipped her over so that her face is down and her pussy is at his face.

With that he got the taste of the wet pussy while Elizabeth was trying to swallow the dick to do a deep throat in this flipped position.

Her hands are on the sand trying her best to balance her movements.

Fortunately her legs wrapped around the neck of Jack so that the balance is really good.

She has this unique feeling of getting her mouth fucked and her pussy kissing.

This made her strangely excited and continued her blowjob.

She was really happy and her pussy finally had an orgasm.

Also Jack climaxed in her mouth.

She did not let even a single drop fell out of her mouth.

Instead she sucked the entire thing clean and swallowed it quickly.

“Thank you for the meal.

It was really tasty with the pirate mushy smell.”

Elizabeth said with a lewd smile on her face.

Jack was startled by the bad girl expression on the face of Elizabeth and smiled back.

Then she was flipped again with her wet pussy pressing against the wet dick.

Elizabeth moved her hands to point the dick straight towards her pussy.

She wanted to ride the thick hard dick right away.

Even after Cumming once the dick is still hard.

She really liked this.

Well the legendary pirate is still the legendary pirate without a problem.

She was thoroughly satisfied with the dick.

Jack did not let his dick poke inside her pussy instead he wanted to play with her more.

He first took out the rum bottle and drank a mouthful of rum.

Then he kissed Elizabeth.

Along with the kiss they shared the rum with each other as they are immersed in the feeling of having fun.

Right then Elizabeth asked.

“Jack, do you want to become my bad lover.

A bad lover is the one that would help me cheat on my lover and future husband.”

Jack was startled again but smiled with a good answer.

“Well this bad lover wanted to use you to fuck many men to help me out of the sticky situations.

What do you say?

Do you want to become the slutty whore that would spread her legs to every man that I pointed to?”

Chapter 129: portable pussy space reached level 15

“…What do you say?

Do you want to become the slutty whore that would spread her legs to every man that I pointed to?”

“Aye… Aye… captain.

Even if I become the queen of pirates, I will still be your little whore.

Don’t abandon this loyal little whore when you go out on adventures in the future.”

Elizabeth said and Jack smiled happily and spanked her ass with his rough hands.

“Phat… Phat….”

“You are a good whore.

Let me Mark your pussy with my pirate dick to complete the ceremony.”

He pulled her ass up into the air while Elizabeth spread her pussy lips and aligned the dick of Jack straight towards her pussy hole.

Then the dick plunged into her pussy.

Well it was really a tight pussy and the movement of the dick is slow.

But still it went in all the way because of their sitting position.

With the dick that went all the way in Elizabeth started to moan in pleasure and squirted her love juices out on the crotch of Jack.

Jack held her hips and started to move her up and down to let fuck her pussy.

After few minutes he poured his big load of cum into her pussy making it a creampie and then said.

“Keep this load of cum inside your pussy my little whore.”

“Aye… captain but it is leaking.”

“I will help you block it with this cork.”

As he said these words he pulled out the cork on the rum bottle, pulled out his dick and them put the cork in her pussy.

“Ahaaaa… aye captain it went in perfectly and blocked the cum.

Which hole do you want to fuck next?”

As she said that the hands of Jack spanked her ass one again and his fingers went to her ass hole.



“There is one tight hole right here waiting enthusiastically for my dick right.”

As he said these words his fingers entered her ass hole and started to finger them slowly to widen her ass hole.

Also the fingers went to her pussy to pull out the cum to lubricate her ass hole while widening it.

“Yes, captain, it is really waiting for your thick dick to get a poke.

Spank me more.

Fuck me roughly.

My holes should completely adapt to your thick dick and shape along with your dick.

These holes are yours to play and do whatever you want to do with them.”

Elizabeth said these words mixed in with her moans and spanks.

Soon her ass holed widened enough to fit the dick of Jack inside.

Jack turned her around with her back facing him and slowly pushed his dick inside her ass hole.

It really went in perfectly and Jack felt the real tightness of her ass hole.

He moved his hands under her arms to hold her tits with one hand and the other hand went to her pussy to play with it.

The cork in her pussy was pushed and pulled while he moved her hips to fuck her ass hole.


They fucked like bunnies for at least 2 more hours before they rested.

Jack was exhausted as his dick finally calmed down.

With him sleeping Elizabeth woke up.

She did not expect that she would gain experience by just fucking.

Her level increased along with some of her skills.

Also she got the title of the pirate whore.

She was really happy.

As soon as she got off the dick the cum flowed out of her pussy and asshole.

She quickly went to the sea to clean it off.

It is just evening and they have to make a camp fire.

They can go for another few rounds during the night before she would make the signal for commodore Norrington.

She did not drink much rum.

She first washed off her body in the sea water and went to look for something to eat and drink.

There are many coconut trees and there are many coconuts that are knocked out of the trees naturally.

She found a machete from the underground rum stash and cut off the coconuts to drink the water inside and eat the tender coconut flesh.

Jack is still resting.

She was able to move because she observed a special feature of the system.

Every time she levels up the exhaustion from before would be gone completely.

So she is very energetic right now because with the last shot of cum inside her she just leveled up.

She is not as strong and resilient as Jack but she is still good.

She has to go a long way to reach their level of capabilities.

But she was willing to take the time to improve slowly.

It is evening and the sun is setting slowly.

She has already washed her pussy and ass hole clean with sea water.

Even though it is not good and can cause problems, her regenerative skill would help her tide over the small problems keeping her body neat and clean.

The lust points she gained from Jack are just normal level.

It is only around 400 lust points.

As for her original stash of lust points they have reached an astonishing number when she was sent to this island completely naked.

They have reached 150 thousands lust points.

With this number she can easily improve her level and many skills.

But the most important thing right now is to gather wealth instead of gathering skills and level.

They can be gained through normal means by practicing and fucking around.

But the portable pussy space can only be improved by using the lust points.

She needs 209 thousand lust points to upgrade it to level 20.

This would give her 20 cubic meters of space.

That is the maximum limit of this skill in this world.

From the 150 thousand lust points she spent 119 thousand lust points to upgrade the portable pussy space to level 15 directly.

Chapter 130: the second round of bunny hopping

That is the maximum limit of this skill in this world.

From the 150 thousand lust points she spent 119 thousand lust points to upgrade the portable pussy space to level 15 directly.

This gave her 15 cubic meters of space.

She still wanted to improve this and she would try her best to improve the space completely before improving the other things.

In the evening Jack woke up with a dazed.

He looked around and did not find Elizabeth.

For a moment he thought that he was in a dream fucking Elizabeth.

Suddenly Elizabeth ran over to him while shivering a little.

Well she is completely naked and it is normal to shiver walking around naked around a beach in the evening.

Jack suddenly realized that what happened before is not a dream.

He can still play bunny hopping with the beauty in front of him in this unnamed island.

It is really a heaven for him.

But his true love is still the black pearl.

Any way he has now become her bad lover that would help her cheat without being noticed by will turner.

He quickly moved to arrange the fire to keep them warm.

Then he got something to eat along with rum.

He pulled Elizabeth into his lap again and pushed his dick inside her pussy.

“You have removed the cork that I told you not to remove.

You should get some punishment for disobeying the orders of the captain.”

After saying these words he started to bite her hard nipples and spank her ass.

Well he is a legendary pirate after all.

His dick recovered to its peak power just after a few hours of rest.

With that the second round of bunny hopping started.

By the estimate of Elizabeth she would reach level 8 by the end of this all.

Since there is only Jack sparrow here she could not receive large amount of lust points.

Also he has already fucked her once so the second time would not yield as much of lust points as she got before.

But she was not worried about this matter.

This is because later after Jack falls into deep sleep again she would signal commodore Norrington and pull him over to rescue them.

With that plan ready she hopped on the dick of Jack more vigorously.

As the name Jack his dick as big as the dick of a Jack.

He is like a relentless donkey that could not lift things but can only lift her with his dick.

The pleasure she got from him was really great and she was thoroughly satisfied.

Unfortunately they could not play this more because after today they would separate and would take some time to meet again.

After a while her pussy was once again filled with cum along with her ass hole that was clearly creampied with the thick cum.

She waited till Jack started to breathe evenly like he completely fell into deep sleep.

Elizabeth moved out and went to wash her pussy with the cold sea water.

She could not appear with the smelly body in front of commodore Norrington.

She has to be careful so that she can preserve her innocent appearance.

After washing the body in the cold water she smelled her body.

She only smelled of sea and did not have any smell of cum or rum.

Then she took out the dress she hid in the portable pussy space.

The dress has a slight smell of freshness.

But her wet sea water covered body has soaked the dress.

This made the dress to smell damp and slightly unclean.

This was specifically arranged by her so that she would not be suspected that she is wearing a new dress.

Even if Jack found that she is wearing a dress he would think that it was given to her by commodore Norrington.

After putting on the dress she did not rest but immediately got on to work.

She did not have an alarm clock to wake her up later.

Also she has plenty of work to transport all the rum bottles here to make a bigger fire to attract the attention of commodore Norrington’s patrol ships.

Jack was too drunk and exhausted to notice anything.

She is also exhausted by right before Jack shot his final load inside her she leveled up.

With that her stamina and other things recovered.

The regeneration skills quickly took over the duty of recovering her body and everything was back to normal.

That night with her continuous efforts she successfully lit up half of the island.

The green trees started to burn because of the rum she sprayed on it and lit it all up to create a big fire to attract the attention of the ships.

She is currently wearing a thin dress that barely covered her body from the cold.

But with her improvement her cold is not much.

She noticed that the level of Jack from her has dropped a little.

Previously it should be in 70’s but now it is in 60’s.

That is how many times he is stronger than her in her current physical self without being enhanced by the levels of the system.

That is their difference.

She took out some burnt black ashes to rub on her dress and face to make it look like she worked hard to light everything.


Well in the morning the ship arrived just as she expected.

It is still a distance away.

Jack also woke up with a dazed expression from all the burning smell of trees, wooded drums and rum.

“The smell is so good.”

He thought for a moment in his sleep and immediately came out of daze.

Naturally the little talk between them is over and the big ship with her father governor Swann and commodore Norrington has arrived.

Jack was naturally captured or allowed himself to be captured by those navy soldiers easily without any resistance from his side.


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