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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 121: portable pussy space

After that she quickly went to change her clothes to her normal night dress and used a waste cloth to clean off her pussy and thighs.

Then she called the servants appearing as if she just woke up.

The servants that just went downstairs were dazed by the sudden call from Elizabeth.

Well they thought that Elizabeth was taken away by someone and they would all face punishment from governor Swann.

But the presence of Elizabeth has relieved their fears.

To verify that Elizabeth was really there they quickly entered into the Elizabeth’s room to check on her.

This includes the male butlers and the female servants.

But what they did not expect is that right when they opened the door Elizabeth got off the bed without any clothes.

Immediately the male servants were mesmerized by the amazing body of Elizabeth and they could not avert their eyes.

But the female servants pushed them to pull them back into reality.

The immediately got down on their knees and begged for mercy from Elizabeth.

“Mistress, please forgive us for our actions just now.

We are just fearful that something happened to you and entered into the room without permission.

Please don’t tell governor Swann…”

Elizabeth should act magnanimously to keep her image.

So she simply said.

“It is okay,

I know that you all are searching for me.

I just went down stairs to take a look at something.”

Well the people did not ask a question at that time.

“How did you go downstairs without a dress?”

It is a fact that Elizabeth being a rich lady never put on her dress by her hands.

So naturally she needs help to wear her dress.

So how did she go down and what did she wear when she went down?

It is the question that they should have.

The answers in their minds vary with person.

One thought that she went down wearing nothing.

The imagination is so good that his dick stood up, thinking of Elizabeth walking down completely naked.

The other one thought of her going down wearing only bath towel.

He also imagined the sudden drop of bath towel giving a good view of beauty to the world.

You have to remember that this is around 16th century and there is no big matter related to exhibitionism and perversion in the modern days.

So their imagination is really rich.

But no one dared to question Elizabeth about this matter.

They don’t want to die questioning their master.

So they left quietly.

The maids arranged another bath for Elizabeth and she took a good hot water bath.

She also washed her pussy cleanly leaving no cum inside.

To her surprise she can control small movements of her body and push out the cum inside her smoothly.

That night she is going to have a turbulent night with pirates attacking and taking her away from here.

So she has to be prepared.

But before that she looked at the reward that she got after completing the quest from the morning.

That is the portable pussy space.

She got the information into her mind.


Skill: portable pussy space (Upgradable)

Description: host can have a space inside her pussy which did not disturb the sexual life of the host.

As long as host put something or a part of it inside the pussy and thought of sending it into the space, it would be moved into the space.

But the prerequisite is that there is enough space inside.

Current level: 1 (0/2000 lust points)

Portable space available: 1 cubic meter time stagnant space

Special hint: putting and taking the things from the portable pussy space is a pleasurable thing.


She understood that this skill would not improve by using it many times.

She has to use lust points to upgrade the space to the next level.

For now she did not want to increase it.

But at the end of this first plot she would go to a place with plenty of treasures.

She plans to upgrade her space at that time and store more treasures for future usage.

She wanted to try how useful this portable pussy space is.

So the scrubber in her hand was slightly inserted into her pussy with the thought of sending it into the portable space.

Immediately the scrubber entered into the portable pussy space and vanished from her hand.

But at that moment she felt that she was poked by a dick inside her pussy.

This made her so aroused instantly.

But she controlled her thoughts to bring back the scrubber out of her pussy.

It once again felt like the dick is being pulled out of her pussy.

This made her aroused again.

Only now she understood what it is pleasurable thing that the special hint mentioned before.

Also she found a specific thing.

That is the space inside is not in specific structure like a cube or anything.

It appeared like the space formed around the scrubber like a thin film without leaving a slightest gap.

It means that the total volume she gets is 1 cubic meters and she don’t have to adjust anything in her space.

This is much more useful than setting the things carefully and store them by adjusting the space it occupies.

This discovery made her really happy that she can store more without fearing anything like adjusting the things for more space.

After taking the bath she had some snacks and put on a good night dress.

She would be taken by the pirates at night and she is thinking on what image she should make.

When the pirates took her she would be only wearing the night dress that she usually wears.

She hid a dagger in her portable pussy space just in case to use it well.

Inserting a dagger did not cause her any harm.

Also taking the dagger out did not require her to put her hand into the pussy to take it out.

Chapter 122: a dress that can reveal more skin

Inserting a dagger did not cause her any harm.

Also taking the dagger out did not require her to put her hand into the pussy to take it out.

It can appear straight into her hand or around the location she wanted to release it in the premises of 2 meters radius around her.

But when the things were taken out she would feel the sensation of dick being pulled out.

The bigger the thing is the higher the sensation would be, when putting the thing or taking it out of her portable pussy space.

After her experiments she changed her dress and got on the bed.

From here on out it was waiting.

She did not spend her lust points in anything for the time being.

Based on the knowledge she has on plot she doesn’t have to do anything and have to speak few words to continue the plot.

No one would save her for the time being any way.

Also she observed that her maid servants has really good figure and their maid dress is more cleavage showing than she expected.

But she could not take any action right now.

The heart of the male did not die down even after experiencing the pleasure of being a woman.

So she would still look at the deep cleavage of the woman when they are doing chores for her.

On the other hand Jack was imprisoned and will is wandering around without knowing what to do.

He still doesn’t know that governor Swann would have the wedding talks with Norrington and Elizabeth.

Slowly it was deep in the night.

Elizabeth had another good meal before retiring to the bed.

She is wearing some sexy and more transparent night dress right now.

All it needs to become wet to show off her beautiful body.

Also she did not forget to wear the scull medallion and put it in her cleavage just like that in the plot.

When the maid left the wind started to blow almost blowing out the small lamps.

It was the sign that the cursed pirates of black pearl are coming.

Elizabeth took a deep breath and got ready for the coming situation.

Also the system is ready to gain more lust points.

Those pirates might not feel the fulfillment of their desires.

But they can still create lust energy which is normally higher than ordinary civilian people.

She can use this chance to hoard more lust points for herself.

The lamp finally blew out leaving the room dark inviting the scenes of horror.

The cold wind blew much harder into the island along with a ghost ship that sailed towards the port.

Soon the sounds of cannons were heard by the people all over the island.

Well the ship is like a floating fortress that is here to destroy the entire place.

The heart of Elizabeth beat wildly from the start of the sound of the cannons.

She took deep breaths and got her mind to calm down for the coming disaster.

She came to the window to look and found that few pirates holding torches and swords came over to take her away.

She did not immediately let them take her instead she decided to run all over the mansion just like that in the plot.

Based on the improvement of her level she should have improved by 10 percent.

She wanted to see what the improvement is.

Also all the levels of the people around her would be displayed with her original capabilities as the base.

So others levels show that they are that much stronger than her.

Each level will be 10 percent of her capabilities.

But that might not always true when it refers to the intelligence of that person.

The capabilities are mainly the physical powers.

It also includes the intelligence but there are exceptions like the two dimwit soldiers and the two dimwit pirates Ragetti and Pintel.

There are also too intelligent people like Barbossa and Jack sparrow.


Facing the pirates she moved much faster but the average level of these pirates is around level 15 and level 20.

She was able to move much faster than that of the original plot and even hit them a few times.

Unfortunately they are all undead and she could not outrun them easily.

After confirming her current capabilities she decided to invoke Parley.

At that time her dress is not good and there are many torn areas.

Most of them should appear like they are caused through accidents when she is running.

But most of them are actually caused by her.

She tore her dress at specific locations to show off more skin.

One of her nipples is almost out of her clothes and they can easily notice her areola.

Also she poured some water on her dress and the wet dress is more on the transparent side.

Also her long dress has a tear all the way to her waist in all four directions.

This was deliberately done by Elizabeth after the maid left her bed room.

This way whenever there is a slight breeze or pull her pussy and lower body was completely on display.

During the run in the mansion there are more tears.

So naturally she has a modern pieced together dress which is a high fashion trend to wear the torn clothes that shows more skin near the private areas.

So her beauty was on complete display to those pirates and everyone.

Unfortunately other than pirates all other people are in life and death situation causing them to unable to notice her beauty.

But the pirates clearly noticed her beauty and they all have erections.

Their desire was endless and cannot be satisfied.

So they would generate the lust energy constantly all the time continuously.

She has to make sure that she can endure their stench during this time to gain all these lust points.

This will only happen for the next few days till the end of the plot.

Chapter 123: completely shameless

She has to make sure that she can endure their stench during this time to gain all these lust points.

This will only happen for the next few days till the end of the plot.

After that she will not be able to gain the lust points so easily.

After the curse is gone they would still be lustful but they will not have this insatiable endless desire.

As long as they had a good time their desire would be satisfied.

As for the cursed people of the flying Dutchmen they are completely useless.

After being cursed under the sea they will not be able to reproduce even if their curse was removed.

They lost everything that can be called a desire of living from their lives.

What they desire most is to die and pass on to the next life.

So the current situation is like having a big buffet for her to have the most lust points in the shortest time possible.

With that she has to make most preparations to gain the best results.

Also she was sure that her life would not be threatened because she is the heroine of the plot.

So she will be fine no matter what during the time she can be the heroine.

Unfortunately it is only for the first part of the plot that is the curse of the black pearl.

After that there is no heroine.

Even though she can become the king the pirates in the next two parts she is not the direct heroine.

Instead she is just a character that would lead the plot that has many dangerous situations.

The heroine is actually the calypso also known as Tai Dalma.

So she has to be careful after the end of this plot.

She was taken by the pirates in her current dress with lustful eyes all around.

Will turner has seen her being taken by the pirates but his got hit on the head and fell.

But in his dreams he has saved Elizabeth right now and they had a steamy night while there is chaos outside the house.

Then suddenly hid drunken master appeared and knocked him out and tied him.

Then Elizabeth and his blacksmith master started to fuck right in front of his eyes.

His sweet dream became a nightmare.

He only realized that it is a nightmare in the morning next day.

On the other hand Elizabeth was taken to the ship black pearl in her miserable state.

Well the only thing that is miserable is her dress but her body is extremely hot.

She already knows what to say and she has already prepared for the slap from the big black pirate.

But she was actually thinking of riding his dick later.

Well she has tasted the sweetness of having a dick inside and she could not stop herself from thinking more about it.

Also she is not the original Elizabeth of this pirates of the Caribbean world to begin with.

So she did not have any burden with doing shameless things right now.

With a straight face she made the bargain with Barbossa the current captain of the black pearl.

Well she did make the wrong choice of words leading to her not being included in the bargain.

So naturally they would not send her back.

Well she doesn’t want to be sent back either.

Naturally she was taken to the separate room to stay there and wait for what is about to come.

She doesn’t care about what is happening on the other side at this moment.

No one would disturb her for the time being.

Her life is really important for them because they need her alive to extract the warm blood to return the golden coin to solve the curse.

So they would not touch her for the time being.

On the night of the next day she was asked to dine with the captain.

They even brought her a new dress.

Naturally she declined to listen to the second part of the option that is to dine with the crew completely naked.

She acted like she was frightened and has to dine with the crew naked.

So she took the dress from their hands.

But her next words stunned them.

“I don’t mind dining with the crew naked but I still have something to talk to your captain.

Also can you help me put on this dress.

I cannot out it on by myself.”

As she said these words she directly stripped her dress that was torn at many places.

Immediately it revealed her milky white skin.

Under her dress there is nothing she is wearing inside.

So her entire body came into the sight of the pirates making them glup down their saliva.

She immediately received notification from the system that she gained more lust points from their stares.

The two pirates smiled happily as they stepped forward to touch her body.

But they would not dare to do anything to her right now.

They only groped her tits and ass gently in the name of dressing her up.

Elizabeth enjoyed the touch and smiled at them.

Then she said.

“You really helped me well.

So let me reward you.”

As she said these words she pulled down her top a little to reveal her tits again and said.

“You can suck my tits for a minute.”

Immediately they liked what they heard and moved forward to suck her nipples.

The feeling of getting sucked is really good and she really wanted them to suck on her clit and lick her pussy and ass hole.

But it is not time for that yet.

So she can only let them suck her tits.

When they are done she took out some cloth from the side and wiped her nipples and tit carefully and said.

“Help me put my tits back.”

The two pirates smiled and helped her put her tits back while groping them again till she stopped them.

Chapter 124: can lust but could not be satisfy

“Help me put my tits back inside my dress.”

The two pirates smiled and helped her put her tits back while groping them again till she stopped them.

Well they could not be satisfied.

Then she walked out of the room with gentle steps and heard the words of the two pirates.

“She is a real slut.

I did not expect that the rich woman would be so slutty and generous to the pirates.

She should be hungry for a man’s touch and a hard cock for a long time.”

They talked as they led her to the captain’s room.

There are many colorful dishes on the dining table and Elizabeth can really eat them happily.

Well she did not eat for a day and Barbossa pointed out that she must be hungry.

So she can let lose.

Even in the past life she remembers that the food tastes good if you eat it with your own hands.

Well she saw this in the video of a chef that explained that eating with hand instead of eating with other things like spoons, forks and chopsticks would complete the dish.

Also it would create a fulfillment in the mind of the person that is eating.

That is the reason why most children instinctively try to eat things with their hands and lick their hands.

It might have looked like unhygienic but it is the self improvement mode of the body that is trying to increase the immunity of the human body through natural means.

But most pharmacies and doctors would be at lost if the people develop immunity well.

So they made this nonsense of a theory saying that unhygienic things would cause problems with immunity at young age.

Yes their theory is correct if it was mentioned about special cases.

But under normal circumstances the amount of damage to the immunity is actually the constructive damage to improve and strengthen the immunity.

Well the rich people are a bunch of moron that would believe this blindly.

It was successfully implemented in many areas leading to the widening of the pockets and bank accounts of those doctors and pharmacies.

Also eating with hand gives a psychological fulfillment as the hand of the person can also taste the food.


She immediately let go of the fork and knife and started to eat the food using her hands.

But it is not to the exaggerated level like in the original plot.

Instead she started to eat it like a normal pirate that would eat and drink casually.

Finally Barbossa explained about the curse of the gold medallion.

Well she did not stupidly fought with him but walked out of the captain’s room directly to see what it is like outside right now.

Naturally the skeletons without any flesh were all there.

She doesn’t know how they can still hold their clothes and accessories.

Many be it is because of the suspended animation state or some other strange effect is letting them have dressed up like that.

Looking at everyone she was really frightened like a normal person would.

She is not some cheap novel transmigrator that would instantly become a brave person with hundreds of skills to fight and do many things.

She is a normal human that can only become frightened looking at the scene in front of her.

But she calmed down much faster because she has already expected the things in front of her.

Expectations and reality are the same but the experience needs time to settle down.

So she did not run back into the captain’s quarters instead she stood outside and looked at the skeleton like people with fascination.

This time it was the cursed pirate crew that was shocked by her fascinated eyes without knowing what is running in her mind.

Under their shocked gazes she smiled brightly.

They thought that the shock was too much for her and as she became mad.

Some thought that she was like a hidden psychopath that became excited looking at the skeletons.

Under the various thought the words of Elizabeth sounded making them even more shocked as if they are not looking at a normal person.

“You said that your lust would never be satisfied right.

Then let me test that.”

As she said these words she directly stripped her clothes in front of the entire ship crew.

Yes their lust can never be satisfied.

But that did not mean that they cannot be lustful.

Even their bones would have a boner looking at her body but the sad thing is that they could not jerk off.

It is like wanting to sneeze but they could not.

It is a painful thing to the people that are lawless in enjoying the life and lust before.

They have tasted the satisfaction of lust.

So they know how bad it would be to have a cock block.

Instead of frightening her they were frightened back by her.

The pain of lust is so great that they can only send her into the empty room to let her stay there out of their sight.

They could not even kill her at the moment which is a sad thing for them.

They all have only one thought in their minds at that moment.

That is after their curse is removed they would ride her holes till she begged them to stop.

Elizabeth can see their thoughts but she can only pity them.

Unfortunately they can never fulfill these thought in their life.

They would either die or be captured the moment their curse was removed.

With these thought she pitied them.

So whenever she got the chance she would come out of the cabin naked and show off her beauty to these people.

They can only endure looking at the actions of Elizabeth at this moment without a way to vent their anger on anyone or anywhere.

Elizabeth on the other hand was really happy about the amount of lust points she is constantly getting.

Chapter 125: the treasure in the cave of Isla de Muerta

They can only endure looking at the actions of Elizabeth at this moment without a way to vent their anger on anyone or anywhere.

Elizabeth on the other hand was really happy about the amount of lust points she is constantly getting.

Every time she comes out of the cabin, she would not return back until someone drags her back into the cabin.

They wanted to fuck her for real but they could not fuck her because they are afraid that they would kill her accidentally.

Elizabeth on the other hand is fully happy with her life and the increased in the lust points.

The number is literally running like a wild horse in the grass land or a race car on the race track.

It has already reached increased to 30 thousands from the previous 17 thousand.

It is further increasing.

She did not use the lust points for the time being as she trains every day doing specific things to improve her level through hard work.

The frequent agitation is also giving her experience points and a new skill called seduction appeared and before she realized the improvement it has reached level 5.


Skill: seduction

Description: as the name suggests, this skill helps host seduce other people.

This skill would give the necessary suggestions and knowledge to seduce the target of the host.

Upgrade conditions: seducing other people

Current level: level 5


Also with her words the silver tongue skill also improved very quickly and reached level 5.

So the days are very fruitful as a hostage for these cursed pirates of the black pearl.

During the nights there are times when few of the pirates would silently pull her and try to fuck her.

She can feel their dicks inside her but they would not feel anything because of the curse.

This caused their lust to become almost endless and this increased her points more.

They can only endure before they reached the island where the cursed gold is present.

Based on her estimate she would have around 50 thousand lust points or more.

She decided to use those lust points to increase her portable pussy space so that she can steal more valuables from these pirates.

This can wait till she enters into the place where the treasures are hidden.

Except during the night she is not even wearing clothes most of the day.

Well she would put on some light clothes or a quilt if it was too cold outside.

Her time here is the best.

She would conduct some masturbation shows to these people to watch.

The cleaning pirates would be the ones that would have most problems of cleaning her mess in this situation.

But they are too lustful to complain.

She is a great beauty.

Her actually level increased to level 6.

Most of the skills are restricted to level 20.

Even her portable pussy space can only reach level 20.

This would give 20 cubic meters of space.

The cost of improving is really high which was set by Lilith.

The reason for this is to turn the portable pussy space to improve permanently instead of temporarily for her to use in other worlds.

She can give the improvement of portable pussy space as reward for her future hosts.

It is like a small scale business to earn extra profits.


Finally they reached the Isla de Muerta.

It is the island with the cave full of treasures.

Only the people that came here once can come back here again.

The only other way is by using the compass of Jack sparrow.

So Jack and other arrived really quickly compared to the pirates that have to go back by remembering the way.

There are no land marks in the sea and they have to decide the direction using the star charts during the night.

So naturally they took time to reach here compared to Jack that took few detours.

When they reached here the put on the medallion back on her neck and dressed her up well.

It is like they are preparing a sacrifice.

Unfortunately they would be disappointed later.

Along the way she did not take off her dress instead she cooperated with them strangely.

They all thought that it was the fear of death.

But when they looked into her eyes they only saw that she is looking at them with pity.

They did not understand and thought that she is mad.

When she was taken inside there are mountains of gold and valuables.

She would need few hours to steal everything here.

She has to plan things well before leaving this place.

Coming back here is not an easy thing and she doesn’t want to miss the opportunity of having so much treasure.

Even with the system she still has to eat to live.

So naturally the best way would be to have the gold and valuables that can be traded and become rich.

Richness can give her a way to rise in power.

With power she can do many things and does not have to fear being killed easily.

Also with power she can live a comfortable life and enjoy the company of many handsome, strong and powerful men from all over the world.

While she is thinking she was taken to the big stone box that was placed at the center of the treasure cave.

Even thought there is so much wealth here she cannot take everything with her even if she upgrades her portable pussy space all the way to level 20.

To upgrade the portable pussy space to level 20 it requires 210 thousand lust points to upgrade it to that level.

Even at that level she can only get 20 cubic meters of space.

She sighed looking at the wealth in front of her along with her great plan.

They took her in front of the stone box filled with the gold pendants just like the one she had with her.


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