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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 206: ritual to improve spirit

He would use them in these holidays to strengthen his spirit and body.

No one knows about his plans so there is no hindrance.

Back at the black family home he prepared the large empty room underground and used the materials that he got from the Barty crouch family for the ritual.

There are few other tributes and materials that John got from the neutral faction.

Also after learning how to break the restrictions and wards he went to many of the ancestral houses of those death eaters and broke off the restrictions and traps.

Then he went straight to their secret passages and room that he found using the plant vines that he spread in these houses.

Plants are natural things and no one would make a ward specifically offset them.

Plants and insects can enter and exit most spaces easily.

Well when these ancestral homes are built the druid race and other races close to plants and nature are near extinction.

Naturally they will not make restriction and trap for this matter.

John used this loop hole to get what he wanted easily right after the start of the holidays.

There is no one to report the missing things.

The house elves of these families are temporarily taken for investigation because of the incident with Barty crouch family.

So John took the right time to steal everything that he possibly could.

A few days later he arranged a ritual in the innermost secret place of the Grimmauld palace 12 basement.

There are house elves protecting him during his ritual and no one would come over to disturb him.

First thing John did is to draw the magic circle using the old unicorn blood that he got from one of those rich families.

Then he brought over many time turners and placed them in one of the circles of sacrifice.

Time turners have a precious material that can enhance the spirit by many times.

Also there is minute chance that he can get some magic related to time.

This material is none other than solidified Arorium.

This is what the main material for time connections in the time turners.

That is the reason why there are so little time turners.

John kept one separately for his usage if needed and use the remaining time turners.

He doesn’t have to separate then as the magic circle would only take the necessary things.

Also Arorium is a volatile material and could not be taken out easily.

This magic circle has 9 circles of sacrifice while the center of the circle has concentric triangles to that are connecting three circles of sacrifice at different points.

Every triangle has lines from its tips connecting to the circle at the center of the magic circle where John should stand.

In the other magic circles there are materials like unicorn horns, real fairy wings, tears of water spirit…..

After putting these things John took out his magic wand with him and entered into the magic circle.

His wand and he are not two separate people.

Instead they are the same person.

The wand has elementary level thinking capabilities or instinctive thinking capabilities.

After the ritual today this would increase to the next level and might give the wand consciousness.

John also brought over his pet Goldy this time.

When he leaves this world he might take his wand with him to the next world.

As for his pet, he doesn’t know if he can take it with him.

But this ritual can improve its intelligence and can let it have the ability to communicate like other magical creatures.

Also this is his most loyal creatures that would not leave him no matter what.

Also its bloodline is very different and John doesn’t know what its blood like till now.

Even the phoenix with Dumbledore was friendly to it on its own.

Phoenix are said to be arrogant creatures and very rarely get close to a person.

Also that person should have strong resonance to the heart and spirit of the phoenix.

With all the arrangements done John started the ritual.

Immediately the unicorn blood that was used to draw the magic circle started to burn releasing silver gray flames.

John did not kill any magic creature.

All the things here are taken from the secret treasures of many big families.

So there are no cause and effect grudges that would haunt him.

As soon as the silver flame reached the materials present on the 9 circles of sacrifice they melted leaving the other things as scrap.

Then they each divided into smaller portion entering through edges of various triangles.

At the intersection points of these triangle lines they mixed in with other materials.

Then they flowed to the location where John was present in line at the center of the flames.

The inner circle where John is standing activated a force field that would not leak anything out.

The big magic circle also has this kind of thing so that the magic fluctuations during the ritual would not go out.

There are still house elves outside the magic circle that are protecting the area and also keeping the magic fluctuations to be at minimum.

In the inner circle where John is standing strong mist appeared.

John did not stand anymore.

He sat crossed legs and started to recite series of scripts from various languages.

Some are related to time and some are related to spirit….

This way the fog started to swirl around him rapidly in the small circular area.

The wand and the bird are also absorbing the mist quickly in their own way.

This lasted for 4 hours and finally the materials outside the sacrifice were exhausted and the last of the mist inside the enclosed area was absorbed by the three of them.

Because of the force field other did not feel much but when the force field was removed the strong presence of John was sensed by all the house elves.

Chapter 207: the corrupted system’s real appearance

This lasted for 4 hours and finally the materials outside the sacrifice were exhausted and the last of the mist inside the enclosed area was absorbed by the three of them.

Because of the force field other did not feel much but when the force field was removed the strong presence of John was sensed by all the house elves.

Also John, the wand and Goldy started to resonate with each other.

Right then the wand went to the heart area of John and it directly released the Patronus charm.

The dark flaming phoenix was summoned and the bird Goldy flew into the illusionary figure of the dark phoenix on its own.

Then they both synchronized and combined completely.

Goldy started to transform into that of a dark phoenix as it flew around in the room.

Then it flew straight towards the chest of John.

John can feel that no harm would be done to him.

He felt a strong connection with Goldy as if he can feel its thoughts, love and loyalty.

So John let it plunge into his heart straight away.

When it made contact John did not feel any pain or even the force of collision.

All he felt is a strange feeling of a space opening in his heart.

He is not wearing any shirt right now.

So he can see the pattern of dark phoenix that formed on his chest with his heart straight at the heart location of the dark phoenix.

Also the dark phoenix is still inside him and he can feel it clearly.

This means that as long as he summons Goldy he doesn’t have to summon the Patronus charm.

They both became one being and he doesn’t have to take Goldy separately as it can live in his heart right now.

John summoned Goldy out and communicated with it through his thoughts and found that it needs to sleep for a while to digest and completely awaken its bloodline.

Also during this time the environment in his heart that is the strong vitality can be the best environment to complete this transformation.

John heard the female voice of a teenage around 16 years old from the phoenix.

He smiled and let it rest.

He wanted to see if he can take the phoenix along with him to the other worlds if he can.

But before that he has to make sure that the problem with his system is rectified.

Unless he makes something that can shake the will of the world the system could not be rectified.

Fortunately it cannot intentionally do anything to him.

So it can only stay silent.

Most probably his system is corrupted by something of this world at a later time when the system scanned and connected to the will of the world.

Since the system specifically going towards the Merlin’s treasure from time and time again, John doubts that it has something to do with the soul of Merlin.

Most probably he made something mad enough to connect his soul with the will of the world.

The resultant is finding his strange system and corrupting it to take over his body.

John can only sigh because such a good system is gone just because of an unknown source of corruption.

This also gave him a warning that the system cannot be trusted completely.

He has to change along with the situation and always be cautious of everything.

Fortunately he was intelligent enough to discover it early.

While thinking his spirit finally calmed down and the resonance with his wand also calmed down.

Then he can feel the surrounding things more clearly and the presence of many things became completely apparent in his eyes.

Without even looking he can see everything.

Also he sensed that a huge tentacle like monster was attached to him with a single eye ball head and two wings in the place of its ears.

There are tentacles as thick as tree roots that went to unknown places.

All John can see is the basic outline and nothing more than that with his current level of spirit.

John can also see the madness in the eye.

John knows why it was mad because John did not let it give a single choice or mission.

Everything was decided before the thing can make a move.

This further proved the thoughts of John.

That is this system was being controlled by something that don’t know the actual plot.

If it was the real system then it can easily know the future and give the quests in a much faster than John can manage to solve them.

This means that even though the corruption could take control of the system it could not reach out into the will of the world to know the future.

John sighed and let it stay like that.

He is currently not strong enough to fight with this corruption.

Also the corruption could not pass through the roots to reach John.

So they are in a stalemate.

With John’s improvement it is even more impossible to corrupt his soul and capture him.

John sighed of relief and moved to take a good bath.

He has to move on to the next plan without delaying the things.

He needs a few days to adapt to his current power.

Also from now on devouring dementors would give him more benefits.

But for the time being he would not hunt down the dementors.

Goldy still needs to wake up.

But with his current power even the killing curse of Voldemort would not have any effect on him.

Well it would do the damage but it would recover quickly.

It is better to not to get damaged before reaching the height of the monster that tried to corrupt his system.

Any way he has the magic cards that have all kinds of protection engraved on it.

So it is not a problem for him to come out without any damage even if there is a fight.

Chapter 208: a gift from Gellert Grindelwald

Any way he has the magic cards that have all kinds of protection engraved on it.

So it is not a problem for him to come out without any damage even if there is a fight.

Also he got many materials that can let him make more cards.

He is going to make more to gain more safety.

Also he found a way to reuse the materials from the cards again if needed.

With his improved spirit the speed at John he can make the magic cards also increased.

He concentrated and tried to make a magic card on the spot.

The magic engraved on it is naturally the killing curse.

After making it John suddenly had an idea.

He wanted to engrave the spirit, magic and body enchantment charms on the magic card and specifically attack it to his body.

This way he can stack his overall power by a margin.

The enhancement also has a limit as the body and spirit would be strained as more and more pressure was applied.

Enhancement can at most reach to 40 percent of the original value.

Over 40 percent would cause the spirit and body to collapse completely leading to the death of that person.

That is why the enchantments related to enhancements were in severe decline over the years.

Also there is no particular use for them as most people would not be strong enough to go for the enhancement to fight their opponent.


After completing the thing John went to expend his energy to the limit to see how much he has improved.

He started to craft the magic cards one after the other improving the precision and overall magic card capabilities while making.

By the time it was morning of the next day John finally became exhausted both mentally and physically.

So he went to sleep.

This sleep lasted for an entire 24 hours before waking up completely energetic.

In the coming days he would make the enhancement runes and inscribe them on his body.

The highest level of enhancement would be used on his body and it would be controlled by his thoughts.

He plans on using these enhancement runes to improve the power of his body and spirit step by step.

This is similar to exercising and the more he exercise the stronger his body and spirit would become.

He still has 3 more years for the fast paced improvement.

That is his body would reach the age of 21.

After that his body and spirit would start to sublimate.

Before that was complete he has to improve his power of body and spirit as much as he possibly could.

It would take him a year of continuous exercise to improve his spirit and body to a higher level.

This would let him stand above everyone in the current magical world.

But that is not enough.

John plans to use more rituals to improve his capabilities.

He would collect the materials as quickly as possible within these three years.

Only this way he would be able to gain what he wanted.

He can feel that he will not able to defeat the corruption that is damaged his system even if he trains for all three years.

Since it is like that he can only use the other methods to improve.

First option is more rituals to improve body, magic control and spirit stability.

Second is to use the external enchantments to enhance these things in a short term.

The second option has side effects and a period of weakness after usage.

There is also a third path.

It is the dark path that is to use the practices of the death eaters to improve the capabilities.

The problem with them is having mental issues, becoming demented and finally becoming brain dead.

This is not in the plans of John and he did not plan to use this thing.

Since it could not be used then he can only work on the first one as the main target and the second option as the support target.

In the mean time he would try and find better ways to improve.

Well he did have the option of using dementors as food for his Goldy or dark phoenix to improve his spirit.

As long as the spirit improves he can improve the body correspondingly with its help.

But directly devouring a bunch of dementors would arouse problems with the ministry of magic.

He has to use the right opportunity to take make this sneak attack.

No one should see him do this.

Or even if they see this they should not remember this.

These are the measures that John wanted to take to keep his secret.

Even though he is strong he could not just fight with many peoples.

He knows that ants can kill a serpent and even an elephant.

So he will not stupidly give away and show off his powers.

After waking up John started to make his plans while Sebastian brought some books for John from Gellert Grindelwald.

The strange thing is that these books are all about various rituals that did not have any side effects for the improvement of body, magic control and spirit.

John was amazed but did not ask why Gellert Grindelwald wanted to give these books to John.

It is most probably related to Sebastian informing the situation of John to Gellert Grindelwald.

So he might have guessed the direction that John is improving and helped him compile the information on rituals.

Other than the information and procedure of rituals, there is also a list of locations and information of various magical treasures around the world.

These magical treasures of required for the process of ritual.

John could not find them easily and takes a long time to get them.

But it is different if there is information of locations and owners of these things.

John smiled brightly because these rituals and his exercise would be enough for him to become stronger than the corruption that stuck his system.

Chapter 209: a villain knows the villain best

But it is different if there is information of locations and owners of these things.

John smiled brightly because these rituals and his exercise would be enough for him to become stronger than the corruption that stuck his system.

Also when he reaches that level finding the origin of magic would become much easier.

He can directly collect all the materials that are not controlled by an owner.

But the materials that already had an owner needed to be handled carefully.

If they are willing to sell then it is not a problem if not John has two choices.

First is to try and persuade them with power and threats and buy them with money.

Second thing is to steal them directly without the knowledge of those owners.

He can really do that with the help of house elves and his invisibility cloak ability.

Well he would try the first option.

Naturally the other person would submit.

If not they would at least try to hide the item that John wanted.

This would create a loop hole in the security.

This would let John steal that thing peacefully.

With the decision made John sent Sebastian on this task along with dobby.

During this time wily would take the work outside while Kreacher would take care of the internal work.

Winky was talking care of Nagini during this time and let her live a normal life first.

Nagini has already approached John seeking work.

She did not have anyone right now and everyone that she knows or that knows her are already dead.

So she did not have anyone to live or go to.

Since John saved her she wanted to stay by John’s side to repay for saving her life and stopping her from doing bad things for Voldemort.

John has already sent her to Nymphadora.

They are taking care of some of the business activities of John in muggle world with the help of Winky.

Penelope would be coming out of the Auror training this year around at Christmas.

John would ask her if she wanted to quit being an Auror and come to work for him.

Well he has to see her thoughts at that time.

But from the last Valentine’s Day present from her John knows that he was still in her heart.

This is enough to make things easy for John.

These arrangements were done quickly.

John on the other hand prepared to deeply study these rituals and understand their complete intentions.

John could not just believe the words of Sebastian and blindly follow the rituals set given by the previous dark lord Gellert Grindelwald.

John is a villain himself and he knows the thoughts of other villains.

It is very similar to the student taking an exam.

A student that is taking the exam can identify the people that are cheating better than the invigilator.

Similarly he can understand the thoughts of other villains, being a villain himself.

A villain knows the mind of another villain.

A villain knows the villain best.


He was proficient in many things and there is a person like Dumbledore that can help him analyze these things.

At most in return Dumbledore would ask if they can use his house as the headquarters for the order of phoenix for gathering.

Well it is a simply business and John don’t mind doing this favor to pull Hermione, Ginny, molly and few others over here to have fun slowly.

No one can obstruct John in his own house.

John anticipated these series of events after apparating away to Hogwarts to have a chat with Dumbledore.

Dumbledore would stay at Hogwarts during the holidays too.

He would only go out if there is something important that needs his presence.

Since the things outside are not good for him right now he did not go out much these days.

All he does was to send letters to the previous members of order of phoenix convincing them to come and join up.

Also he promised that Sirius would not cause any trouble for them.

John will also make this point clear.

Sirius is not allowed to enter his house under no circumstances.

He doesn’t want his scumbag stallion dad to come over and snatch away the woman that he worked hard to get.

When John appeared the deserted Hogwarts appeared in front of his eyes.

But he can still enter without a problem.

He first reported to professor Mcgonagall and then went to meet with Dumbledore.

“Hello professor, how are you doing?”

Dumbledore did not expect the appearance of John at this time.

But when he thought about it, most of his problems are caused by John and Sirius black.

Without the presence of these two people he would not have so much head ache that he is having right now.

But most of the blame falls on Sirius black instead John was thought off as a victim by him and most people.

When you want to show the difference you have to show the difference by separating the situation clearly.

John stood on the Mount Everest in good deeds while he pushed Sirius deep down to the bottom edge of Mariana trench with his magnified bad deeds.

Only this way John gains the most fame as the victim between the two.

Now even of something big happens it would be Sirius black that would be blamed.

Dumbledore sighed about this matter and did not speak about this.

Instead he asked John, why is he here in a jovial way.

“John, why are you here during the holidays.

Don’t tell me that you missed the school in just two days.”

John also smiled at the question and gave the book of rituals to Dumbledore.

“Do you feel any difference in me professor?”

John asked the question arousing the interest of Dumbledore.

He immediately felt John and found that the spirit of John is as strong as his spirit.

His eyes twitched and then took the book to take a look.

Chapter 210: surprise for molly and Narcissa

He immediately felt John and found that the spirit of John is as strong as his spirit.

His eyes twitched and then took the book to take a look.

John spoke before Dumbledore asked.

“I completed a ritual that is not in this book, so don’t worry.

This was the book that I got from Gellert Grindelwald though his house elf Sebastian.

I am doubtful if this book of rituals contains some tricks that can let Gellert Grindelwald take over my body through the rituals.

It is always good to be cautious.

Also it is best to be cautious in front of the previous dark lord.

I came here to let you take a look at the things and see if there are any problems with the rituals.

If there is no problem I would continue with the rituals during this summer vacation.

As for the materials I will get them so you don’t have to worry.


John spoke and waited for Dumbledore to go through the book of rituals to give him a reply.

John has already made a copy of materials locations separately.

It was copied twice and one list was in the hands of Sebastian.

The other copy was with John.

These two copies are enchanted and when Sebastian crosses the collected materials in his list, it would appear in John’s list as well.

This way John can see the progress clearly.

Dumbledore could not complete the study of this rituals book right now and he needs time to study.

But he has other work to do.

Suddenly he thought of an idea of seeking help from John.

That is to borrow the Grimmauld palace 12 for the secret headquarters.

He knows that John is business minded.

So he wanted to propose his time to check the book of rituals to borrow Grimmauld palace 12 for the secret gathering place for the order of phoenix.

So he immediately asked.

“John, you liked to do business right.

Now I want borrow Grimmauld palace 12 for the secret gathering place of the people of order of phoenix.

In return I would check the book of rituals here for you.”

John has already anticipated it but he needs something more to make some profit here.

Also he has to place the conditions properly so that they would not run rampant in his place.

Even though he is not the person of this world he was still born and brought up here and this Grimmauld palace 12 is his home.

So naturally he would put the rules for the people that want to come to his house and not to go on a rampage.

John immediately spoke with a serious face.

“I don’t mind letting you borrow the Grimmauld palace 12 but the return is not enough.

You can arrange few materials from the people of order of phoenix.

Also I am the one that sets the rules at Grimmauld palace.

My main rule is Sirius is not allowed to enter this place.”

As soon as John spoke Dumbledore immediately accepted the conditions quickly.

Well he also thought of negotiating with John and the conditions John just spoke are already his bottom line in his current situation.

So naturally he accepted it immediately.

John has already made a copy of the rituals book and he gave the original to Dumbledore.

This is because the copy will not have problems but they original might have the problems set by Gellert Grindelwald.

With that done John went back to his practice.

John has plenty of time on hand so he called both Narcissa and molly to come over in the afternoon.

Well neither of them can disappear during the night.

Narcissa has to deal with the death eaters while molly family would be at home during the night.

If it was after noon then it is not a problem.

They can simply say that they went out for some shopping or something else.

Also neither Narcissa nor molly knows that John called them both to come over at the same time.

The first one to arrive is Narcissa and he gave her a special black and white ears cat dress with special design.

He told her to wear this dress and wait for him to call.

Her face turned red and she took the dress to enter into a room.

Right after she left into the room molly appeared.

John gave her a fiery cat dress and told her to put on this dress in another room.

John specifically cast a silencing ward around the rooms so that the other party did not notice this sound also there is a connecting door between the two rooms into a single bed room.

After a little while they knocked on the connecting door.

But John told her to stop for a moment because there is a surprise.

Narcissa stopped for a moment.

On the other hand molly was also done with dressing up and knocked on the door.

Right then John waved his hand and the two doors opened at the same time.

As soon as Narcissa and molly saw each other in this kind of dress their brain circuits short circuited.

They stood on the spot looking at the other party with dazed expression for a few minutes.

John waved his hand again while sitting at the edge of the bed without any clothes and spoke.

“My kitties come over here and play with daddy.”

John’s hands have an attractive force that pulled both Narcissa and molly towards him.

They both came back to their senses with complicated look in their eyes.

They stood in front of John facing John without looking at each other.

John chuckled and then said.

“You both are my kitties and you don’t have to be so shy, outside you can assume any role as you like.

But in front of me you are not enemies or rivals but best friends that would kiss each other’s pussies with great pleasure.”


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