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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 236: rainy days and flood

They could not tell for sure that something they expect would happen without a change because it was apocalypse land.

Even if Vicky has the memory of the future things can change at any time.

Even the book of prophesies only speaks about the rain but it would not tell what kind of rain it would be.

There is no such thing as a guarantee thing here in the apocalypse land.

Right after the rain started there are a series of lightning and thunder in the sky.

It rained thunder for a few minutes causing severe damage to the local facilities.

Not only those facilities but many market buildings and parts of the city wall were also broken by the thunder.

This is the reason why the 2-star city was breached and damaged in the past life.

The landslides combined with big floods from the water entered into the city directly submerging many buildings.

Fortunately the place of the villas is in the higher location.

This would not cause any damage to this area.

But this is also a danger in the future days because the people from the city would not come here to refuge.

The big clans still has the strong background and tall buildings that can let them stay.

But they would not leave the area of this high ground.

They would come over to take the big plot to construct some buildings here to control the remaining part of the city.

It was easy for those big clans to move and build with the technology and magic.

If the technotrix clan comes over they would directly build up the big house with a compressed mechanism that would transform from a vehicle.

For the elves they can simply bring out few seeds to make a tree grow and get a house inside the tree.

Dwarves are even faster when it comes to construction.


Vicky on the other hand did not want to care about this matter.

They continued to practice and improve quickly.

But he will be the slowest compared to others as he climbs higher.

He has to combine many things to improve with this Jack of all trades ability as the base.

Also the amount of magic energy he needs is many times as much as the magic energy his girls required to practice.

The stones that he stole few days ago were arranged in the crafting warehouse of the ark space.

The system would automatically open the stones with the available technology.

After the materials are extracted the remaining powdered rocks with slight amount of minerals was distributed into various areas of planting area.

These minerals can be used to improve the fertility of the sand.

Some of this was even sent to the big lake that Vicky made.

These minerals would help purify the water and improve the marine life in the lake.

The other lake with vita fish were not touched for the time being.

The extracted materials were put into the respective areas carefully.

These extracted materials are further purified by Natasha and other with her instructions.

They used the traditional purification methods by smelting the ore and separating the metal with few purification procedures.

The complicated work was done by Natasha while the physical world and normal work would be done by Vicky and the girls to help her.

This way everyone would have enough time to practice instead of pushing all the work to a single person.

Since they share the work, they would become much closure to each other.

With the heavy rain outside the city started to fill up slowly.

They wanted to repair the broken walls that were destroyed by the lightning and thunder few days ago.

But no one wants to take out the materials for repair because the situation is urgent.

They clans that formed the city are not close and they are like loose sand.

So it is naturally that they don’t want to take out the materials right before the strike of a disaster.

Well they big clan are still safe but all the small people are the ones that are in a shaky boat that can flip at any moment.

Unfortunately no one cares for them.

Also they cannot runaway.

There is no government that governs the 2-star city.

So it is natural that they did not care about anyone.

The two villas that Vicky and jerry are living are at the very edge that would be submerged by the flood.

It can be said that their houses would be submerged by few feet.

But the water would not come to the place they are living in the villa.

So they can still live.

This way the competition to occupy their villa would be reduced.

Any way as long as there is anyone to forcibly occupy their villa would die tragically.

Vicky and his girls are very close to become 2-star powerhouses.

They can easily handle all the 2-star powerhouses of this city.

So they don’t have to fear.

With the liquid metal that Vicky gave before Jerry is experimenting with new 2-star artifact little mind.

It is in testing process.

As long as it is completed he can directly step in to create a 2-star robot with many functions.

So in just the team of Vicky there are 8 people that are on the same level of a 2-star powerhouse.

So who would dare to attack them blindly and die here?

Well there are still blind people because they don’t know that Vicky and his people are that strong.

For the first two months the flood flowed into the city slowly with the slurry of all kinds of dirt and nonsense mixed in along the way.

The low level areas have 4 to 6 feet of water in these initial days.

Vicky knows that all it would take is just a month to make this water reach the height of 20 meters.

Then the water would be stagnant with light rain.

Chapter 237: hey I am not the protagonist so find someone else

Vicky knows that all it would take is just a month to make this water reach the height of 20 meters.

Then the water would be stagnant with light rain.

The rain would not stop before the drop of the meteorites.

Those meteorites would mix with water and the heat creates steam spreading all the viruses out into the air.

Other than that the rain at first is cold.

But later the rain would start to become the boiling rain.

It is not an acid rain but boiling rain that would easily cook pork in a matter of minutes.

The stand temperature of water is over 95 degrees.

The cloud above is like a steam and the rain water would be as hot as steam too.

It is strange but a difficult thing.

Because of this many people would be boiled alive in the coming days.

All you have to do is to push a person in to the rain to kill him.

Well 1-star powerhouse can still withstand and the fire type users also have some resistance.

But anyone below that would be boiled alive in a matter of minutes.

Well no one would be stupid enough to try that.

But there is only so much cover and where can they hide from the rain.

The light shower with steaming hot air and water would blow through the tents straight at the faces of the people.

The people that moved here to live in the higher grounds would face this problem.

This would cause them to fight with the people to live in the villa area more.

So naturally the things would be chaotic.

The time passed by slowly.

Vicky was on guard that days and went to talk to Jerry about few things.

Right at that time a small group of people arrived arrogantly towards the two villas.

They started to knock on the front door.

Well there is no electricity here and the power supply is already gone.

These people are still human and Vicky noticed them immediately.

He came over of the villa and the people immediately spoke.

“We are from the human faction of this 2-star city.

We are here to confiscate your villas as ordered by the human faction.

You will be given these tents to relocate.

These villas will be used by our young leaders.”

As soon as they finished speaking they did not even care about the answer and dropped two patched tents on the side of the gate and directly opened the gate to enter.

Vicky did not say anything and immediately stood in front of the person that wanted to enter and held the opened gates firmly.

“You are so bold enough to confiscate the house of other people and give these broken tents.

Well I want to see who has the guts to take my house.

You can go back and tell that I will not vacate to some stupid people to live in my house.

You can report it to them just like I told you.”

Naturally these people would not back down and immediately tried to push the gate and enter into the house with loud shouts.

“How dare you refuse the words of our young master Kiran?

It looks like we have to beat you up to let you give up on this house.”

Vicky immediately thought in his mind.

“Hey I am not some cheap protagonist.

Why are you coming to me to mess around like this?

You have to find a protagonist to this kind of routine and give him some elevation scenes.”

Vicky sighed and decide to not to prolong this matter.

He would simply kill them and put them on spikes to display.

It would have some deterring effects.

Vicky sighed and gave a hard slap to these people.

All of them flew out of the villa area to the road in front of it.

Vicky divided them evenly and moved threw them into the air in front of the two villa.

Then he kicked the ground to create ground spikes to directly pierce into these men and stay like that.

With that the men in the group died without knowing how they died.

Also they were directly displayed with spikes piercing from their spine and coming out of their mouths.

They were left like this to show that no one should disturb the owners of the two villas.

With the display Vicky nodded his head in satisfaction and returned back with Jerry to speak.

Jerry did not even care about this incident as some things are very common in the apocalypse land.

He has seen his fair share of blood and gore to react much to the things that happened just now.

Vicky went to talk to Jerry about their future plans related to the coming apocalypse and how they should navigate to extract some precious materials from those meteorites.

At the same time they have to have high level isolation suits to cover their bodies from the contamination of virus.

While they are discussing about this matter another commotion broke out outside.

Someone actually broke the fencing of their villas.

Vicky came out with Jerry again and looked at the people outside.

They looked like desert style punks that would go for street racing.

Even their clothes are like that with few metal parts and spiked hairstyle.

The leader looking man looked thin and silent and the bulk looking man on the side took a step forward to speak to Vicky.

“Are you the one that killed our members that came to negotiate with you to buy your villa?”

Vicky was really speechless about two things.

First thing, they really calling that as negotiation?

Second thing is why is this happening to me?

I am really not a protagonist.

But they would not listen to his inner voice.

So Vicky spoke with a calm tone pointing towards those tents.

“Are you sure that these idiots came to me to negotiate for my villas….”

Chapter 238: false image to reduce the trouble

So Vicky spoke with a calm tone pointing towards those tents.

“Are you sure that these idiots came to me to negotiate for my villas.

Instead of forcibly occupying while giving these patched tents.”

When Vicky spoke and pointed at the tents that leading person did not care and shouted back at Vicky.

They still thought that Vicky is a soft person with his tone and wanted to use the voice and numbers to win over him.

Vicky on the other hand thought.

“Are you really blind or Did I accidentally got the protagonist cover suddenly.

Why are there morons even after seen the tragic deaths of their people still wanted to attack him.

Don’t tell me pinky did something again.”

He immediately called pinky to confirm.

“Pinky did you do something.

Why am I being treated as a protagonist by these idiots?”

Pinky immediately answered.

“They are just targeting you.

You did not have any protagonist aura host.

It is just a side character bullying.

It is just that you are far stronger and killing them like a protagonist.”

Vicky immediately said.

“Then what should I do.

If I did not kill them, should I trade my villa with their broken tents?”

Pinky: ….

Vicky sighed and directly killed the people in front of him and put them on the rocky spokes for decoration.

The actions of Vicky really angered some people.

Vicky knows that they would continue to attack him in waves after wave without giving up on them.

So has to deal with them once and for all.

So he directly released a 2-star powerhouse energy wave and sent the big people of the city a warning signal.

After few minutes 4 old people appeared in front of Vicky.

They are the four elders that are currently controlling the four big families of the 2-star city.

So naturally, when there is a big fluctuation of a power house they would appear there to see the situation.

After knowing the situation where the descendents of the human clan scolded his descendents and took them for punishment.

At the same time looking at the young appearance of Vicky made them wary because a 2-star powerhouse this young should have a high level background.

It is common to think like this.

With this kind of thinking they naturally did not want to attack Vicky.

There is a natural disaster coming it is natural for a powerhouse to seek shelter silently.

Since Vicky was hiding here they came to a conclusion.

That is he must be hiding from pursuers or hiding from his family like a rich second generation young master.

They did not receive any big people that are searching for the pursuers.

So it is most likely the second situation of rich young master running away from home.

They don’t want to mess with this kind of person that has an unknown background.

Even though they also have such a background like being the branch family members of the big families,

They don’t know the current standing of Vicky.

So finding trouble with him would be no different than signing their death sentence.

If their big family know about this and got enough benefits then they would be directly abandoned.

Also they would simply cover it as death in natural disaster of the apocalypse land.

So they really don’t want to cause any trouble.

First thing they did is to send few gifts to Vicky.

It is mostly water and food along with some metals that they hoarded secretly.

Vicky did not show much face to these things giving them a superior feeling.

On the other hand he told them to not to disturb him or his friend during the disasters.

With his words they immediately left.

The second thing they did is to make sure that their people or anyone else comes close to these two villas.

With this episode done the daily routine of Vicky became normal.

He would plan a few things and train most of the time.

After a week suddenly there is a rain of hail.

Vicky knows that the situation was about to turn to a different direction right now.

So he warned Jerry before to make some cooling equipment.

It is not for Vicky but for Jerry.

The constant temperature of rain water after this hail would rise constantly and stay between 95 to 98 degrees.

The normal surface temperature outside would reach 80+ degrees.

Inside the house or anything that has enclosed area would have reduced temperature to 60 to 70 degrees.

But it would give the feeling of being boiled because of the steam and vapor of the water and many minerals.

Because of the mineral composition the vapor inhalation can cause metal poisoning if people stayed here for a long time in this situation.

Vicky already told Jerry to prepare the gas masks, air conditioning and stable humidification equipment.

As for Vicky’s place he has already made formations in the room and there is enough energy to last for a long time.

Also the energy is being filled up slowly over time.

That high level of consumption it is not a problem to maintain for few months easily.

At that time there is no longer a need to keep this formation because the disaster would be ending at that time.

So everything is set at this moment.

Other than training and playing they did not have anything to do for the next 6 months of time.

Vicky would not waste such a long time.

During this time they helped Natasha to make a soft metal armor with artificial intelligence.

It is almost similar to the iron man suit but far more advanced in comparison.

These suits are not just with science but also the amalgamation of magic runes too.

Inside these suits there is a magic gathering and storing formation.

They are connected to the carious functions of the armor.

Also there are functions like anti corrosion, strengthening, speed improvement…..

Chapter 239: soft shape shifting armor

They are connected to the carious functions of the armor.

Also there are functions like anti corrosion, strengthening, speed improvement…..

They are built in inside the armor.

The only bad thing about this armor is the amount of magic energy it can store is relatively less.

Its functional capabilities would be consumed relatively faster if they are used simultaneously.

They still lack some very rare high conductivity materials and energy storing materials to solve the problem they are facing right now.

After this suit is made each of the 7 people got a bag pack.

This bag pack is actually the suit that was turned into a different model for the sake of hiding and using immediately.

Externally this bag pack looked very normal.

But as long as they gave out the voice command the bang pack can change its shape to cover their body quickly.

Also it can change shape into a normal suit or dress based on the requirement of Vicky and his girls.

So they can change their clothes using this bag pack and put the armor on their body and use it any time with a moment.

These suites can bear at extreme situations but not completely and could not last for a long time.

Unless the person wearing the suit is strong enough to move out of that extreme situation within the short amount of time, he would still be in danger.

This is the thing they did during their free time after making the metal spears.

Other than the metal spears they made few more weapons that are suitable to them.

They made in a generalized way so that they can upgrade the weapon in the future slowly.

Also they are waiting for the meteorite shower to collect another wave of materials.

Natasha took time to let Ginny memories all kinds of materials first.

Then Rose came over to let her memories all kinds of plants.

Then Nubia came over to let her memories all kinds of beasts and species.

This way when Ginny noticed any of them they would hunt and collect those creatures together.

This way they would be able to gain more materials quickly.

Radha and Sakura are also required by all three of them in the process of forging, refining, cleaning, planting and cooking.

One can control water and the other can control the fire.

Also their extreme control and precision can be used in many places.

It is especially so in forging and refining.

Vicky is the best assistant they could get because he would prepare the things a step before the other party would even ask.

With that their little world is full of work and smooth.


Jerry was immersed in his own world.

After the previous actions of Vicky no one disturbed them.

Jerry made a strong security system and turned the inside are of the villa into a big laboratory.

He adjusted many things and sealed the room completely to keep the things normal.

The lab would be in the temperature of 26 degrees all the time.

The external air was thoroughly purified before entering into this place.

The water resource was already collected and kept in a separate tank right in the basement of the villa.

Everything was sterilized and kept clean all the time.

So he did not have any problem staying alone.

Currently he is making strong weapons and other things to upgrade his robot armor.

They have to move to the 3-star city later and he has to be strong when he meets his love.

For that he is preparing all this time.

He did not care about what is happening outside the villa.

He set up the security in a way to kill anyone and everyone that tried to enter into his villa without the exception of Vicky.


Soon few months passed by and Vicky and his girls made good progress.

Each of them has improved to 2-star level completely and found that they can give blessings of their bloodline.

There are limits and they chose to give their blessings to Vicky because his progress is the lowest among them.

They have reached tier 4 of the 2-star level.

Vicky is only at tier 2 of the 2-star level.

The blessings are permanent and it would enhance his existing stats by a percentage.

So even with lower level his power is far stronger than a tier 8 of 2-star level power house.

As for their remaining blessings they kept them for their future generations.

Also except for Vicky that is an all rounder, others could not get many benefits from the blessings.

Also some of them would not work on each other like Radha and Sakura could not give their blessings to each other.

It is more like a curse than a blessing if they give it to each other.

This is the same with remaining people and there is always a problem with giving the blessing.

So they did not take the risks for small profits.

Their battle suits are ready and they made some camouflage technology into the suits to change their appearance and structure instead of putting up make up.

The technology is not so high but it can fool the detection of a 3-star powerhouse.

If they got better materials they will be able to improve it further in the future.


Outside the four powers of the 2-star city has already occupied the important area of the upper ground and formed a joint rescue operation.

Well they need more people to work for them to gain more benefits and rebuilt the broken city after the disaster.

The priority was actually given to the people that have good potential for improvement and connections.

All the poor, old and weak people were left to die in the flood, hunger and diseases caused by the ongoing disaster.

Also the location of the two villas was declared as the forbidden zone and no one was asked to disturb the people there.

Chapter 240: Magic intelligence combat suits

All the poor, old and weak people were left to die in the flood, hunger and diseases caused by the ongoing disaster.

Also the location of the two villas was declared as the forbidden zone and no one was asked to disturb the people there.

Well some stupid people would always come here and they would die because of the security arranged by Jerry and Vicky.

The bots were arranged to clear the dead people from time to time so that there is no rotten situation and infections in the place.

While this is happening Vicky and the other are training inside.

The technique left by their ancestors really guided them well for their improvement.

They all made quickly progress except for Vicky because he has to learn many messy techniques.

When other reached a step away from 3-star level, Vicky only reached tier 6 of the 2-star level.

But his combat effectiveness was really high compared to the other 6 key holders.

Also he can directly face a 3-star level powerhouse and come out of the battle without any problem.

That is how powerful he is right now.

The reason for this is those messy techniques he practiced based on the records of his ancestor.

The messy techniques are a mess if they are left separately.

But if they are combined they would superimpose together forming a complete technique with power many times higher than that of the previous power.

Since the others are stuck at the bottle neck they started to let Vicky train in the magic concentration room alone.

Well the magic concentration can only reach 3-star level because of the limitations of the ark space.

As long as the ark space is upgraded to 4-star level the magic concentration level will also reach 4 star level and they can break through to the 3-star level and train.

Vicky was left to train because he has the lowest level and he can still improve in this situation.

During this time Natasha made a sensing device that can locate the accurate location of the falling of meteorites.

A big map would be generated for them to go there quickly and gain the materials in the meteorites.

There are also extraction tools that are made specifically for extracting the materials in the fastest way possible.

The thing that is extracted is the ore inside the meteorite.

Other than the extracted ore would be sterilized from all life form so that the zombie virus could not enter into the ark space.


The suits they made are named as magic intelligence combat suits.

They are so well made that they can enhance their power by at least 5 tiers easily with their weapons.

The suits are damage resistant, fire resistant, cold resistant, corrosive resistant….

Also they are air tight and the air circulation system would be purified through various small vents of the suits that have air filters.

The suits are very light and they can let them move very freely.

The internal of the suit has artificial intelligence that has sensing, data storing, attacking and other functions carefully installed inside.

This way in the future using the combat data the suits would work better and better.

Also each suit was customized for the user and they would only work for them in a perfect way.

The suit also has many magic runes inside along with magic energy concentration and storage inside the suit.

But it would not be activated directly.

There is also stealth, camouflage, agility enhancement, strength enhancement and magic enhancement functions inside.

But the amount of energy stored inside could not work for all these things at the same time.

So they are all emergency usage functions.

Other than this there is a cloak that was made specifically with special fabric.

The fabric has many miniature magic storage functions that can store magic energy.

Also this cloak has flying, stealth and camouflage functions built inside.

But the energy in the cloak could not be used by the suit.

On the other hand the artificial intelligence can activated these functions of the cloak based on the command of the user.

So the armor inside would be hidden by the cloak.

The armor is breathable and they will not have any problem wearing it continuously.


Vicky that was left to train alone would be visited by the girls from time to time to check the magic concentration in the concentrator formation.

If it goes down from 3-star level then they would add some spars to increase the magic concentration of the formation.

This way Vicky can train continuously without any problem.

A few days later Vicky reached tier 8 of the 2-star level.

By the time he has finished stabilization Radha came over to call Vicky because the meteorite shower would fall soon and the system has already gave them an early warning.

The machine about the villa would find all the locations of the meteorites that would fall from the sky from the area around form the location of the machine as the center.

All this information would be sent to the artificial intelligence of the suits so that they can quickly make their way to these places to extract the materials from those meteorites.

Vicky and the girls quickly activated the bag packs and it split into countless small parts.

All these metal pieces attached on their bodies.

Then they started to expand because of the stacked materials and quickly enclosed the body of the user.

When they thing is enclosed the magic runes activated to seal off all the gaps completely without a problem.

Then they put on their cloaks covering the suit and their bodies including their heads.

From inside they can only see the colorful eyes of the suits with each different color that they liked.

These magic eyes are strong and have many functions like a screen in a monitoring system.

This would get the feed from the other sensing systems that artificial intelligence notifies the host.


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