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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 246: mind control powers awakened

He is not the only one that would be punished.

Everyone in his family would face her wrath for all the things they did to her.

She spoke to him every day causing him to panic on how she would kill his descendents that are doing the same thing with other survivors back at their base.

Finally after a few days she mutilated his body and fed it to the beasts.

She hanged it right outside the base of his descendents as a warning sign.

Also she dropped meat waste around this base to attract large number of beasts.

She knows that the zombie tied would come.

So she actually used the baits of the living beasts captured in the trees to divert the direction of the zombie heard right to this base.

She was safe as her base is far away but the people in the base that are playing with other people and that are being played died at the same time.

Well they died in the cruelest way possible.

The zombie and undead that reached tier 3 and tier 4 has human intelligence.

They would not kill people directly but play with them.

The stronger they are the more they would play with the prey.

So all the descendents of that noble were played by these zombies and died in the worst possible way.

With that she was satisfied with the results.

She started to spend her time here without getting too much attention towards her.

She is planning to go the four faced city soon when the army of the other country moves.

She would mix in with them and escape as a normal civilian.

Her plan is actually very good and she made her preparations perfectly.

With that her line is cleared.


On the other side of the earth in USA a woman that is quickly taking a flight back to her house had a severe head ache.

Today she has to deal with her company’s other shareholders that are trying to betray the company and over through her as the boss.

Her name is Ginny and she is a top business woman that she inherited from her late father that died suddenly in questionable circumstance, right around her graduation.

She found that and wanted to retaliate but there is no trusted person from the people she knows.

She was betrayed by her own people and lost all of it.

She put on a petition in court but there are people coming after for her life.

Because of this she can only hide and change her identity.

Fortunately she is intelligent and knows how to use things to her advantage.

Also she was a rich woman from the start so she was trained by her father in the early age.

She learned how to fight and also know the hacking skills.

She quickly got the dark materials of those people and posted them in the net and social media.

But all this work took her around a year when the temperature started to raise abnormally.

Even thought she got her wealth back it was only a little amount as most of it was already sold and distributed through various channels that cannot be recovered.

The people that killed her father have also escaped quickly from this country and hid in another tourist country with floating population.

Because of this she could do nothing.

She wanted to start over again with her good business mind.

Unfortunately the raising temperature got on her nerves.

Being a business woman she felt that this was very strange and she became cautions.

Instead of starting a business she started to use the money to gain some life saving materials as quickly as she could.

During this time she heard that one of the people that caused her father’s death was captured by the secret police.

The reason for that is that this person seems to be using some strange space powers.

She remembered that this person is the one that took her mother’s locket during one of the attempts to kill her.

She did not get this through direct channels instead she got this through her investigation.

With her brain it is not hard to find that the cause of all of this is actually her mother’s pendent.

She was quite about it and she knows that she would be targeted by the secret police next for interrogation.

So she along with her supplies has moved to Europe.

She went to Italy and then moved from there while the transportation is still there.

Right at that time the temperature increase exponentially.

Fortunately she has enough supplies with her to live freely.

She is living in an old mansion during this time.

With the little money she has that should be around million dollars she did many things with her business mind.

Originally her father is a billionaire but this is all she got from the criminals that took her father’s things.

She lived here for a while till the rains started.

During this time the world has turned upside down.

So she became more careful as she did not have anyone to rely on.

Also she had her first kill during this time.

It was a group of men that came to get her supplies and her so that they can have some fun with her.

She killed them all and dropped their bodies far away so that her place is not infected with diseases from rotten human flesh.

She has hot weapons that she got her hands on through underground channels and black markets.

While she was like this the cloudy sky appeared one day and she felt the strong earthquake.

She saw many cracks formed on the mansion she is living in.

She knows that this building could not last long.

So she decisively left this building in the middle of the night with a tent.

She stayed outside in the heavy rain.

With another earthquake this building collapsed.

Chapter 247: quick revenge and quick development

She stayed outside in the heavy rain.

With another earthquake this building collapsed.

She has few supplies with her and she got water from the rain.

With that she was able to survive for a while longer when the time came when she awakened her power.

She has affinity towards mind control or psychic arts.

It is closely related to telekinesis and she can control metallic elements.

It is a mixture of powers just like Mohini but a little difference is she has most power towards mind or spirit.

Her mind control would not work on strong people with strong will.

This is what she awakened and the extreme cold has finally arrived.

With the half collapsed building she entered in to get few more supplies that she previously stashed in the underground cellar.

With her telekinesis power she was able to move the big building blocks and get the things she wanted.

She survived for few more years just like that.

She did not try to contact the outside world often.

She only relatively goes out every once in a while to know the information.

She found that things are not looking well and completely cut off from the normal world.

She used her powers to control small objects and control beasts to kill them and consume them when she did not have supplies.

She slowly adapted to her new life and everything just seems perfect.

Well this is all good till she met with a sudden situation where a huge tide of undead and zombies that are crossing from the place she lives to reach the human settlement nearby.

She accidentally caught up in the middle of the entire thing.

She tried to control those zombies and undead with her mind control.

She succeeded.

But her power is only at tier 2 and she could not control the tier 3 zombies.

Also her physical strength is not as high as it should be because of various reasons.

She attracted the attention of a tier 3 zombie.

She battled with it and along with few other tier 2 zombies.

Finally she died in exhaustion from all the fighting.

She only lived for 6 years into the apocalypse.

Also the amount of information she has is far less compared to other key holders.

She was business minded but she is not strong enough to make things go as she pleases.

She was able to sense danger before every turn and escape.

But when there is too much strength no amount of caution and strategy can save the situation.

She died just like that.

She used a bomb to explode killing the zombies along with her.


Right at that moment she opened her eyes in the airplane with her head ache subdued.

She understands that she has returned back in time.

She knows that her father would die today by the time the airplane lands.


He should be already dead.

She shed a tear with red eyes.

She loved her father very much.

But this is not the time to cry.

It takes a little time for those traitors to take all of her properties of her and her father.

Before anything happens she has to think of a way to get all the business into her name.

If that is not possible she has to liquidate as much as she possibly can within the shortest time possible.

She can hack into the personal computers of those people that caused death of her father to quickly post them into social media.

With her report she can delay time and reduce the losses.

She remembers that during the time of her father’s funeral everything was fine.

But after the funeral they started to attack her.

Also when she got out the plane and the airport she was attacked by the assassins.

She barely escaped from the attack in her previous life.

Unfortunately she did not have her special skills that she awakened.

If she had them she would have used them to kill those bastards in the most painful way possible.

Well she has other plans.

But she has to get out of this plane before doing anything.

Soon the plane landed and she came out of the air port.

Right then a speeding car came towards her that appeared like a taxi.

Then a man from inside took out a gun to shoot at her.

In the previous life she accidentally tripped and fell at this moment saving her life.

The position she fell has a cover of some luggage carrying cart that came at that time.

The current situation is also same as in her previous life.

She directly moved to the side and hid behind the luggage carrying cart from being shot.

When the person shot the bullet the person is already hiding.

Also she shouted that the person in the speeding car has a gun alerting the security of the airport.

With that the person was almost caught but escaped by forcing his way out with his car.

Ginny don’t really care about this.

She was immediately taken to the air port security to make a report.

During this time she received a call that her father is dead.

She knows that this would happen but her eyes still turned red.

She immediately contacted the airport authority to use a computer.

She said that she has evidence that she was purposefully targeted and her father was actually killed in the cold blooded way.

With her words she was given a computer to use.

She immediately contacted several higher ups that helped her in her previous life and the hacked information was sent to them along with it published in social media.

The traitors that tried to kill her and her father did not expect that she would retaliate so quickly.

Before they got the news that the attempt to kill her was failed they were directly attacked back.

She sent the evidences and everything to the court and filed the complaint officially.

Chapter 248: the key holders meet with each other

Before they got the news that the attempt to kill her was failed they were directly attacked back.

She sent the evidences and everything to the court and filed the complaint officially.

She also requested that all of these people should be immediately taken into custody and ceases all of their properties for her.

Her request was immediately valid as these people attempted to kill her in the airport which is a public place with security under the government.

It is like saying that they did not care about the government.

This was the point she used to make the government and court to take the quick action.

With her quick efforts and constant protection along with the public support she was able to get all the traitors back.

Along with her still intact businesses she also received large compensation from these people.

For charges of murder and other things they did, they were taken by cops.

On the other hand Ginny started her second plan after the grand funeral that she had for her father.

But before that she got the ark space from the locket.

She started to step her company into two important fields.

First is the field of weapon designing and second are the emergency supplies for the soldiers along with the food industry.

She actually went all in about these two important things and invested her entire fortune along with her compensation.

Fortunately she succeeded in getting the approval.

She started to buy various weapons, food supplies while repairing her ark space.

She also investigated the situation of other ark space holders.

But strangely she was unable to find a single one.

She did not get to see their faces but she was able to get the information of the traces they left behind when they repaired their ark spaces.

She was sure that they are also preparing as much as she is preparing.

She would not stay in America before the apocalypse.

She would go to Europe because the analysis showed that the America as a continent would be gone for good after the extreme heat.

When she arrived here she contacted some enthusiasts to build a base for her.

Unknown to her, her fate is intertwined with Rose.

Those builders took the opportunity to build two bases in the same area.

This is to reduce the cost of logistics.

Both Rose and Ginny don’t know that their secret shelters are close by.

Well Rose did not have the habit of going out much and she would return back to the shelter quickly with the help of the plant voices.

Just like that they two played hide and seek for an entire year during the winter.

For the resonance of the key holders they should be close around few hundred meters.

One of these days when they accidentally came out at the same time going to the same survival camp to check the news they each felt the vibration of the Mark of the ark.

Immediately they followed the sensation and they met with each other.

Well they did not have hostility.

But they did not have trust either.

So they decided to talk it out first.

But when they met the system told them that forming a team would give benefits to them.

So they immediately became a team.

But they would not act like a team as their cooperation is only about the information.

As they shared the information Ginny found that there is a human city called hope in the near future.

Also Ginny did not try to control Rose because she felt that her current strength might not be enough.

On the other hand Nubia that is travelling around was having a different situation with her pet cat leading the way for her.

Her previous base got an unexpected zombie attack that did not appear in her previous life and she started to travel north following her pet cat after escaping from those zombies.

She made her way to the location of the secret base of Natasha.

Because of the cat finding the other party and the hidden base became easy for Nubia.

Natasha inside the base immediately felt the strange situation with the ark symbol and she followed her instincts to meet with Nubia and her cat.

They are hostile to each other at first.

One is a tan skinned long black haired beauty while the other is milky white long silver haired beauty.

There is a golden cat between the both of them.

After standing there for a few minutes they decided to exchange a few moves to test each other.

In their thoughts their companion should be strong.

The other key holders should be their companions so they have to be strong for them to recognize other.

With few punches and kicks they assessed each other and decided to sit and talk.

The cat did not make any move from the start to the end.

When they talked they received the notification of the benefits of teaming up.

When they found out they immediately became a team.

Then they shared each other’s pasts.

One needs to have a trusted companion in this kind of apocalyptic world to survive.

So knowing each other is an important thing.

As they exchanged information they became close.

They are quite similar in doing things.

So they got along well.

They started to fight with each other and practice improving their capabilities.

One has the capabilities of lightning and other has the affinity towards the wind.

They are both speed based and their combination really worked wonders.

They became close like good sisters in just a few months.


On the other hand Ginny and Rose are in a different kind of situation.

They could not approach military or any other form of support.

They are not powerful people so they have to move slowly along with other survivors to make it to the four faced city of hope.

Chapter 249: teaching a lesson to the arrogant people

They could not approach military or any other form of support.

They are not powerful people so they have to move slowly along with other survivors to make it to the four faced city of hope.

As for Nubia and Natasha they are close to the four faced city that is not build yet.

The strange thing is that the four faced city was built within few months in this current situation.

As for the reason why it was built and it was built here was unknown.

There is said to be some top hidden families in all countries.

Usually they are against each other in competitive relationship or hostile relationship.

But the current situation is unusual so they directly started to build the city of human hope with all their efforts.

The group of Mohini, Radha and Sakura joined up with the military passing by that area and they immediately got to know each other.

With the name and fame Mohini has, it was easy to mix with the army and moved along with the army towards the predetermined path.

Mohini was able to meet a person from the ancient family that was responsible for construction of the human city of four faces.

This person is not old but a middle aged man.

He is not the head but a branch family person.

He acted high and might in front of Mohini.

Also he was very lustful towards Mohini and Mohini’s women.

It is not like she doesn’t like getting fucked.

But the person that wants to fuck her should show some respect.

Mohini sighed looking at the normal routine plot of some cheap novels.

Why is my life following that of an idiotic protagonist?

Mohini sighed, thinking about her situation and slapped the person till his face was swollen and got the name of the hidden family.

The army people wanted to intervene but the soldiers that know the methods of Mohini immediately got into position pointing guns at other soldiers making them unable to move.

The commanding officer immediately asked.

“Mohini, what is the meaning of this?

Are you trying to rebel against the country?”

Mohini walked to the commanding officer and slapped till his face become red and swollen and then said pointing at the normal people behind him.

“That is the country and this is rubbish.”

Mohini immediately gained the prestige among the soldiers.

They are bearing the high and might words of this person from an ancient family.

He even hit off with some of their wives and sisters.

But they could not say anything because of their situation.

Now the situation changed.

Also they understood why the soldiers that are familiar with Mohini immediately acted like that before.

Mohini really stood on their side and supported them.

This made them happy and they decided to follow Mohini too.

But not everyone has the same thought as few officers that licked the feet of the person from the ancient family lost their support and they became angry at Mohini.

One of them even took out his gun and shot at Mohini.

But Mohini used the commander as a shield for this gunshot and then came to the person that shot like a wind.

She immediately hit the person on the face and broke off his wrist to take the gun from him.

Without any hesitation Mohini shot his legs on the spot.

With that this person can no longer move from here and have to rely on others.

Who can rely on other in the apocalypse?

He is just a dead weight and his life is sealed.

Mohini is not stupid enough to let this person have a chance later.

This is a strange world and anything can happen in the time of desperation.

So Mohini specifically assigned two people to kill these three people slowly over time.

With that they moved on with her predicted directions.

When they reached a specific place that is infested with giant earth worms that come out of the ground suddenly Mohini waited to play hit the mole game with them.

She killed them all with the help of Radha and Sakura.

As for the other soldiers, their duty is to protect the people.

After the previous incident no one tried to attack Mohini.

They moved on and finally reached the main army that is stationed at a border waiting for the other armies to meet.

There are over 10 million people.

At least 1 million of them are soldiers and more than 1 million of them are awakened people.

Well compared to the original country with 1.3 billion people this number is very less.

But still compared to the past life where the number is less than 4 million the 10 million is really high.

When the group mixed with the main army the people from the ancient family asked about the commander and their representative.

The soldiers are silent but the officers that licked the ancient family pointed their fingers at Mohini and told a nonsense story.

But when they heard the name of Mohini they immediately changed expressions.

No matter where it is all the people knows her name from the previous incident of saving them.

If possible they don’t want to make Mohini as their enemy.

She is very valuable to be killed just like that.

The person that came from the ancient family arrogantly said.

“If you apologize to the person you killed and work as a servant under me then I would not pursue this matter any longer.”

The words of this person are arrogant and shameless without knowing the complete truth.

Mohini walked over step by step towards this person.

The people from the ancient family are so arrogant is because they know some complicated fighting styles and they are far stronger than normal people.

Mohini came in front of the person that spoke to her but her eyes looked straight and plain without any form of fluctuations in her eyes.

Chapter 250: leaving the army completely

The people from the ancient family are so arrogant is because they know some complicated fighting styles and they are far stronger than normal people.

Mohini came in front of the person that spoke to her but her eyes looked straight and plain without any form of fluctuations in her eyes.

When she came close she directly stretched her hand to pull the officer that spoke ill of her and started to slap him so hard that people thought that the skull is broken.

But Mohini still held back.

“I want you to speak to the truth,

If not I will kill you.

Do you think that this arrogant idiot would protect you just because you are licking him right now?

In my hands there would be no one to save you.”

The person from the ancient family immediately walked forward wanting to attack Mohini.

But Mohini slapped him hard too.

This slap made the person from the ancient clan spin around three times before falling on the ground dizzy.

The officer that badmouthed Mohini started to panic and spoke the real incident as if he was shouting and begging for his life.

The people or soldiers following behind the ancient family representative immediately looked different.

Now they understood why Mohini killed them.

Mohini then threw this officer to the soldiers behind her and they know what to do.

They immediately took away the officer.

Then Mohini squatted down in front of the person from the ancient family and said.

“This is the apocalyptic world and I know that the rules change just because your family is strong.

But don’t expect that only your family is strong.

There are people stronger than your family.

If you check the situation with your family along with the contribution I can make.

They would most probably abandon you to get my favor.

Remember this If I see you again being this arrogant with other survivors then I don’t mind sending you on your way to hell to meet Yama.

Be careful.”

Mohini said this and led the group to mix in with the main army.

The officer has already died and no one even cared to remove his body.

Coming to the main army the old minister and the general behind Mohini talked to the army people and officials.

Mohini became a hot topic that beat around the people from the ancient family and officials.

But her boldness and protectiveness of the people standing behind her won her the hearts of the people.

Mohini on the other hand did not have good face.

Mohini moved to the main base to talk about the situation.

Mohini did not have any thoughts of staying at the base which is very dangerous.

Instead she has plans to stay at a different place where the strange magical energy is concentrated.

Practicing in this place can improve their power also.

But the problem is that they have to defeat a tier 4 monster beast lion in this place to occupy the place.

Originally the tier 4 lion became a strong tier 5 monster beast lion that lead a monster beast tide to attack the four faced city.

After that there are other monster tides of undead, worms, insects, zombies……..

Because of these continuous attacks the hope city of four faces fell.

This started after the end of the ice age.

At that time hundreds of kinds of life forms that is like plants spread throughout the world forming huge swamp like structures.

But they also alternated the temperature between heat and cold at that time.

The temperature has changed very much from -30 degrees to 60 degrees from day and night some days.

Sometimes there is no day light and sometimes there are endless clouds with rain or acid or hail at any moment unexpectedly.

There is time it rained lightning and even poisonous bugs of all kinds appeared in the fights.

After talking to them Mohini decided to leave.

From here on she doesn’t need to have too much contact with these people.

It is not that she fears the ancient families.

Having these people with her is dangerous.

Also the city of hope is not built yet.

Mohini also got what she wanted from them.

So they are no longer useful to her.

Previously she took most of their ammunition from the people that opposed her.

Also there are large amounts of food and water in her ark space.

Now she would go to the new place to rest and improve while waiting for other key holders.

Sakura and Radha did not have any problems with her thoughts.

So they quickly left the camp after talking with the people in charge.

The soldiers that preformed tasks for Mohini were all added to the group as refugees and they would mix in with them.

She would not baby sit these people as she has her own things to do.

After talking to them Mohini and her women left the place directly without looking back.

Not many people noticed her departure because they are being arranged for their stay in the future city of humanity’s hope.

Well Mohini did not have much hope in this city any way.

Later those people that followed Mohini would think that she has sacrificed to let them into the city.

So there is no resentment towards her or her woman even if she left here without telling them.

Mohini took the girls and left here straight towards the location where the tier 4 lion should be present.

With her current strength killing it is very easy.

Mohini is not stupid enough to go to the location directly.

No matter how discretely she left, there will always be someone that would think of a way to kill her.

After Mohini’s bout with the ancient family person, Mohini directly has a bounty on her head.

There are many stupid people that wanted to kill Mohini to become close dogs to the ancient family people.


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