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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 481: gang bang at the Hyuga clan

They really wanted to try and call in for support.

Unfortunately no one would like to bear the burn for them even though they acted friendly with many clans.

Well who would want to stick their noses into other people’s businesses right when the war is at their door front.

The Hyuga clan’s main family has only one choice that is to choose the first choice of Shizuka and live.

But the problem here is that they don’t know how to remove the seal after it was formed.

They never thought of this matter and never expect that this kind of situation would happen.

So they are embarrassed to say that they don’t know how to remove the bird cage seal.

The head of the Hyuga clan finally said that he would choose the first option lowering his head.

“I choose the first option.

But…we don’t know how to release the bird cage seal.”

He was embarrassed to say this.

The branch family members that heard this were shocked and fell into despair.

Shizuka smiled at them and said.

“Don’t worry; I know how to remove the bird cage seal.”

When Shizuka said this they had hope again.

After saying that Shizuka moved to the side of the branch family person and took off the cloth that is covering his head.

When she came close to him his eyes fell on the face of Shizuka that is so beautiful that he was dazed.

Shizuka suddenly had a different idea.

That is to use this chance to play with the men and women of the Hyuga clan.

She looked at the bird cage seal and she said.

“Prepare a separate room and first send all the children inside to remove the bird cage seal.

For children it was easy to remove but for adults there is a different process.”

They immediately arranged the room for her.

The room is closed and she specifically made a seal around the room that can block the outside people from spying inside or listening to the sounds inside.

The children came over to the room and Shizuka produce few minor shadow clones to unseal them quickly.

It only took 10 minutes to unseal all of them.

When they are done she sent them out for their parents to check.

When they found that everything is fine they are very happy.

Immediately all of them cheered while the faces of the main family members of the Hyuga clan looked like they ate a fly.

Now it is turn for the adults.

She invited old women first and she removed the seal quickly and sent them out one after the other.

When it was turn of the old men Shizuka started her first plan.

That is to remove her dress neatly and put it on the side.

She sat on the chair with her legs spread showing off her pussy.

As for her to it was already exposed completely.

Her juicy tits are dangling outside for the old man to watch.

Immediately his old dick stood up.

“Old man, come over here and show me the bird cage seal.”

The old man walked over and the clone of Shizuka that was also naked helped him remove the cloth on his head.

The bird cage seal appeared on their forehead.

Then it helped him lose his waist band and loosen his clothes so that his dick can come out.

His dick already stood up.

It is not that big and around the medium size but for Shizuka any size is okay.

Shizuka looked at his dick and called him over.

“Old man, come here and insert your dick deep into my pussy so that I can slowly unlock your cursed seal.”

The old man smiled wretchedly and said.

“I can smell the bitch from a mile away.

You are suck a bitch to come over here to get fucked by the Hyuga clan branch people in the name of removing cursed seal.

Well you are doing us a great service so we will remember you and support you as our leader.

As for the payment for removing the cursed seal I will load your pussy with a big load of cum.

He came forward and started to suck the nipples of Shizuka and then inserted his dick into her already wet pussy.

Well she told him to be quickly because there are many others that still need to unlock their cursed seal.

She doesn’t have to worry that they can last long.

Only some powerful people can actually last long fucking her.

At most he would be done in 5 minutes.

While getting her pussy slammed Shizuka put her finger on the forehead of that old man and injected chakra to break the seal.

With her knowledge on seals of the Uzumaki clan it was very easy to break the seal.

With the seal broken the Mark on the forehead of the branch family Hyuga clan member was gone.

The old man could not last long and was done in a matter of minutes filling his cum inside her pussy.

Shizuka was not disappointed because she is going to have many men and would play with her.

The shadow clone of Shizuka sent the old man away after cleaning his dick.

As for Shizuka she used a ninjutsu to make a ball of water to clean off her body.

All the cum inside her pussy was pulled out and her pussy was washed clean.

Before the next person appeared everything was completely clean.

She told the old man not to speak about this matter and he went out cheerfully after promising her to be quite.

Then the next old man appeared….

After the old men, middle aged men and young men are called.

The old women are not for playing as Mohini did not like that.

But the young ones and milfs are very welcome to play.

She would conjure a big dick to pound them hard all night long.

Chapter 482: releasing the branch family of Hyuga clan

But the young ones and milfs are very welcome to play.

She would conjure a big dick to pound them hard all night long.

By the time it was morning on the next day the Hyuga clan branch family got their caged bird seals removed completely.

All the men had happy smiles for having their caged bird seal removed and for having a chance to fuck an arrogant beauty like Shizuka from their rival Uchiha clan.

That night was the happiest night for the branch family members.

They got their caged bird seal removed and were given freedom.

They were able to fuck an awesome beauty and even cum inside her.

All of this made them form a close relationship with Shizuka.

Well they fucked her and received a lifetime of help from her.

So it is normal to have close relation between them.

With the caged bird seal gone their influence and power over the branch family members are completely gone.

This also means that all of their crimes would be out soon and they would face the punishment and retaliation from the branch family members.

Shizuka quickly removed the caged bird seal without any problem.

After removing the caged bird seal for the first one it became easy and the process became quick.

Shizuka did not show any signs of tiredness after breaking so many seals and getting fucked by them so much.

The branch family members that got their caged bird seal removed looked at Shizuka like looking at their savior and benefactor.

They all made a decision that is make Shizuka that also has Byakugan as their leader and follow her instead of following the main family.

The person that looked like the leader of the branch family members represented the branch family members and said the words to Shizuka.

“Madam, you freed us from this enslavement of the main family.

We no longer wanted to follow the main family.

Instead we want to follow you.

Please take us in under your umbrella and let us work for you.”

They could not call her a bitch directly but they can call her that privately.

Shizuka was happy to get the allegiance of the branch family of the Hyuga clan.

They are happy that they might get another chance to fuck her later.

Don’t underestimate the branch family.

Even though they did not receive high amount of resources from the main family, there are many talents and geniuses.

There are many elite Jonin level ninja in the branch family than the main family.

It is just that they all are suppressed by the main family for a long time.

Shizuka directly accepted them and then she asked them to collect the evidences and information on all the atrocities that the main family did all this time.

Then Shizuka looked at the main family members and ordered them to handover all the inheritance that belongs to the Hyuga clan.

They are no longer the head of the family and the ruling party.

So they did not have the right to hold on to the secrets of the Hyuga clan.

Under the red eyes of Shizuka the main family of the Hyuga clan has shivered from fear of death.

So the head of the Hyuga can immediately brought back all the information of the Hyuga clan and handed over to Shizuka.

Right at that time the branch family members of the Hyuga clan also got the information about the crimes of the main family of the Hyuga clan and gave it to the Shizuka.

Shizuka called in the village guards and arrested the main family members of the Hyuga clan that has criminal records.

Then she gave some instructions to the branch family of the Hyuga clan and let them settle down first.

She also got the information related to the top secrets of Hyuga clan that will only be passed on to the next generation through word of mouth.

She went to the Hokage’s office where Tsunade is busy with the work.

She gave the report of the criminal activity of the Hyuga clan main family to Tsunade.

Shizuka knows that the work here is very high.

So she gave Tsunade an advice to create an office filled with workers to do the processing work of all the paper work.

Tsunade immediately accepted the idea and sent the information to the advisor from the Nara clan.

Shikaku is still a kid right now and he did not step into the power circle.

His father is currently in charge of the Nara clan and indirectly the spear head for the Yamanaka can and Akimichi clan too.

With the idea from Shizuka the process was quick in recruitment of the person that is good with office work.

There is a special screening for spies by Shizuka personally using the Sharingan and other illusion ninjutsu.

While they do the paper work Tsunade can speak with the clients that came with the missions.

Tsunade would also be doing the business dealings of the village.

Well Shizuka has many ideas here.

What if a pot bellied business man wanted to fuck Tsunade to accept the business offer.

Well Shizuka would convince Tsunade to wear an outfit that would make her look like a cow with nothing on her body covered properly to meet this kind of business men.

But that has to wait before she sets up the work office.

The office work and paper work at the Hokage’s office might seem hectic and only Hokage does most of the work.

The reason for this is because the information here is valuable and is related to the secrets of the village.

Because of this reason only Hokage and her trusted people would take care of this work.

In the previous situation third Hokage and his team of elders would do the work all the time.

But now all the work has fallen onto the head of Tsunade alone without any helpers by her side.

Chapter 483: the situation of players

In the previous situation third Hokage and his team of elders would do the work all the time.

But now all the work has fallen onto the head of Tsunade alone without any helpers by her side.

Shizuka has to find capable people with good amount of loyalty for this work to be completed smoothly.

With her Sharingan as the support it was very easy to do that.

By the end of the day the people are already recruited and they started to complete the paper work.

All Tsunade has to do is to check the end results and balances to approve.

The work for Tsunade became easy like the CEO of a company.

After returning back to the house Shizuka went to talk to Himeko first.

“Himeko you know I have removed the main family and branch family system of the Hyuga clan.

They all swore their allegiance to me.

Also I let them all fuck me so that they are satisfied completely and come to my side.

Other than that there will not be any forced internal marriages in their clan.

You are now their princess again.

How do you feel?

If you like I can let you go there and have some fun with them.

You can take other with you and I will also go to have another orgy.

What do you think?”

Himeko was really moved as she is currently riding on the top of Shizuka’s dick and tears flowed down her eyes.

She was lucky to be chosen as the wife of the future clan head.

But her friends are not so lucky.

Even though they loved someone outside, they could not show that.

They can only kill their love and live for the clan.

Shizuka was strong enough to take her out but her friends did not have this chance.

She was happy that no other girl from her clan has to feel sad about this problem in the future.

Because of this tears rolled down her eyes.

Both Mikoto and Hazuki also understand this thing and felt happy for the Hyuga clan.

So they decided to pay a special visit to satisfy all the men and women in the Hyuga clan branch family.


As for the players in the village, they are not in a good situation.

Actually not all players are like that.

Only a set few that wanted to achieve some big results are feeling despair because all the limelight was taken over by Shizuka.

Even if they want to achieve something they could not do anything because of the presence of Shizuka.

They can only watch the show and try to make some achievements in the coming war.

They don’t know how Shizuka became so strong that she can directly defy the rules of the ninja world.

Hiashi of the Hyuga clan is a player and is literally grinding his teeth in anger towards Shizuka but he could not do anything.

He could not even defeat his father, but Shizuka can directly put the pressure on the entire Hyuga clan and even the entire village.

This shows how much power that Shizuka possesses and how strong she actually is.

But all of this results in one thing that is he could not do anything to Shizuka.

When it is said that he could not do anything, it literally mean that he could not do anything even if Shizuka and every women stood in front of him completely naked.

This made him helpless and angry because he could not retaliate against Shizuka with his current power or future power.


The next main thing that Shizuka has to do is to meet with the black Zetsu to change some plans to fit with her plans.

Also this has to happen without the knowledge of Madara.

Well black Zetsu is the mastermind behind the situation and Madara is just a puppet in this entire plan.

The plan has to be progressed carefully.

Black Zetsu is actually immune to the illusions even from the Mangekyō Sharingan to some extent.

Shizuka can still put him into illusion with her sage level techniques and Rinnegan.

But doing so would not benefit Shizuka in the slightest.

So she has to do things carefully.


A few days have passed and the ninja villages started do the advanced reconnaissance missions on hidden leaf village.

Because of all the things that Shizuka did, Madara became impatient and though of inviting Shizuka into their plan as the final break point.

He wanted Shizuka to follow his plan to create a peaceful world.

He is stupid to fall for that plan and now he wanted Shizuka to become stupid and fall for that plan too.

He thought that Shizuka is just a simple kid even after what he did in the hidden leaf village.

He actually sent black Zetsu to convince Shizuka with its talk.

Shizuka has expected this as she has made sure that the plan of Madara was hindered.

With that he has no choice but to come to negotiate with Shizuka.

Black Zetsu did not appear straight in front of Shizuka.

Instead it used some tricks to lure Shizuka out of the village and talk to Shizuka.

Shizuka is not stupid enough to leave her women and loved ones.

She kept clones around them all the time for protection.

Shizuka then went along with black Zetsu to the deep forest area behind the village.

It is already out of the reach for the other ninja to catch up with Shizuka.

Black Zetsu has already checked the situation around the meeting place that he arranged with the help of white Zetsu.

This place is absolutely safe from being eavesdropped by anyone during their meeting.

Black Zetsu did not want its content to be leaked as he worked for over 1000 years to plan for the current situation.

Shizuka came to the location of the meeting in her normal bitch dress that barely covering her private parts.

Chapter 484: black Zetsu was captured

Black Zetsu did not want its content to be leaked as he worked for over 1000 years to plan for the current situation.

Shizuka came to the location of the meeting in her normal bitch dress that barely covering her private parts.

There she used the wood style to make a wooden rockery chair to sit on peacefully to listen to the words of black Zetsu.

Also her legs are wide open showing off her pussy clearly.

Well Shizuka is showing that she did not fear black Zetsu and show off her body.

Unfortunately black Zetsu did not have anything to do with sex.

It is doubt if he has a dick or not.

Black Zetsu that appeared looked at Shizuka for a while but did not show the hostility or any other form of expression.

It has been practicing to keep things under the cover for over 1000 years by controlling his emotions, how can he be bothered by such a small thing.

So he opened his mouth telling Shizuka about his project of world peace.

He actually started by telling that he is working for Madara Uchiha as if Shizuka would feel a sense of belonging as they are from the same clan.

“I am working for Madara Uchiha.

We are working for a plan to bring peace to the world………bla...Bla…bla…”

Shizuka did not speak from the start to finish and only listened to the words of black Zetsu with great interest showing off his acting skills.

The funny thing is actually the black Zetsu believed it.

Shizuka sighed at the end and said.

“Do you think of me as such a stupid person?

You should know that I have stepped into power quickly and have many means.

Instead of going around in circles, let me get straight to the point.

First of all I know that you are trying to resurrect Kaguya…”

As soon as Shizuka said that black Zetsu’s eyes shrank and immediately wanted to leave from this place.

But he could not use any of his techniques because this place is sealed.

Previously Shizuka did not make a rocking chair for fun.

Instead under the rocking chair a tree root is formed with countless roots forming a seal under this area.

This place is sealed by Shizuka and no one can escape from here by any means.

Black Zetsu did not notice this because of his over confidence.

He was shocked and wanted to attack Shizuka.

But few more tree roots came out of the ground and made the black Zetsu stay on the spot.

His special skill to go through the land and other materials called the mayfly technique did not work either.

Shizuka is simply rocking on the chair happily looking at the struggle of the black Zetsu.

Then she said.

“I will not kill you.

Instead I want to resurrect Kaguya too.

But I don’t want to waste my time on all kinds of nonsense.

I need for the things to move quickly.

Since Madara is still alive we will use him to resurrect Kaguya in three years.”

Black Zetsu stopped struggling after finding out that he could not escape.

Then after listening to the words of Shizuka he asked.

“Why do you want to resurrect Kaguya and what do you know?

Tell me what you know about me and my mother.”

Shizuka smiled back at him and said.

“There was once a planet far away called the Otsutsuki planet.

They are greedy for life and power so they would send their god tree or 10 tails along with their descendent to get all the chakra on other planets.

The god tree usually requires sacrifice and a servant girl was sent as sacrifice.

This servant girl did not want to die as a sacrifice for the god tree.

So she sneak attacked the person that is the descendent of the Otsutsuki clan and the owner of the god tree.

She ate the chakra fruit of the god tree.

After that she simply sealed the god tree and went to live her life in peace.

Unfortunately the person she loved chose the people instead of her love and condemned her for her defense to protect herself.

She became pregnant but the person she lived feared her and wanted to kill her.

Her heart was broken and she has her own fears.

She feared that other Otsutsuki clan members would come to hunt her down.

She wanted to share her burdens with her loved one but there is no one.

So she chose to use the power of god tree to protect herself and her new born children.

She used the mighty power of the god tree to bring peace to the world.

She was hailed as the rabbit goddess by the world.

Her stupid sons started to spread the chakra they received from their mother to every Tom dick and Harry creating new problems.

When a normal person receives a weapon they would usually not use it.

But sometimes the situation changes and that normal person can become a monster.

Humans have both god and devil residing inside them.

They can come out at any time based on the situation.

The spread of chakra by those stupid brothers has started the fires of wars and conflicts again.

Kaguya tried to stop them but those two sons never heard her words thinking that they are righteous than her mother.

They fell in love with human girls and slowly drifted into the struggle of power between the people.

The rabbit goddess became a monster in the thoughts of the people in just few months.

The rabbit goddess that thought that her sons would support her and share her burden from the retaliation against the Otsutsuki clan has turned against her.

They started to destroy her and use too much chakra creating more wars with their power.

Not every Otsutsuki clan member can control the god tree.

Only a selected few can really control the god tree….”

Chapter 485: discussing cooperation with black Zetsu

“…Not every Otsutsuki clan member can control the god tree.

Only a selected few can really control the god tree.

The remaining people would fall into the temptation of power and fear of death corrupted by the will of the god tree.

She is not a suitable person to use the god tree so her will started to get eroded over time.

In few years she became a prisoner of the god tree and the god tree wanted to get all the chakra it lost back to her.

So it created the plan of infinite Tsukuyomi.

It would sent all the creatures into the illusion world and then extract their chakra.

Not only that but it will also make them into puppet beings like the white Zetsu.

These white Zetsu are not meant to fight with her sons but instead they are made to fight with the Otsutsuki clan that might come to chase after her.

Unfortunately her stupid sons thought that she is targeting them.

So they retaliated blindly.

Because of this incident the heart of their mother is broken and fell into the complete control of the 10 tails.

But just before her will is completely under the control of the 10 tails she used her power to transfer a part of the will outside into a white Zetsu turning it into a black Zetsu.

After that she was sealed by her stupid sons.

The black Zetsu that got her will became her son born out of her will and is currently been trying to resurrect her.

He tried his best to make many plans for over 1000 years to reach the current step.

He changed the information on the secret stone inscription of the Uchiha clan luring Madara Uchiha to become is idiotic puppet.

Then he pointed Madara Uchiha into doing things for him.

Madara Uchiha who was once considered as the god of war in this world is blindly following your plan as if it was his plan.

He is currently alive and hiding under ground.

He awakened the Rinnegan and used his eyes to transplant it into a kid of the Uzumaki clan for the plan to progress.

That kid should be in the land of rain called Uzumaki Nagato.

Currently Madara became old and is living from the energy support of the statue of the 10 tails.


Did I get everything right or did I miss something in your story.

Do you want me to tell the resurrection process that you planned?”

Black Zetsu is literally trembling from fear because the person in front of him knows everything.

Shizuka looked at it with a smile and continued.

“Let me tell you something.

I did not have any interest in your mother Kaguya.

I will help you resurrect her.

But it is not free.

I want two things.

First is the 10 tails,

I have tasted other tailed beasts and they tastes very good.

I want to taste 10 tails too.

Don’t worry; I will remove it from your mother without a threat for your mother’s life.

Second this is, I want to know the location of the Otsutsuki planet.

I want to go over there and play with those people to test my power.

Any way I can be considered a descendent of your mother too.

So I will let her be the rabbit goddess that she once was.

If she like she can hop on as many dicks as she liked.

It is just like me and my women playing around happily.

This is the deal I am giving you.

If you accept it we can proceed with further discussions and solve this problem quickly.

We have around 3 to 5 years of time as I killed most of the tailed beasts.

They need that much time to resurrect.

At that time we can proceed with the plan.

Also let me show you something to make you believe me more.”

Shizuka said this and opened her Rinnegan making the trembling black Zetsu opened his mouth wide with the ends twitching.

Black Zetsu thought in his mind.

“What you actually ate the tailed beasts,

I thought that they are actually killed because of someone’s anger or something.

I never thought that someone would dare to eat those tailed beasts.

Also I have done everything I could to make one person open his Rinnegan for my plan after so long.

But the person in front of me has opened the Rinnegan as if it was nothing more than that….”

This made him doubt his 1000 years of life and effort.

Shizuka continued.

“This ninja world will be my domain and I will rule this place.

Your mother used to like peace right,

Then I will let her have the peace she liked.

She can become my women and enjoy pleasure or she can live the life of seclusion too.

I will not do anything to her unless she tried to do something stupid to me.”

When Shizuka stopped black Zetsu also snapped back to reality and thought of a fundamental problem in the explanation of Shizuka.

So he asked.

“I have one question to ask of you.

How did you know all of this?”

Shizuka thought of this question too for a long time.

She did not know how to answer this question before but suddenly she thought of an idea.

That is the abilities of the Sharingan.

The abilities of Sharingan are mostly weird and strange.

She can directly attribute them to the abilities of the Sharingan to solve this problem.

So he said.

“One of the abilities of my Sharingan is to see through the past and the memories of a person.

I have read the memories of many people before.

After I opened the Rinnegan I actually met that stupid mutt brother of yours that calls himself the sage of 6 paths in the form of a spirit.

At that time I have accidentally read through his memory and now I read your memory too….”


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