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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 191: discussion in the headmaster’s office

Along with Dumbledore there is also Hagrid here.

Hagrid was called over to become a porter to take Barty crouch senior back to the hospital wing for treatment.

Because of the accusation of Karkaroff towards Dumbledore, Hagrid became angry.

Hagrid angrily demands that he should apologize to Dumbledore.

But Dumbledore restrained him.

Dumbledore has Hagrid take Harry back to Gryffindor Tower to rest.

Dumbledore hinted Harry in his message not to contact Sirius until the next morning.

Well Sirius is contacting him back for money instead.

On the way back, Hagrid scolds Harry for being out alone with Viktor Krum.

John was right there to listen to their words while going back to the Gryffindor tower.

After that many things happened that day with Harry and Ron being busy.

There is also Hermione in their group.

It seems like when John did not pay much attention they actually came together in just a month.

John did not care about this matter.

Soon the matter of death of Bertha Jorkins came into light and the heated discussion happened in the headmaster’s office between Dumbledore, moody and minister fudge.

John knows about this because he was present there and was discussing with Dumbledore before the arrival of moody and minister fudge.

John and Dumbledore are discussion about the words of Barty crouch that has disappeared again.

Dumbledore wanted to know if John found out about anything.

He was sure that John knows something.

So they are talking about this matter while John is explaining that there is a traitor among them.

Right then moody and minister fudge arrived.

So Dumbledore wanted John to hide back and wait for the others to leave before talking.

The heated discussion started between the three while John silently heard everything.

John felt the gaze of moody’s mechanical eyes that focused towards him.

John knows that moody has already noticed him and he was not surprised or anxious.

Instead he waved his hand towards moody without saying a word.

Moody did not say anything and continued to talk about this matter.


While this is happening Harry has a different situation back in the divination class.

During Divination class Harry passed out strangely and has a vision about Voldemort and peter Pettigrew also known as Wormtail.

Harry sees Voldemort being informed of someone's death and torturing Wormtail for failing to prevent that person from escaping.

Harry awakened with his scar hurting badly and pretended that he has to go to the Hospital Wing because of this pain.

Instead Harry actually wanted to see Dumbledore quickly to tell him about this information.

He has suspicions about this vision and the situation of Barty crouch’s disappearance.

Unfortunately he did not know the odd passwords to the headmaster’s office that Dumbledore usually sets.

After spending time trying to get the password to Dumbledore's office right, he finally succeeded.

When he came to the office through the stairs and stood at the door, he overhears an argument between Dumbledore, Moody, and Cornelius Fudge.

It is regarding the Barty Crouch situation.

Well Barty crouch is related to the ministry of magic and a very influential person.

He almost became the minister of magic if not for the situation with his son Barty crouch junior that became a death eater and Dumbledore supporting the current minister fudge.

Minister Fudge refuses to believe the words that Crouch said about Bertha Jorkins being dead.

Minister fudge found that bertha Jorkins was missing but he did not believe that she is dead.

While debating what happened to Crouch, Fudge suggests that Madame Maxime is the likely culprit given her half-giant physiology.

John doesn’t know what Minister fudge has against the giants but he was really against them to the bone.

Dumbledore accused Fudge of acting on personal prejudice, which Fudge ignores due to Dumbledore's friendship with Hagrid.

Moody right at that time interrupted the debate between Dumbledore and minister fudge to explain that Harry Potter has arrived.

Well John has already noticed about this matter.

As for John, others did not notice him right now.

Even thought moody noticed the presence of John he did not say anything about John.

Harry appeared and wanted to talk with Dumbledore.

But Dumbledore did not have time to entertain Harry, similarly neither minister fudge nor moody are in the mood to listen to Harry right now.

Dumbledore still told Harry to stay in the office for a while and left with minister fudge and moody to check the school grounds to find the clues about Barty crouch.

Before he left he called John to come along with them.

Minister fudge was shocked to see that John is present there from the start and he did not notice this matter.

Also he did not understand why they are taking John with them right now.

In his thought John is a genius student and business man but he is still a student and this is the matter related to adults.

So he asked Dumbledore to not to bring John.

Dumbledore looked at John to ask if he wanted to come and John simply shake his head rejecting his offer to search for clues in the school grounds.

Instead John wanted to play with the phoenix for a while before Dumbledore comes back to the office.

With that Dumbledore, minister fudge and moody left the headmaster’s office leaving John and Harry here.

Dumbledore was not worried that John would do something to Harry because John did not care about them.

After they left John went to the phoenix and started to feed it some nuts he brought back.

Right then the black bird that belongs to John flew out from the window and started to eat the nuts from the hands of John.

John did not even look at Harry from the start to finish.

Well since John is like this Harry also wanted to be arrogant towards John.

So he decided to look around in the headmaster’s office with curious eyes.

Chapter 192: memories in the Pensieve

Well since John is like this Harry also wanted to be arrogant towards John.

So he decided to look around in the headmaster’s office with curious eyes.

While looking around he found the Dumbledore's Pensieve.

A Pensieve was a very rare and powerful magical item.

They were a magical device used to store and review memories.

Pensieves were rare because only the most advanced wizards ever use them and because the majority of wizards are afraid of doing so.

No wizard or person wants to review their memories of sadness and wrong doings.

Well they would want to see the good memories again but if they felt that there is something wrong then the good memories would also be ruined.

So in a life having a memory once is a good thing.

Remembering things or seeing things again and again would make one lose the value of those memories.

Also the main reason is that the pensive is very costly and has high cost of usage.

Harry got it for free with all the costs covered by Dumbledore.

Also Dumbledore is an advanced magician that can bear the magic usage and charge the thing.

Well it might not have appeared in the plot but these things would need charging of magic to use them.

Nothing in the world would work on its own without proper amount of energy in place for it to work.

This is against the law of conservation of energy that even applies to magic.

When in use, a silvery light shines from the contents of the Pensieve.

This light was bright, whitish silver, cloud like, and moving ceaselessly.

The white water like liquid is also very expensive thing that is obtained by refining the blood of the unicorn with fairy wings.

It can only be bought through illegal means.

Dumbledore might speak righteously but the things that should be done in the dark are still being done in the dark.

Naturally he is a curious cat that would be killed in the end because of his curiosity.

So he dipped his head into the Pensieve and went to look at the memories of death eaters trails that happened before when Voldemort fell.

John knows what he is seeing right now.

It should be three memories related to the trails of the death eaters that Barty crouch acted as judge.

The first is the trial of Igor Karkaroff.

In this memory he renounces his support of the Death Eaters and gives the names of existing Death Eaters.

This includes Snape.

Dumbledore in the memory states that Snape is a spy against Voldemort and is no longer a threat.

The second memory shows the trial of Ludo Bagman.

He was accused of passing information to Voldemort for money.

Even though he wasn't aware that the person he gave the information to was a Death Eater.

But his popularity quickly clears him that he is not in the wrong.

Well he acted as the mediatory person for many dark secrets of high level wizards.

So these connects saved him from being punished.

The third is a trial for the Lestrange family, a group of three, and Crouch's son, Barty Crouch Junior.

They were brought here for the use of the Cruciatus Curse on Alice and Frank Longbottom.

Barty Crouch senior did not show any support for his son that is in the wrong and sentenced him along with the other three with punishment.

The punishment is the lifetime imprisonment in Azkaban for all of them.

With that the memories ended and Harry pulled his head out.


John did not see these memories yet.

They are brought out when moody and minister fudge came out.

Right when Dumbledore came back he looked at Harry that went to look into the Pensieve without permission and John that is peacefully feeding his pet phoenix.

He lost some impression of harry that could not sit still and mess with the things around.

As for John he is actually taking care of the phoenix and did not move much during this time.

But all in all he could not blame Harry because he is the savior that was designated and pushed up by him.

Dumbledore sighed and came over to explain the situation to Harry and John was also there to listen to the information.

After Dumbledore explained what happened and showed Harry another of his memories regarding a teenage Bertha Jorkins during her Hogwarts years, Harry explains what happened in Divination.

Dumbledore finds Harry's scar pains to be an odd concept and brings up that this is the second time it has hurt, the first being during the summer.

Dumbledore did not speak about Sirius black in front of John for the time being.

Dumbledore suspects that the reason why Harry's scar hurts is due to the connection that Voldemort's failed curse had created with him.

He believes the scar would only hurt when Voldemort were close or was feeling a strong emotion.

Dumbledore also explains to Harry that, unlike the Minister of magic fudge’s words, he believes that the disappearances of Bertha Jorkins, Barty Crouch, and a Muggle by the name of Frank Bryce may be connected to Voldemort.

John on the side did not say anything and let Dumbledore speak about this matter.

Dumbledore also explains that Frank and Alice Longbottom are Neville's parents.

The reason they went insane due to the Lestrange family people’s attack and that this is the reason why Neville was brought up by his grandmother.

This is also the reason why he has such an aversion to the Cruciatus Curse.

Dumbledore doesn't know if Barty Crouch Junior was involved in this matter or not.

But he personally requests that Harry and John to not to disclose this information to anyone, saying that Neville himself will share it when he is ready.

John simply smiled thinking that hiding too many secrets would not yield any benefits instead it would only cause too many complications by the sudden death of people.

Chapter 193: Sirius came to congratulate Harry

But he personally requests that Harry and John to not to disclose this information to anyone, saying that Neville himself will share it when he is ready.

John simply smiled thinking that hiding too many secrets would not yield any benefits instead it would only cause too many complications by the sudden death of people.

But he did not say anything about this matter.

2 days later on May 27ththe big news appeared.

It is the death of Barty crouch senior.

Barty crouch was said to be a strict person that would even sentence his own son to life imprisonment without saying a second word.

John really respects this kind of hard hearted people that can do anything.

But he will also despise them because they are reaping what they sowed before.

If he took proper care of his son things would not have reach this point.

What is the point of being strict and righteous when he could not even take care of his own son properly and cause him to side with other idiots?

John simply snorted and did not say anything.

Well the other person is already dead.

So he could not say anything to gain bad impression from other people.

He wants good impression instead of bad impression from everyone.

Also he did not over do it and made the appropriate expression.


During this time Harry actually contacted Sirius again.

Also there is a good payment of 10 thousand gold galleons.

John naturally used his special means to cheat off all the money from Sirius secretly.

No matter how many times it is John always succeeded.

This is because Sirius is a person that likes the luxurious life.

As long as there is a woman by his side he would forget everything.

But this time it became tougher because he hid his money carefully and only brought back few hundred gold galleons to play around.

So the recovery is only around 8 thousand gold galleons while the remaining was successfully spent by Sirius.

This took over 3 weeks of slow accumulation.

Wily and Sebastian did a good work of completing this kind of tasks.

Well Winky was crying for a while after finding out about the death of Barty crouch senior.


During this time the family of champions came over to visit.

John did not have anyone to visit but molly came over to speak with John with Ginny.

Other than them there is also mister Greengrass, pansy’s father, and many more people of various families came over to speak with John.

There is also Narcissa and Nymphadora that came to congratulate John.

The mother of fleur and Gabrielle that is called Apolline Delacour came over to say thank you to John because he saved her in the second round.

Unlike what appeared in the movie and the plot the appearance of an old hag she is extremely stunning silver blond milf.

Her allure as a Veela is many times greater than that of fleur.

But it could not affect John much.

This shocked her a little and she became more interested in John.

But she did not show that much on her face.

As for Harry, he was visited by molly Weasley and she did not say much.

But Sirius black came over to visit him.

He is not a criminal that needed to hide.

So naturally he would come here to speak with Harry face to face.

Also he already spent all the money and needs more.

Naturally he came to show some good words to Harry to gain his support.

Since there is no one around to support him naturally Harry would become attached to Sirius.

Dumbledore frowned but he could not say anything.

One has to understand the true nature of the people with their own efforts.

This will be a valuable life lesson.

So he did not say anything to Harry right now.

John got the biggest attention of all because many people came over to visit him.

Most of them are actually the families of some female students at Hogwarts.

Penelope wanted to come over but her training is in the middle and she could not come out in the middle.

So she only sent a letter to John.

John did not show any contempt towards Harry instead Harry was jealous of John.

Also John or any person that came for John did not show any good attitude towards Sirius.

They did not even come over to speak or even made a gesture to greet him.

He was completely alienated without anyone.

Harry felt jealous and thought that it was the money that John has that made everything possible.

He believed that he would become a high ranking person in the ministry of magic in the future and have enough fame to make all these people come to his feet.

With these thoughts he appeased his jealous heart.

If John heard this then he would have definitely comment

“Don’t dream in the day light while standing in the middle of the walk way.”

Think about it,

In every fairytale the protagonist would gain big amount of wealth with strong strength along with the beautiful princess.

This was all naturally contributed by the supporting characters and villains of the story.

What if the villains and supporting characters did not give anything to the protagonist?

If they make him choose between the love of the beautiful princess and the wealth along with strong strength,

Naturally the stupid protagonist would choose the love of the princess to appear as a good person thinking that everything would follow along.

If he did not get wealth and strength, then can he really keep the beautiful princess?

Only if he has enough wealth, he can enjoy the luxurious life.

Only if he has enough strength, he can protect his wealth and the beautiful princess.

So without the people to provide these things, the protagonist would be nothing more than a street beggar and a complete looser.

Chapter 194: the fight of protagonist and villain is just a street beggar fight

Only if he has enough strength, he can protect his wealth and the beautiful princess.

So without the people to provide these things, the protagonist would be nothing more than a street beggar and a complete looser.

What John did right now is take all these things away from him.

Even if the protagonist wins against his destined villain he can only be just that.

John is a villain that even protagonist could not do anything.

If the protagonist tried to harm John then the protagonist becomes the villain.

That is how much John was going to manipulate everything using the money and connections he has on hand.

This will happen before the deciding fight of Harry and Voldemort.

No matter who wins the situation remains the same.

The fight between a great villain and protagonist can only become a fight between two stupid people because of a baseless prophesy.

This would be the final outcome after John was done with both of them.

The people that came over to congratulate him are all from the neutral faction.

They already started to connect over to the muggle world through the Gringotts bank.

Well it is not a permanent thing for them.

Also there is a commission for John when he brought such a big business to the goblins.

Goblins felt that John is more cunning than a goblin.

Because of this they admired and scold John.

But with the small gift of a gold galleon to each goblin they became happy.

John profits 100 gold galleons for every gold galleon he pays as gifts.

The financial calculative capabilities of the goblins are also good.

But the problem is that those goblins don’t know the small loop holes that John uses in his financing to move the funds through the back doors.

Well he is an expert in numbers and the money moves based on his wishes but not by the thoughts of those goblins.

Those goblins will only manage the work not the money.

Money would be handled by John and his house elves.

There is also Nymphadora that would take care of the things.

John took the people that came along with the girls to show them around.

Even thought they already know about these things as most of them studied here they still looked around for changes and nostalgia.

John did not make big things instead he took them to the places they usually would not see.

That is the place where the cooking would actually be done.

When John arrived many house elves greeted him.

John gave them many gifts to all of them for Christmas and New Year by name.

Because of the care and closeness John provided they are also close to John.

In the Triwizard tournament the Hogwarts School as a whole supported John as the main champion.

Some of them still believed that Harry cheated his way through.

But no one has ever doubted John even though his entry was same as that of Harry.

This is the blindness that John created with his prestige.

During this time molly Weasley walked along with John with her daughter Ginny.

Her eyes never left the ‘V’ shaped waist of John and his strong muscular hands.

She licked her lips many times and Narcissa noticed this.

But she only smiled and did not say anything.

She was hoping to see molly Weasley finding out that she is already John’s women.

But she did not have such thoughts towards Ginny.

John don’t like in fights in the family so none of his girls fight.

If they want something they would ask John and John would get them without a second word.

Naturally there is no such thing that there is only one in the world.

If there is then John would either destroy it or hide it completely.

It would be given to his future generation that he wanted to give.

That is to his first born daughter or his daughter in law or someone that would suit that item well.

Molly was so lustful that the presence of Veela’s allures her lust increased by a large margin.

Naturally John also noticed this and he kept quiet for the time being.

When they came back John met with Ludo bagman.

Other left while he stayed and talked to John about some information.

He wanted to get a financial aid from John and John wanted to use him for his connections that can even pull him out from being judged ministry.

So they came to a conclusion.

While on the way Ludo bagman mentioned about Percy.

He said that Percy will not be coming this time for the third task.

After the Barty Crouch incident that is his death, which is being kept secret,

Percy was hauled in for questioning by Aurors regarding that the instructions he was receiving, which may not have actually been sent by Barty Crouch.

Instead, Cornelius Fudge will be serving as the fifth Triwizard judge in his place.

John raised his eye brows but he did not say anything.

The next day is the final exam and that evening is the main match for the champions that is the third task of the Triwizard competition.

Originally the parents and relatives should come on the day of the match but John made things move ahead in the name of encouraging people and covering up some incidents.

So Dumbledore arranged the things ahead.

That evening John met with molly separately.

She wanted to talk to John about something important, but not at the school grounds.

So naturally John went to Hogsmeade to speak to her.

She wanted to speak about her sons Fred and George‘s jokes shop.

She might scold them but she was really optimistic about them.

Previously she knows that the John came to give them money and invest in them.

But they directly refused John because of their closeness with Harry and Ron.

What she came here is to apologize to John about their rude behavior.

Chapter 195: price for the plan is a massage review

But they directly refused John because of their closeness with Harry and Ron.

What she came here is to apologize to John about their rude behavior.

Well her daughter has decided to become the woman of John so she has to be more on his side as the future son in law.

For the happiness of her daughter she has to back down.

Well it is not like John is her enemy and even helped them many times but it was them that acted out of the line.

John has guessed her thoughts and he came over to the room where molly is living.

Whenever he looks at her he always feels that she is a hot woman and has the appearance of Jessica rabbits.

The difference between her appearance and the woman appeared in the movie are like heaven and earth.

May be the director or writer wanted to make things more natural or the world John was currently living is a different Harry potter world.

Her tits are as big as rabbits and her red hair is long.

But her appearance was covered by the shabby clothes she usually wears.

Well her family conditions are poor and she can only wear these poor clothes that would not bring out her beauty.

Still she is hot with her appearance.

When John arrived molly took over some homemade pie for John to eat.

John and molly sat face to face and she got straight to the point.

Her face is not red like the members of the Weasley family.

“You are serious about my daughter right.”

John smiled and nodded his head and spoke.

“As long as she is loyal to me I will not abandon her.”

Molly sighed and said.

“I want to apologize for the behavior of my son Ron and wanted to talk to you about the funding for my son’s future joke shop.”

John replied.

“Mrs. Weasley, I am a business man and everything I do is business in a way.

To be more precise it is a trade.

For your daughter she has to pay the price of loyalty to be with me.

Similarly Ron has to pay a price as an apology.

As for the jokes shop of Fred and George, they rejected my offer to receive funding.

So I cannot be shameless and got to them to ask.

I have a plan to help them without my direct involvement.

But for this Mrs. Weasley has to pay the price first.

Then I will tell the plan and act with money.

I don’t know if you would like to pay the price for the future of your sons.”

Molly looked confused for a moment but she knows that if you want anything from John they have to pay a price to get it from John.

“What price do I have to pay?”

John smiled and said.

“It is nothing strange.

I have brought over new oil and usually have several people as massage partners.

I will give you a massage and you can give me a review.

That price is enough to let me tell you my plan.”

Her frown eased a little and she accepted it.

John immediately waved his hand and his clothes changed to the clothes of masseur that is good with oil.

There is also a massage table from his expansion pocket space along with fragrant oils.

The arrangement was really perfect and molly did not suspect anything till John took out something form his expansion space pocket that shocked her.

Then he gave a pair of bra and underwear for molly to change to.

They are massage wear and they are specifically made to turn transparent when they come into contact with oil or water.

“Mrs. Weasley, can you change into these and lie down on the massage table.”

Molly bit her lower lip and tried her best to control her lust.

The situation that should be normal has not changed to that of a lewd situation.

The wizards are relatively far from the word sex and there are far too less people that liked to have fun with sex.

Well there are lecherous people but they are just a bunch of low level ingrates that did not know the depth of pleasure.

So John can take advantage of this matter to have as much of pleasure as he wanted from these ladies.

Molly did not move immediately but her eyes are full of lust.

John then said.

“I will leave the room for a moment and you can call me when you have changed your clothes.

In order to massage with oil I have to touch your skin.

So this kind of clothes is a necessary.”

After he said that he took a step out of the room and closed the door.

Then he waited for molly to change.

John was sure that she would definitely change her dress because she was very lustful.

She became irritable in the later days because Arthur did not satisfy more.

So she became an irritable mother in law in the future.

Right now she is in the accumulating phase and the stress inside her was building up slowly over time.

John would relieve this stress now and then take her to his side slowly.

Well author did not have much interest in her right now with his spent body.

After few minutes molly knocked on the door and then went to lie down on her stomach on the massage bed.

Her ass is big and the under wear that John gave her was tight.

It directly made the impression of her pussy and it became a little transparent because her pussy was already wet.

Her tits are big and they are squashed under her body right now.

Her body did not have excessive amount of fat other than her tits and ass that are perfect in shape.

John smiled with a lewd face and walked over to her side admiring her body from different angle.

Chapter 196: molly getting a massage part- 1

Her body did not have excessive amount of fat other than her tits and ass that are perfect in shape.

John smiled with a lewd face and walked over to her side admiring her body from different angle.

He took out the oil bottle and said.

“Mrs. Weasley you have to relax and I am going to apply the oil.”


Molly hummed without saying anything.

But she was thoroughly embarrassed to speak.

Suddenly the cold oil touched her back and a slight moan escaped her mouth.


She noticed her moan and quickly covered it up.

John smiled and did not say anything.

His warm hand touched her back and started to rub the oil.

This oil is specifically made to arouse women and it did not have any effect on men.

Well he did not have any thoughts of massaging men.

He is only into women.

As he rubbed he touched all the soft spots.

When rubbing her side under the arm he touched the edges of her tits from time to time with a flick.

Molly held back her moans to the best of her abilities.

But the pleasure is too great and she slowly fell into the pleasure and did not notice that her moans became louder.

Unlike Narcissa there is no bed with pillows to cover this issue.

So her moans are clear and audible for John.

But John did not say anything and continued to massage her back.

After when he felt that it was okay, he moved down to her legs and rubbed her legs starting from her toes.

He slowly went up to build more and more pleasure and anticipation.

When he reached the thighs the body or molly was trembling from all the pleasure.

She did not say any objection or showed any resistance.

All she did was moaning in pleasure.

John has already cast the invisibility and sound proofing wards in the area.

So no one can spy on them.

He started to rub her thighs inch by inch till he reached her ass and inner thighs.

The anticipation of molly is so great that she was expecting a massage for her ass and her pussy too.

She is really wanting and was expecting a touch.

But John did not give it to her and moved his hands in a way that they rubbed past the edges of her inner thighs.

The ass was partially covered with the underwear that is already transparent.

So he can see everything clearly.

While he was massaging he stopped here and said.

“Mrs. Weasley, you should turn around so that I can massage your front too.”

John said breaking the anticipating of molly.

She was disappointed that John did not massage her ass or pussy and let her cum.

But she could not just ask for that.

So he can only turn around with her red face and drooling mouth from all the pleasure.

Her face showed the satisfaction and disappointment of the pleasure she received from her mind.

John acted like he did not see anything and started his massage with her stomach.

Since she is facing up, she could not cover her mouth to stop the moans.


She moaned accidentally and her face blushed even more.

But John acted like he did not see anything and he continued to massage.

He moved his hands towards the bottom part of her tits and flicked them from time to time making her moan more and more.

Because John did not say anything John started to moan more and more without restrain.

The oil from his hands was absorbed by the white massage bra and it slowly turned transparent.

This revealed her bountiful tits and even the erected nipples that are outlined.

Her nipples are not pink instead they are reddish brown in color.

It is really great to look at the nipples that looked like two cherries poking her bra up.

John moved up to massage her color bone and from time to time he moved his hands towards her cleavage.

But he touched her tits from time to time just like he did before.

His dick is right in front of her face at that time.

He is currently wearing shorts that are lose at the leg area where his big dick poked out and dangled in front of the face of molly that is moaning.

She tried stick out her tongue to lick it when John leaned forward to massage her stomach from the top.

After many trails she was able to lick his dick.

But in the next second she was surprised to see that the dick grew longer and bigger as if it was trying to erect.

This made her happy and doubt if she can hold this big dick inside her mouth.

But she was more interested in licking it.

Also she carefully observed John to see if he noticed her licking his dick.

But John appeared as if he did not notice anything.

So she felt like a cat that is drinking milk while closing its eyes thinking that no one can see it.

John already noticed her licking his dick so he did not move much and leaned forward just enough for his dick to appear straight about her mouth.

She stock out her tongue to lick the dick carefully and amazed that the dick is still growing.

She was sure that she can never take this dick inside her pussy completely.

After a few moments when she was full excited enough to cum by licking the dick of John, John moved to her bottom to massage her.

This made her disappointed again but the frustration could not be hidden properly.

Still there is anticipation that John would poke her pussy.

Slowly she fell into an imagination where John was fucking her with his big dick that was plunged all the way inside her pussy.

She was in so much pleasure in imagination that her pussy became dripping wet.

Chapter 197: molly getting a massage part- 2

Slowly she fell into an imagination where John was fucking her with his big dick that was plunged all the way inside her pussy.

She was in so much pleasure in imagination that her pussy became dripping wet.

Without the need of the oil her massage panties are already wet and transparent from her pussy juices.

Still John did not touch her pussy and moved around it with only light brushing making her almost have an orgasm and could have an orgasm.

With the massage reaching this point John can move forward with the next step.

So he came to the top again.

He leaned on her face to massage her stomach while dangling his big dick on her lips.

It is like enticing a bunny with a carrot.

Fortunately this bunny would not bite the carrot and only lick it.

Naturally molly tasted the dick and started lick it slowly.

The hands of John slowly moved to her bountiful tits and went under the massage bra.

When his cold hands touched the nipples of molly she realized that she was going to the next step.

She did not resist as she already expected this much by the time she started to lick John’s dick.

She doesn’t mind testing the capabilities of her future son in law that seems to have many girls other than her daughter.

For now she was completely satisfied with the size and thickness of the dick of John.

Also she liked the taste of the dick after licking it a few times.

Other than that the careful massage of arousing her like this has made her have good impression on him.

She felt that John can easily take care of his women even without using his dick.

He has touched all the sensitive points of her body without touching the forbidden areas.

John was really capable in her thoughts.

With his massage on her tits and her nipples has made her feel even more satisfied.

But she felt strong frustration as John did not let her climax.

It is like he is controlling her pleasure which became a terrifying thought in her mind.

She did not have this kind of fun with her husband for over 10 years.

That is not all; Arthur received an accidental injury at that time leaving him unable to have the fun in the bed.

Since then she slowly changed wearing the dresses in the ugly way having the pleasure pent up more and more.

This is why she looked at John so much when she saw the strong adult appearance of John.


John stopped massaging her tits and leaned back.

When his dick left her lips she lifted her head wanting to hold the dick in her mouth for a little while longer.

John has already removed the massage bra on her tits and her tits are completely out.

This was not done by wand movements instead it was done with wandless casting.

Molly did not notice this because she was too much immersed in pleasure.

Also she was concerned about the leaving dick instead of her bra being removed.

Any way the warm hard hands pressed her tits for a long time, making her feel that her tits are covered.

He moved down to the bottom under her watchful eyes and slowly pulled her down while spreading her legs on both side with him as the center.

Finally her crotch region is straight in front of John’s crotch.

John waved his hand again and this time the massage panties vanished leaving her completely naked.

Her pussy was hot but the cold air touched it pulling her back to the current situation.

Her eyes cleared from the deep pleasure and looked at John with lust.

John smiled back and said.

“Mrs. Weasley or should I call molly…

The next massage requires a hard tool to enter inside your soft region.

Do you wish to continue this massage?

Once you have this massage, there is no turning back.

You might want to have this massage more and more.

Are you sure that you want to continue.

But the price of this massage is higher than the other things.

You have to become loyal to me just like your daughter.

In the future after my marriage with your daughter, you can give her some valuable advice on our wedding night.

I will not abandon you and he will not find out about it for the time being.

Later even if he finds out he could not do anything about this matter.

So you have to make your choice now.”

John said looking into her eyes as his hand went to the orange red pubic hair that covered the top of the pussy of molly.

Molly was in deep struggle to make this choice.

But when the hand of John placed on the pubic hair and massaged that region has made her come to a conclusion.

She nodded her head.

But John needs a verbal confession.

So he said.

“I want you to speak the words clearly.

You will be my mother in law in the future.

So tell me what you want clearly.

Tell me your choice.”

John continued to massage the area with pubic hair that would not let her climax but it would not reduce the pleasure either.

She was hanged at the very edge of going in and out but without a completion.

Her hips started to move on their how waiting to have the movement of getting fucked.

But she could not complete the thing without the real dick inside her.

If she accepted it now, she would directly betray her husband and make him into a cuckold.

Well he really looks like a natural cuckold which is a different matter.

Also if she takes this step now she can live with the pleasure she wanted for a long time.

She doesn’t know how her daughter would react to this matter.

As if answering to her thoughts John said.

Chapter 198: molly’s choice

She doesn’t know how her daughter would react to this matter.

As if answering to her thoughts John said.

“You daughter don’t Mind having you with her as my woman.

Instead she might be happy.”

Molly thought for a few moments and finally gave into the pleasure.

If something really happen and her daughter asks, she can simply say that she is testing John of his potential to satisfy her in the future.

Also it still needs another 3 or 4 years before she will be of age when she goes to do this kind of thing.

Before that nothing would happen.

Thinking of this she calmed down her nervous heart and decided to enjoy the moment.

So she said.

“I will become your woman and be loyal to you.

But I could not separate myself from my family.

I can promise you that no man other than you can touch me or do anything to me.”

Well she has seen plenty of life so she still spoke firmly about what John wanted to ask her.

Instead Narcissa that is more flustered when John played with her.

Even though she is on the side of the bad guys she is more honest and innocent in this matter than molly.

It was funny to think that their characters and acts are so different which is very different from the side they took.

But John did not want to point out these things.

For now he would play with molly and give her the taste of his dick.

He would completely turn her to his side first.

Then he would make a double play with both Narcissa and molly at the same time.

He wanted to see them kiss each other’s pussies with smiles on their faces.

They might be on the opposing sides, they might hate each other.

But in the presence of John they should be obedient like good sisters.

This is what he wanted and he would achieve his goal.

John nodded and took off his clothes.

His muscular body was revealed and then his shorts vanished freeing his big dick.

Looking at the big dick the mouth of molly watered with great interest.

Right then she suddenly doubted.

“You should be a year older than my daughter.

How did you appear like an adult?”

John smiled back and said.

“Do you know about an artifact called the time turner?”

The face of molly changed and thought.

“No wonder he is like an adult.

He should be using it for many years to live extra 5 hours of time every day.

This is the secret of him managing all those things and still achieving good results.

He spent 5 hours of time every day to do hard work for his results.

He achieved the results he might have wanted, but he has to pay the price for that too.

The price is aging more than his peers and becoming an adult early.

Every being has a limited amount of time that could not be increase as they wanted.

With strong magic it is possible to have long life but it would also come with corresponding problems of society….”

Molly thought for a moment.

But her thought process was disturbed by John that rubbed his dick against her pussy lips.


She moaned in pleasure but she was still a step away from her climax.

She wanted the big hard thing inside of her.

Also she was a little frightened of this big thing entering her pussy and stretching it completely.

If it really did then she was not sure if her husband’s dick can fit in.

Right then John spoke.

“What should I call you when I am fucking you?

Is it Mrs. Weasley or little fish molly?”

John asked as he leaned forward to suck on her hard nipples and bit on them.

“Humm… call…. Me molly…”

John smiled at her face and said.

“Then Molly, ask me to fuck you.

Don’t you want my big dick inside you desperately?

So ask me to fuck you.”

Molly was even more embarrassed because her husband never plays like this.

He was very gentle and caring.

He would do what she asks him to do without saying a second word.

So now she was embarrassed to ask.

But she still wanted the big dick to go inside her pussy.

So she asked.

“John, I want you to fuck me.

Pound me hard with your thick rod.

My pussy is throbbing for your dick.

Please pound me hard.”

She asked with her red face but lewd smile.

The face of lewd Jessica rabbit’s face that was so hot with her body trembling with excitement that John heart pounded heavily.

“Okay then.

Since you asked me to pound you,

I will pound you and plough your pussy with my thick rod.

You should be prepared to stay in bed for two more days after this…hehe.”

She thought that John was joking with her about this matter.

But she will find that what she thought might not be true later in the steamy night.

John pushed his dick inside her pussy.

The head of the dick took a little time to enter the small pussy.

For the size of John’s dick every pussy is almost same as a virgin pussy because of the size difference.

He pushed it in and then the shaft pushed the remaining part inside.

It went all the way to touch the inner walls of her pussy.

There is still a part of the dick waiting outside to enter.


Molly moaned so hard and her body is trembling heavily.

He back arched along with her legs as she had a heavy squirting orgasm.

Everything was sprayed on the dick of John but John did not stop and pounded her pussy immediately.

Her squirt sprayed out like the water coming out of a fountain that has timer.

As soon as John pushed his dick inside, she would spray her squirt out.

Chapter 199: helping future mother in law relieve her stress

Her squirt sprayed out like the water coming out of a fountain that has timer.

As soon as John pushed his dick inside, she would spray her squirt out.

It is like a water gun spraying out whenever John pushed his dick inside like a trigger point.

Also she would moan loudly whenever his dick enters inside her pussy.

John can feel the satisfaction of molly from the way she gripped his dick with her pussy walls.

John’s hands are not free as he moved around her bountiful tits and play with them slowly while pinching her nipples.

He moved forward to kiss her mouth to muffle her moans.

Even though she gave birth to so many children her body is still very tight and tender.

Also her responses for the movements of John are really good and John enjoyed it.

Finally after fucking her for a while when molly already had 2 orgasms John cummed inside her pussy completely filling it up.

The hot cum inside her made her body trembled as if she felt a strange but intense long lost feeling of happiness.

Her pussy walls stuck to his dick tightly and would not let it go.

It is as if she was sucking out all the cum inside his dick to the best of its possible efforts.

John smiled at her and bit her nipples to make her let lose.

But her pussy was tightly plugged without even a single drop of cum leaking out.

John’s dick is very hard and it did not soften even after Cumming so much.

So John took the opportunity to move again causing molly to tremble and speak.

“Wait, I am still sensitive…

Give me a few moments….”

Before she could finish speaking John closed her mouth and continued to pound her just like before in a rhythmatic way just like before.

His dick touched all the sensitive points inside her pussy with the controlled movements of John.

When John let go of her mouth, her moans appeared in the room that are as rhythmatic as the pounding of John.

John moved down to suck on her tits while pounding her closely.

He made sure that the cum inside was not leaked out even when he was fucking her the second time.

After a while John shot another big load of cum inside her.

The hot cum mixed with the cum inside her along with her cum causing her small area to bulge a little.

John leaned over to her ear and said.

“Molly, do you want me to pull out my dick to see your glorious scene of spraying the cum inside your creampied pussy.”

Molly trembled by the worlds of John.

She was very excited and wanted to experience what John just said.

So John pulled out his dick quickly and the cum inside started to flow out and spray out because of the strong force of pulling the dick out of the pussy.

Molly trembled in excitement and she had another squirting orgasm.

John conjured the water and made her drink more water to have big jets of squirts later.

John slowly flipped her over and started to pour more oil on her ass that trembled when touched.

“Phat… ahaaaa….”

John spanked her ass causing her to moan.

John’s fingers moved to her ass hole with oil and rubbed around it slowly in a massaging way.

Molly did not notice this because of the pleasure she was in just now.

When his finger entered her ass hole, she finally realized what is happening.

She was so shocked that she wanted to say something.

But the second finger entered timely making her words into moans.


John smiled and started to move his fingers like fucking her ass hole.

Slowly molly felt the strong pleasure that is even stronger than her pussy as the third and fourth finger inserted into her ass hole.

Her ass hole was stretched enough and John can put his dick inside.

He put his dick at the entrance and slowly inserted it a little so that it can go in with a little push.

He leaned forward and whispered in the ear of molly.

“You seem to be a virgin here.

Congratulations on losing the virginity of your ass hole today.

You will now feel the new pleasure of anal.

Get ready to receive the pleasure from your ass hole.”

As he said these words he pushed his dick into her ass hole filling her ass completely.

At first it was painful for her but as John cast the healing spell and moved his hips things changed.

She felt the strong pleasure of ass hole and she started to moan loudly.

Her face changed as her tongue stuck out with a drool and the facial expression of ecstasy was all over her face.

She was at the peak of pleasure at that moment.

She forgot about her pussy and its pleasure and her face showed an ahegao face of pure ecstasy.

“Phat… You seem to like your ass getting pounded. Ahaaaa….

Phat… Your husband is a fool that did not know how to completely unlock your good side. Ahaaaa….

Phat… Well I will help you with this and help you fulfill all your pleasurable dreams. Ahaaaa….

Phat… Tell me, do you like your future son in law. Ahaaaa….

Phat… Your daughter would have all this pleasure later when we are married. Ahaaaa….

Phat… If you really liked it, you both can serve me at the same time. Ahaaaa….

Phat… Don’t you think that it was more fun to have more people? Ahaaaa….

Phat… Think about sharing me with your daughter would make you happy….  Ahaaaa….”

John spoke many things as he spanked her ass while still pounding her ass hole.

This made her moan so much and unable to answer John’s questions.

She was ashamed to speak but she agreed to all these things without speaking a word out of her mouth in her heart.

Chapter 200: the solution of the funding problem for Fred and George

This made her moan so much and unable to answer John’s questions.

She was ashamed to speak but she agreed to all these things without speaking a word out of her mouth in her heart.

But John wanted some answers from her.

Her shame should be broken so that he can fuck her again later.

If not this would become the last time and some misunderstandings should happen.

So he stopped banging her ass hole but did not pull out his dick and said.

“You have to answer me.

If not I will not fuck you.

You have to tell me, if you want me to fuck you.

You have to ask for it like a good mother in law.


John waited for molly to speak.

She was really ashamed but she wanted the pounding.

She wanted the pleasure.

So she finally spoke.

“My good son in law, your father in law is incompetent.

Please fuck me in place of your father in law to fulfill my lust and give me pleasure.

Fuck me and don’t stop.

You can fuck me in any position but please don’t stop fucking me.


She spoke really well and aroused John by another level.

He leaned forward and kissed the back of molly and said.

“That is a good way to speak.

You will receive your reward now.

So get ready to be pounded the whole night.

I will fuck you till you are satisfied and begs me to stop hehe…”

John said as he started to ram the ass hole of molly with his big poking dick.

The moans of molly reverberated through the room but no one outside knows what is happening inside.

John creampied her ass hole twice without removing his dick.

Then he moved to her pussy and pounded it again.

By the time it was morning John fucked her 6 times and only stopped when molly begged him to stop saying that her back would be broken if he continued.

John slept with his dick stuck inside her pussy because his dick is still hard when he was done fucking her last night.

He doesn’t have to worry about getting her pregnant because he used a little spell to stop the pregnancy.

This is called anti pregnancy spell and molly actually taught him about this for future usage.

John was really stunned knowing that there is such a spell.

But it was useful to him in the future.

With that they slept.

John woke up early in the morning as that day he wanted to take the year end exam and the final task of the Triwizard tournament.

When he pulled out his dick it made a “Plup” sound.

Also molly woke up.

John kissed her and said.

“I am going back to Hogwarts castle.

Rest well.

I will leave a bottle of healing medicine here for you to apply after you wash up.

Don’t forget to come to the tournament to watch the show in the evening.


After saying these words John waved his hand and got his clothes on his body.

Then he left to the castle after receiving a nod from molly.

She needs some alone time to digest what is happening here.

As for the solution for her children’s funding problem John has already told her the solution last night before they slept.

It is simply John told her that he would give money to Ginny and then she can invest in her brothers.

But the amount of shares and division should be written perfectly.

This way the money would be within the family and there are no conflicts.

This should be taken care of by molly.

Molly thought that it was feasible.

While being happy about this matter she forgot about the matter with Ron that offended John.

As for his punishment she doesn’t know what John would do.

But right now nothing would happen.

John returned to the school and went to take the exam.

Actually the champions are exempted from the year end exams.

But John doesn’t need that exemption.

So he took the exams.

If he got the first position again, he would be considered a genius with much higher impression in the hearts of those people.

For the coming things John needs a strong support in the background.

Also John has to change the portkey of the Triwizard cup with a fake Triwizard cup.

This would be replaced when John takes the Triwizard cup.

Actually the original Triwizard cup is also a portkey that would take the champion that touched the Triwizard cup out of the maze.

This would directly declare him as the winner.

So what John has to do is to change the portkey location of the original Triwizard cup back to the entrance of the maze.

At the same time he has to leave a fake wizarding cup that would lead to the location where Voldemort should be waiting for Harry.

This way John would become the winner without changing the plot.

No matter how much John wanted to play along with Voldemort for a while, it is not the time for that yet.

Also John has to add a return portkey to the fake Triwizard cup so that the protagonist Harry potter would not die quickly.

It would be a waste to have life without the protagonist.

So John made the preparations few days ago and checked them after the exam in the morning.

Then he went to the location where the third task for the Triwizard tournament would be held.

There is an audience sitting area but there are no big screens to show what is happening inside the maze.

In front of the audience sitting area is a huge maze made of plant vines.

This place is like a home court for John.

No matter how great of a wizard that influence these plants forming the maze, the plants could not break away from their instincts of being close to the druid bloodline.


Bert Torres

You already put this chapter in this not a new one

Souryourer Fate

I added the two piece post into a single one There is a slight delay and new chapters would be published on 18th Sorry for the delay got some house work on my side