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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 231: brainless people that over estimate their capabilities

It is not a problem.

So she went out of this place and disappeared into the falling snow.

As she was walking out of the base with a big back pack many people looked at her, they are thinking that she is carrying meat outside to eat the thing by herself.

They thought that Mohini is not giving anything to her girls.

Mohini left the girls alone for two important reasons.

It is not that she doesn’t love them.

She wanted them to be strong and face of the unknown even if she is not present.

These three hours they have to protect themselves.

Mohini was sure that no one would attack them.

But even if there are some brainless thugs, Sakura can handle them being an assassin before.

So she was not worried about them.

As for the people following her they would not return out alive after this.

Mohini walked all the way to the caves area and started the fire to cook the meat.

While cooking she took the claws out and started to turn them into usable weapons with her knowledge.

She is not that good at making complicated weapons.

But making simple weapons is easy for her.

While she is turning the nails of the claw into the daggers some people appeared nearby and hid behind boulders.

They had guns but Mohini was sure that their marksmanship is not up to the Mark.

If it was then they would not be sitting the camp without doing anything.

But Mohini doesn’t want to take the risks of getting shot by the bullet accidentally.

So she entered the cave behind her first.

This cave belongs to a tier 2 wolf that she killed few days ago.

It was a small cave there is boulder at the entrance that can cover some of the entrance creating a good place to hide.

Then Mohini hid in the dark corner of the cave.

When she went inside the people that are hiding behind the bolder looked at this and they are confused.

They wanted to take a look so they peeked.

But after some time Mohini did not did not come out.

These people are not trained soldiers and they could not stand this and wait patiently till their target comes out of the cave.

But these people did not have enough patience.

So they came out to look at the food that was being cooked because of the good smell.

But only one person came to become to check.

Mohini did not do anything and waited for the people to come out.

They were brave enough to come here because they had a grenade that they accidentally obtained when they are escaping from the previous camp that is under the attack of various monster tides.

This is their mental support to attack Mohini.

Well they made the worst decision in their lives.

Mohini that was hiding took out a gun and when the man that is checking the meat came over Mohini directly shot him to death.

This made those people panic and they threw the grenade towards the cave where Mohini is hiding.

They wanted to bury Mohini in the cave.

But they did not expect that Mohini has other plans.

Even though she is a beauty that they want to fuck they are not stupid.

Supplies like food and water takes priority in this situation.

As long as they have enough food and supplies they can fuck any women in the future.

Her senses are very sharp.

She noticed the grenade when it was still in the air.

Mohini did not panic instead she used the gun in her hand to knock the grenade back to those people hiding behind the bolder.

Immediately it blew up killing those people.

The big sound caused the snow on the other side to have a small avalanche.

But it did not cause much damage to the place that Mohini located as it was the higher ground.

Mohini continued to cook and complete crafting the eagle claws into daggers.


Back in the camp some idiot that did not see the killing spree of Mohini before did not fear Mohini like a lame lamb.

So he and another person tried to sneak into the place where Mohini set up her camp.

They thought that they can handle the two girls inside and enjoy fucking them.

After that they would kill them and escape with the food and other things.

They did not think that the girls that belong to Mohini are strong.

Even if Mohini is strong, there are so many people in the camp.

Finding the culprit that did all of this is not that easy.

With this kind of thinking they came to camp of Mohini silently without getting noticed by other people.

This is day time and the snow fall and coldness is heavy.

Most people would either go out to hunt for food or they would try to stay inside the camp to keep warm.

Because of this reason there are not many people that move in the camp areas during this time.

Also most people have just received a piece of meat from the monster beasts that were killed by Mohini.

They would be there cooking their meat instead of going to the camp area where Mohini’s tent is located.

Because of lack of personal the number of security guards is also less.

The patrol did not happen as frequently as it happens in the previous camp.

Sakura was vigilant as soon as she sensed the footsteps of more than one person.

Radha on the other hand is sleeping without a care because she trusts Sakura and Mohini with her life.

When the men came close Sakura used her telekinesis to check her surroundings with a special vision.

This was the next level that Mohini and the girls obtained after taking a bath in the vitality pool.

Their senses were sharpened enough to sense the people around and even their movements.

Chapter 232: information sharing, feeding and relieving stress

This was the next level that Mohini and the girls obtained after taking a bath in the vitality pool.

Their senses were sharpened enough to sense the people around and even their movements.

Sakura being a former assassin has excelled in this specific field better than Mohini and Radha to some extent.

When she noticed that the people are walking in a weird way as if they are sneaking towards the tent.

She also sensed that they are carrying guns with them.

She immediately changed her expression and started the counter attack plan.

There are two silencer guns in her hands ready to attack the two men outside.

When the men opened the zip of her tent then a bullet embedded in his forehead.

Then she moved out like a wild tigress and killed the other one too.

She looked around finding that there is no one looking over in that direction and she put the corpses into the warehouse space.

After storing the corpses she returned back to the tent as if nothing happened.

That day 5 people have died just like this.

But no one noticed or cared because the current situation is like that.

Mohini returned after 3 hours and after he got back to the tent Sakura told her what happened.

Similarly Mohini also told her what happened.

As they are talking Radha woke up.

Mohini took out the mole meat soup that she cooked and asked Sakura too come over.

Then she fed it to them while telling them about some things related to the apocalypse land.

She was confident about her memories but then again some things can be forgotten.

The best way to remember them is by sharing the information or recording it.

She trusts her girls very much.

So she decided to share the information she has on the future apocalypse land with them.

No one can expect smooth sailing in the future and there is always life threatening problems.

Even if she dies or separates from them, they will be able to find her back quickly using the information that Mohini taught them.

This would be the best case.

They became one big happy family.

That night, both the girls became extremely aroused because of consuming the meat soup of the mole.

Mohini quickly relieved their lust with the help of her hand and she specifically took care of Radha delicately so that she would not damage her healing leg.

On the other hand Sakura received some extra rough spanking because of her extraordinary performance.

Her ass turned red and she glared at Mohini.

Radha chuckled at her reaction and she also wanted to get some spanks.

But she has to heal first so she only received pinches and bites on her nipples.

Instead they spanked Mohini together till her ass turned red.

Because of improvement in her body she was able to last even longer than before and thoroughly satisfy the two girls without a problem with the special dick grown by Mohini.

So in the future she would definitely become strong but the girls have to find their own opportunities.

Mohini would support them in the process as she knows many channels of black market for information.

From then on Mohini remembered that they would stay here for few more months.

But she cannot tell if they will be attacked by more monsters looking for territory or not.

The beasts that should appear in the next few months were already taken care of by her.

So there is only one event left.

The remnant soldiers from other places would join up forming a big army.

They would pass through this place in a month of time.

They are going to go through the narrow passage way here moving towards the joining point of other friendly countries armies.

They are going to form the base city of four faces right then.

The information has already been spread and the messengers have already got through to the real heads of the country at the main base.

The military will be led by the real military heads of the country instead of being in the hands of the politicians.

Those rich people and politicians would only receive protection if they worked hard if not they are just like other survivors.

They have to depend on themselves.

The military is only supporting and protecting their families.

This route has a pass that should be called as serpent’s pass because of the big snake that Mohini killed before.

Since that snake is no longer obstructing the way, they would be able to pass through here safely.

Also they are not coming here for Mohini or the old minister.

They are just going through this way because in her previous suggestions of exchange of information Mohini told them that this is a good passage way if they want to go out of the country.

This was all preplanned by Mohini just in case if things are not going in her direction.

Now when they come here they would take Mohini and other along with them.

Of course Mohini still has prestige among the soldiers as she told them the escape before leaving the camp.

Mohini never harmed them and her deeds have already spread through the soldiers of India and also to the soldiers of other friendly and enemy countries.

Mohini’s head is currently worth a good amount of food and spars of tier 4 beasts placed by those hostile countries.

Even in this kind of situation the assassin organizations are still working.

Also they are connected with each other better than the network system of the countries.

Fortunately Mohini is stronger right now.

She can directly say that she is the strongest person other than some special people and some leaders present on earth.

So killing her is not that easy.

Even if there is situation of death, she can escape into the space.

So she is not a person that can be killed.

Chapter 233: the key holder in Africa

Even if there is situation of death, she can escape into the space.

So she is not a person that can be killed.

Also Mohini’s girls are being trained by her in the arts related to the magic and the special elemental powers.

Mohini being the jack of all trades is having hard time improving her abilities or magic related stuff.

With the spars and food she was able to barely keep up with many people.

But her body and sense are extremely strong right now.


While this is happening here there are other key holders doing different things.

A few years ago when the apocalypse started,

A woman that looked like Velmet from Jormungand anime but she is more on the side of a belly dancer with hot curves.

She is currently going through a special mission in Egypt following her target to gain the information of that target.

She suddenly realized awakened the memories from her future self.

She immediately felt a chill down her spine.

She knows what is going to happen in this mission.

This mission is a trap set by an organization to capture her.

She was good with information collection and escaping.

She usually goes with the help of the black market organizations to get her work and payment.

But this time the mediator cheated her and she was actually in for an ambush.

In the previous life she was captured.

She knows why she was captured.

She was actually a beauty that was fancied by one of the black market bosses playboy son.

The target that she is following all this time is actually him.

This was the cause of her getting captured.

She doesn’t mind having some fun with him.

But she doesn’t want to become a play thing just for fun.

Fortunately after she was captured she was able to escape because of the secret that only she knows.

That is her pet Egyptian cat called Sekhmet that has pointy ears.

It was different from all then other pets.

It has a mind of its own.

This means that this is an intelligent creature.

It has been with her as long as she could remember.

When she was captured it came out of nowhere and helped her with the keys and pointed towards the escape direction.

This time Nubia remembered her future that is her memories returned back from the future.

She immediately abandoned the mission.

First she silently went to the nearby toilet to shake off the people following her.

She changed her outfit and then escaped from this place quickly.

She went straight to her hiding location and cut off all contacts with the black market and her mediator.

With that she saved her a lot of trouble.

She knows that she is going to face extreme heat in a year and she has to get ready her supplies for the survival.

Right then she got the connection with her storage device.

In the previous life she did not connect to this ark symbol pendent.

It was taken by the people that captured her.

Later she found out that it is actually a space artifact when she sneaked into the camp along with other people.

She was able to survive because of her unique set of skills.

She survived the summer by stealing water and supplies from many with the guidance of Sekhmet her cat and escape from those places.

But she did not get the ark space pendent then.

She only knows that it has space and it was from her parents that she did not know.

After arriving at her hideout she dripped a drop of blood on the pendent and immediately the symbol shone, integrating into her deep cleavage.

It then moved to her clit and it started to vibrate till she had an orgasm.

She immediately understood what this is.

She smiled happily with lewd face and she went straight to the pyramids.

She took her cat along for directions.

As soon as she told the cat about the specialties of the symbol the eyes of the cat brightened as if it understood something.

It led Nubia to the pyramids and led her to the important places one by one letting the ark symbol extract the materials.

At first she did not understand but later she understood what this is.

So she followed along.

She was careful enough to not to extract too much to collapse the pyramid on the top of her.

There she started to visit the secret chambers following her pet cat.

The entire thing is easy and the gold and other materials were taken by her into the space warehouse that was repaired.

She sold them outside to get more money.

The gold and some valuable gemstones were specifically kept on the side just in case.

Well unless they ventured into the apocalypse land or at least stayed in the humanity’s city of hope, they would not know the value of these things.

Well she is in need of money for the supplies more than these that can be useful in the future.

She went around to some museums but she did not expect that someone has already got to them before her.

The pyramids were left alone but the museums were actually cleaned out.

She knows that it was done by other key holders just like her.

She doesn’t want to meet that person right now.

She instead went to get some good amount of supplies.

With the repairs completed to the ark space there is stagnant time warehouse.

She collected many things related to food.

But she did not collect water here.

She is going to go to the cold country to get lots of cold water for the extreme heat.

As for her country she is going to get the hot water for the extreme cold weather.

Also she plans to stay close to the top of African continent because the southern part was infested with many kinds of insects.

Chapter 234: Nubia’s past memories

As for her country she is going to get the hot water for the extreme cold weather.

Also she plans to stay close to the top of African continent because the southern part was infested with many kinds of insects.

If possible she would like to leave here and got to the four faced city that she visited before but did not last long there.

But it was an unknown place for her and she wanted to follow the familiar route.

Also on the way she knows the locations of many special strengthening treasures and herbs that formed during the winter of apocalypse.

She was planning to get them.

With the help of her cat it was very easy to get these things.

But she has to confirm one more thing.

That is if her cat has returned back in time just like her.

Unfortunately her cat could not speak like a human.

There is another problem that she has to think about.

It is related to the mutation of her cat in the future which is very different from other monster beasts.

Her cat did mutate and became very strong but it did not go out of control like other beasts instead it guarded her.

Also it assisted in hunting in many other monster beasts.

She was safe because of her pet beast.

Also her pet beast seems to have the ability to change size as it can become as big as an elephant but as small as a normal rat.

Because of this she was able to hide her cat in many places when the people are hungry enough to eat other people.

(Mind that the cat is a female but not male one)

So she is her trusted partner while living in the apocalypse.

After escaping from the gang with the help of Sekhmet, she returned to her secret base intact and then she tried to get her revenge.

Fortunately nothing happened because right at that time the boss that captured her has his own problems.

She escaped this place and went to Middle East to live in the remote area for a while before getting back into business.

She has already prepared for her escape and left this place to the new place.

When she reached there she spent few months when the apocalypse hit her with surprise.

She did not expect that the mountain region could become so hot.

Fortunately she is good at stealing things.

She stole many things and took them to her mountain house before the heat reached the peak.

Also there is a mountain river and a small pool of water near the place she is living.

She used the water purifier to get the water from there for all her needs during the summer.

It was very remote location so she did not have many visitors at that time.

She was safe.

Later when the extreme heat reached its peak she barely survived with the arrangements that she made expecting based on the intuition.

Then things flipped out and the rains and extreme cold came.

Also the earthquakes caused many of the boulders to roll down causing her house to be broken.

She barely managed to survive because of the danger sense of her pet cat.

Then the extreme cold came, she still had the materials for her survival.

She was able to survive using the woods from the surrounding trees and repaired her house carefully.

From time to time she came down the mountains to check the situation.

There is a survivor’s camp below that was formed after the collapse of the nearby city.

There are many close shaves from this beast like survivors that tried to capture her and have fun with her.

But they all either end up dead or missing in the dead woods.

She even got the title ghost lady from the other survivors.

During that time she heard of the location of a big city that was being built by the survivors of many nations.

The four face city of hope.

It was around 8 years since the start of the apocalypse that she finally made it to the four faced city.

She became famous with the abilities that she showed and she was one of the strongest at that time.

But being powerful is not always a good thing.

Some people wanted her to work under them.

She refused.

Also she humiliated their young master or rich second generation that wanted to bed her.

It is always this problem when people are in the desperate situation.

Since they are sure that they might not be able to live long or what would happen tomorrow they wanted to have fun to the best of their abilities.

For that they would even cross the lines sometimes even thought they are well cultivated before the apocalypse.

She liked the strong men instead of these wimps that stand behind using their status and family power.

She was enraged and kicked that rich second generation before escaping.

She doesn’t want to be fucked by this kind of idiots.

She did not expect that her kick landed on the wrong spot and that rich second generation completely lost his manhood forever.

This enraged the person behind him that is his father who is also a big shot in the four faced city.

Later they plotted against her.

When she went to hunt she was ambushed by those people but she fought against them.

During the fight, in order to save her pet cat died taking few shots from the snipers.

Even though her pet cat is strong it could not avoid getting shot with too many bullets.

It has improved but not to the level of tier 5 beast.

Its specialty is not defense but agility and intuition.

It is best at swift attacks and escaping.

Even though its skin is strong too many bullets at the vital place can still hurt it.

Also it received few explosions shielding Nubia.

Chapter 235: Nubia’s future plans

Even though its skin is strong too many bullets at the vital place can still hurt it.

Also it received few explosions shielding Nubia.

With that the pet cat died.

Nubia did not have a choice but to run away from there.

She tried to escape but she went into a danger zone.

This place has a wasp nest and she accidentally entered this area while escaping from the pursuit.

Some of the pursuers also entered this place and together with her they were captured.

There she died in her ninth year of the apocalypse.

Now that she has returned she has many things to take care off.

Also after finding out about the progenitors and the keys she really did want to meet the other key holders.

But she has seen more than enough in her life and knows that anything can happen with the human nature in place.

She could not even believe the other key holders who are just like her.

It is not that she would hate them but she did not have any thought of believing anyone other than her little pet cat that died for her.

She came back to her current thoughts as she started to think of her past.

She got some good amount of supplies during this time.

Most of them are stolen while some of them are specifically ordered for her survival.

Also she knows some of the locations where those people in the black market hide their weapons.

She went there to steal those weapons.

She did not give any good face to them.

She went to the buildings that belong to the boss that wanted to capture her and used the ark to extract the materials of the building.

Well she did it sneakily with disguise.

Because of this those buildings collapsed causing heavy losses for that boss.

She also sneaked into his secret depots and stole the weapons, supplies and other important things during this time to get her revenge.

Other than this she went to contact a disaster preparation company that would help people built the disaster bases based on the requirements of the client.

She called them over and assigned them to build bases at places that she marked as safe in her previous life.

One is in the upper portion of the Nile River.

She already bought the land in anonymous name and got the disaster base that is fit for the extreme heat and extreme cold.

Well she has plenty of money that she stole from the bosses and people that tried to capture her.

She did not let her cat come into visibility because some people know that she has this cat.

This would let them identify her easily.

She doesn’t want to be identified by them.

So she kept the cat out of sight or gave it a makeover to look different from its original appearance.

This is not the only place she got the disaster base.

She also got them to build in another country at specific places.

Also she renovated her mountain home that sheltered her for few years in her previous life.

She got huge amount of supplies stocked up at different amounts at different places.

Well the moving was done by her using the ark space from warehouse to the completed base warehouse.

She would not let those people know about the fact that she is preparing for the coming apocalypse.

She did not leave here to the safe place because she knows of some special treasures that appeared during the start of the extreme cold and mutation.

The Nile River that dried up in the extreme heat has revealed an underground cave.

This was discovered by the people during the extreme cold as they are searching for food.

They entered into the cave.

Inside the cave they found a treasure chamber escape route and followed along till the end.

There they found many treasures but that is not important.

There they found a small plant that is still green with golden flowers blooming.

The petals of these flowers are like fan or pin wheel.

Also there are strange air currents on the flowers that let them spin but the room did not have any air currents.

The people that ate these flowers received a big boost in their wind magic ability.

Nubia and her cat belong to the wind magic side.

If she were to eat those flowers she would have become very strong along with her pet if it ate these flowers.

But some low level numb skulls obtained their power which is a waste of good natural resources.

This was the reason why she wanted to stay here.

She has made the base in the right way to resist the disasters and live comfortably.

She doesn’t have to go around and attract attention.

She can hide in her base from both the extreme heat and heavy rain at the start.

As for the earthquakes she has made the preparations.

During this time she got news that many bosses in this place were killed after the weapons they stockpiled again were looted.

She was sure that it was done by a key holder that came here and got the wind of weapons.

She became curious wanting to meet the person key holder.

She did not know that when she is close to another key holder the symbol on her chest vibrates.

She went back to her current base and arranged the things that she just got.

After that she checked the check list of the things and plans for the apocalypse.

She did not have any extra burdens.

She and her pet cat are the only important things in her life now.

She brought and stole many clothes.

She also got male clothes.

She did not have cross dressing habits.

These clothes are for the man she might like in the future.

It was actually simply for this kind of thought process after her death in her previous life.


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