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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 211: the big tree of the Elven city

Even thought he likes jerry as a friend there are some differences and the heart of a being changes with the time.

So he did not plan to reveal anything right now.

After giving jerry some advice Vicky and his girls decided to move to the human city that day.

They can train there.

They left the city of Gnore during the night in a sneaky way.

Then they made their way to the human city.

With their current power it was easy to travel.

Most creatures in this wasteland are not a match for them.

So they travelled quickly.

But still it took them an entire night to travel for half of the distance.

Then they returned to ark space to rest.

They would travel again during the night and rest during the day.

It was not safe during the night but the number of monster beast encounters is higher.

They are stocking up on these monster beasts and many spar.

They can use this spar later when they moved to other cities and get some interesting materials.

They still have to upgrade the ark space.

For that many materials are needed.

In order to get them they need money.

The hard currency here is the spar.

So naturally they would stock up on the spar as much as they possibly can.

As for improvement in their strength they would stop that when they reached 1 star level for now.

After that they need to improve the ark space to higher level to continue their improvement peacefully.

If not they should find their own opportunities to improve.


They came to the human city on the next day and entered the city with their identities.

Their first destination is the adventurer’s guild and then they went to the merchant’s guild.

They exchanged the materials they got through their travel to get the reward materials for the quests in the guilds.

There are many people that are envious of the amount of wealth that Vicky and his group accumulated in a single time.

So when they came out of the guild buildings they are being tailed.

Also some of them went to report about this matter to some power of the human city.

There are two main powers in the human city.

Well they are still the branch clans of the big clans that are scattered around.

One family is called the Adams family that thinks themselves as superiors to others and is very particular that they are the descendents of the first human.

Not just normal descendents but the descendents of the purest bloodline of humans.

It is like they are pure blood supremacist.

Another family is called the Rana family.

Rana means king and they think themselves as the descendents of some kings that are directly descendent from the god himself.

They believe that humans are the descendents of gods not deities or demons.

They feel that they are the most supreme humans in the existence.

So both Adams family and Rana are always at odds.

But none of them are good and they are lecherous, greedy and cruel.

Adams family is cruel towards its own family while Rana family would be kind towards their family.

Well at least in name.

Vicky did not have any good impression on these people.

He is planning to steal from them just like he did with the technotrix and Merck clan.


They saw that there are plenty of tails and they left the city directly naturally those tails followed them.

Vicky took the time to get away from the city with his women and took care of the tails.

Well killing them is a good thing because their hands are filled with blood of many other people.

Even if it not they tried to harm Vicky and his women so they have to pay the bloody price.

With them dead Vicky and the girls once again waited for the dark and entered into the city with their disguises.

Then they went around checking out the situation of the big human clans.

With proper planning they started to steal from the two big clans in the next two days.

The harvest is really good and the space got some vital materials.

They decided to leave the city again and enter the Elven city.

Since he fucked the Elven princess he could not steal from her but he can steal from her rivals.

Also elves did not have clans here they only have differences internally like the forest elves, dark elves, sun elves, moon elves, star elves….

But here there are only normal forest elves that did not have much of relation to any big Elven races.

They belong to the Elven tree that they planted here.

Also they would not eat meat but let the tree absorb the nutrients of the tree and give them energy in special pod like things.

So elves usually eat nothing other than some fruits or water that came out of the tree.

They did not even have the spars in reserve because most of them are used as sacrifice to the tree.

But there are still some warehouses where they would store the things for exchanging with other cities.

Other than the imperial treasury Vicky wanted to steal from them but he stopped many times because of the tree.

The warehouse is constructed on the Elven tree or connected to the Elven tree.

This way anything he does is naturally under the surveillance.

Other than that the tree is actually a powerhouse that is over 1 star level.

Vicky could not comprehend its strength with his current power.

Because of this he could not steal anything in the Elven city.

Well it is also good because the other two cities have robberies but the Elven city has none.

So the blame would fall on the Elven city.

But without a proper proof of the robbery they will not be able to attack the Elven city.

Chapter 212: the flash flood arrives

So the blame would fall on the Elven city.

But without a proper proof of the robbery they will not be able to attack the Elven city.

The Elven city is best at defense with the big tree acting as the stable fortress.

Also burning the big tree is not easy.

Even during the heavy flood disaster the tree did not die but only lost few parts and damaged severely.

This is how powerful the tree is.

Since they could do nothing Vicky and the women decided to stay here for a while before leaving.

This is a safe place for them to train but another problem appeared.

That is the big tree started absorbed some of the magic energy from the formation.

Vicky can sense it with his keen senses.

So he decided to move from here back to the city of Gnore.

The situation there stabilized a little and they will not appear in their original appearance so it is not a problem.

With that they sneaked into the city of Gnore again.

Vicky took his time to see the tasks in the guilds and came over to the city alone to deliver the goods and exchange the materials.

Then he left the city.

After that he sneaked back and guarded as his wives train.

Another 2 months passed by and they reached tier 9.

There is still a month of time before the start of the flash flood.

He did not remember the exact date and only know that it should be around the end of the month.

Even the book that told about the disaster prophesies did not mention exact date.

So he started to get prepared with the things needed and things that can float.

Any way he going to group up with jerry and made the preparations with him.

They built a ship with the materials Vicky provided him.

The ship is not big and it is more like a submarine.

Even though there will be flood there will not be any rain, so solar energy can still be useful.

With the information and materials from Vicky jerry made the submarine like boat and weapons are installed in care of attack from others.

With the arrangement Vicky and his girls stayed at home.

They trained Vicky guarded.

After 2 weeks Vicky knows that it was time to move as the flash flood can come at any time.

So he quickly took his girls to jerry’s base after removing all the formation related stuff.

There they helped jerry pack things up into the ship and started to live in the ship.

The ship was moved up to the top of the building using the mechanical lifting machine.

It was at the roof top that was at least 20 meters above the ground.

There are still the enclosed gates at the roof that needed to be open for them to leave out of here.

Vicky set up the formation in the submarine inside the room designated for him and his girls.

They started to train there while the two men that are Vicky and jerry started to chat while drinking wine that he prepared from back on earth.

Jerry did not question Vicky from where he got this wine or any other things.

He only savored the fine wine remembering his home town.

He remembered that there is good wine made by the dwarves for their Dwarven god to receive blessing.

That wine is much better than the one that he is drinking now.

But something is much better than nothing.

The wine in the apocalypse land is a complete nonsense.

It was so bad that many people don’t know what fine wine is here.

But fortunately the earth is peaceful and had some fine wine.

After few days when they are checking the situation of the ship Vicky felt a strong tremor.

Immediately he told jerry to be prepared and arranged the things to move the ship to the roof through the top gates.

At the same time the basement gates are closed and sealed to stop them from being flooded inside and destroying the machinery inside.

There reacted really quickly and in less than 5 minutes there is a heavy rush of water that flowed into the building.

The rush of water is so fast that the building is literally shaking.

The water rush was like pumping water with a high speed jet.

Instead of a single small stream of a pipe it was a large stream like a flood.

Jerry was frightened for a moment and immediately went to control the ship when the water got under the ship.

The 20 meters of height started to fill up so quickly that even ocean could not fill up a place so quickly with the tsunami.

The surrounding buildings are also shaking and some of them have actually collapsed.

Vicky’s girls stopped training with the large shaking and they came to the deck to check the situation.

Vicky and jerry are running around controlling the ship to not to capsize into the waters.

When they found the stability they let the ship anchored on the spot.

The anchoring is made of high speed steal chains to a metal pole that is buried deep into the basement.

It can withstand the strong stream of water.

The boat floated in the turbulent waters from the roof but did not wash away with the stream.

The stream here would attack the human city soon and reach all the way to the Elven city to damage the tree there heavily.

Looking at the surrounding place that should be dried life less land before turning into an ocean in a matter of minutes everyone was shocked.

The desert city has turned into a city in the ocean like a floating city or a ruined water city.

Others that recognized the situation also started to bring out their boats.

The buildings of those big powers are still safe to a certain extent…

Chapter 213: flash flood stopped

Others that recognized the situation also started to bring out their boats.

The buildings of those big powers are still safe to a certain extent and the number of people that died there is not much.

The Merck clan was originally from descendents of fish and human.

So they were able to quickly adapt to the situation.

But even they had problems because they are the descendents of desert fish but not fish in the water.

The respiratory system and other things are quite different in both the cases.

Because of this they need some time to adapt.

But still they are in much better condition than other people in the city.

Because they are living in the apocalypse land they have various doomsday preparations.

Most people have already entered their safety cabins when they felt the initial tremor.

Unlike back on earth they did not show the clumsiness and caused mass deaths.

Instead the other adventurers that are far away from their homes are the ones that are in more danger.

So naturally they are washed away by the stream.

The big buildings of the technology clans showed automatic detection and alarmed before the flood came over.

So the big clans have mostly managed to survive.

First they went to the safety cabin and then they would act based on the kind of disaster they are facing.

The safety cabin can withstand strong heat, cold, radiation, impact and corrosion to a certain extent.

It can also float but there is no anchoring.

So they will wash away with the stream when the building around the safety cabin collapses.

The buildings could not withstand the rush of the stream of water.

They started to erode and collapse similar to that of a sand castle that was hit by waves of the sea.

Vicky and jerry was also in panic as the situation here is not right.

They are barely holding on and they did not want other survivors to get on them right now.

So they are vigilantly guarding around the ship.

The ship has detection mechanism installed but in the current situation the detection system is completely useless.

Anyone that came close to the boat and tried to climb aboard the boat was kicked by Vicky and jerry back into the stream.

It is not that they are ruthless and cold.

In the time of the disaster you can never show the stupidity of kindness.

It is especially so for the people in the apocalypse land.

There are no good people.

Even if there are good people, they should be the people that should die first because good people are like pig teammates.

If you want to survive it is better to keep yourself away from those good people.

As for saving the people in the stream is far more dangerous,

They can be anyone and there is no guarantee that they will stay put and did not cause any harm to them.

Their boat has limited space and they only have limited amount of food and water.

They cannot save other and they could not bring a fox and a pig into their boat.

They are not that rich.

For the next few hours this is what Vicky and jerry did.

They are exhausted but they noticed that the speed of the water stream is getting slower.

Vicky can still hold on with his higher power but jerry was completely spent.

So he began to rest while Vicky continued to keep vigilance.

After another 2 hours the stream stopped completely.

After another hour the water became completely study without any ways of its own.

But the movement of boat and small things created slight disturbances.

In the middle of the ruins of the city the still water gave an eerie feeling.

But the three moons in the sky with one full moon and two crescent moons.

The full moon is green in color while the crescent moons are bluish white.

The surrounding area is calm for now.

In a few hours those people would slowly get their safety cabins float out of the water then they would start the salvaging process to make some floating things to survive.

There is also the need of food and other things.

This flash flood would last for few days and it would suddenly vanish completely.

At that time all the boats and floating things that are many meters away from the ground would fall down from that height.

The vanishing flash flood is like water turning into vapor directly.

Also the temperature in the next few days would increase to 60 degrees during the day and minus 40 degree during the night.

Without proper clothing, food and water it would be very dangerous to live here.

Vicky and his girls could not enter space during this time easily.

They can easily be caught by jerry.

So they have already prepared some clothes, food and water for the disaster.

With the preparations they did not have to worry about anything.

The first thing they have to do right now is to change the appearance of the boat to that of a rundown shipwreck.

This would give them the impression that it accidentally became like this during the flash flood and they could not repair this.

Also there is Vicky and jerry here to make them think that this was already occupied.

This way they would not do anything to it.

Even if there are some idiots that wanted to do something they would be killed by Vicky and jerry directly.

With that they started to transform the ship that was already prepared before.

While they are doing that the girls did not stop improving and practicing.

Vicky asked them to try well and reach his level as soon as possible.

Vicky knows that there is an inheritance waiting for them after the disaster.

As long as they reached ruins location they would gain this inheritance.

This inheritance might improve their power to the next level.

Chapter 214: good people were sent to heaven early

As long as they reached ruins location they would gain this inheritance.

This inheritance might improve their power to the next level.

With them keeping the vigilance they soon noticed other people getting out of the water in the following days.

Vicky they have resources on the boat but other people did not have as many resources as Vicky and jerry.

So naturally the people that started the survival thing would go after the materials they can easily get.

The first one that got close to the boat in the name of asking for help was a poor looking old man.

By appearance he looked like this but with proper discerning eye one can tell that this old man is not really an old man.

His appearance is like that but his body is strong.

With his strong sensing capability Vicky can tell that this person is actually a tier 4 powerhouse.

Without saying a word Vicky used his power to kill the person on the spot.

The attack is actually a water based attack to strangle the man using the water and suffocating him with forcibly pushing water into his mouth and nose.

No one in the apocalypse land is a good person.

It is said that the good people would go to heaven early.

But the truth is that the surrounding people would send the good person to heaven quickly.

Also most of the time, it was self inflicted stupidity that would reduce their life span of these good people.

Even back on earth, when a good person does something good he would gain around 100 points of blessing.

The good people are good people so they would make a wish for the world peace which needs the population of 8 billion.

It is not even a drop of bird shit in the ocean.

When these good people require just 1 points of blessing to survive the disaster they would come out with 0 point balance for blessing.

The final result is that they would die with peace leaving this world to the reincarnation but not to heaven.

To go to heaven they still need some points blessing but their blessing balance is 0.

So it is naturally that they would never go to heaven but the accidental mistakes they did and the good things they did that turned out bad would instead send them to hell instead.

If a good person started off as a powerful rich man in his first life then after few lives he would be a good beggar.

Vicky sighed about so many good people he saw in his life but not a single one survived the disaster.

Also none of them have any good ending as they died very miserably.

Unlike them the apocalypse land follows the rule of the law of the jungle.

So no one is a good person in apocalypse land.

Everyone is greedy to survive and they would not think for a second to kill others for their survival.

Unless that person is their own child or parent they would not back down from killing for survival.

Also this is in rare cases while most of the time they would not even care for these relationships.


With the old man dead Vicky took out the spar in his body before letting his body to drift away.

The spars in the monsters and adventurers are the same.

But the spars in the adventurers have more energy.

By the rules the spars from an adventurer should not be dug out.

But it is only a rule bit no one ever cared about this matter.

The spar was taken by Vicky and stored inside a pouch after being cleaned.

Jerry never asked what Vicky’s power is.

Vicky also did not have any comments about this matter.

The reason is every person hides his cards from the closest person.

Jerry was sure that Vicky would tell him when the time is right.

While they stayed there for the time being the surround water showed the floating containers.

Among the containers there are owners from the neighborhood stores.

Most of them have already washed away along with the stream of water.

Some of the lucky ones are still in place.

As they floated they did not talk much and started to get on with their preparations.

They arranged their cabin to get anchored with a selected weight attached to a hook like things dropped into the water.

Then they closed their cabin and got into the water with a diving suit like thing.

Some are using small robot like thing to go under water to bring out something or anything that is useful.

They are hoping to get some metal or wood that can float.

Also they are looking to find food and sealed water.

Of course jerry is not idle either.

If he did not search for anything then it would naturally be telling them that they have plenty of supplies.

He was searching for the surrounding bars for wine bottles, food packs in the market.

Along the way he also got some good materials that could create the appearance of repairing the ship.

With that he got some materials quickly but the process is slow.

Along the way other also got some materials and started to repair the things.

Like Vicky there are guards on other people’s cabins too.

Naturally they took out the weapons and attack the people from other cabins that looked weak on surface and know that they are weak.

After seeing the dead body that is floating near the ship of Vicky and jerry others did not come over.

The old man is a well known bully in the area that would usually cause trouble at the bars around.

So they feared Vicky and jerry.

Also there are turrets on the top of the boat that would automatically attack anyone that comes closer to their boat.

The night slowly passed by with the tensed atmosphere around.

Chapter 215: before the water recedes

Also there are turrets on the top of the boat that would automatically attack anyone that comes closer to their boat.

The night slowly passed by with the tensed atmosphere around.

The people that moved the most is actually the Merck clan.

They are trying to quickly adapt to the water and get the superiority again.

Unfortunately they don’t know that in the next few days the water would vanish as if they never gushed out.

The land would become a desert in less than an hour.

This has happened before too.

The Merck clan that finally got the hang of water suddenly fell onto the dry land.

Because of the adaptation they have to give up on the dry side.

So, many of the clan members of the Merck clan have died of suffocation at that time.

It will happen in the future.

At that time the technotrix clan would use its man power to finish off the remains of the technotrix clan to steal all their things.

They even dug out their spars and took their dead bodies for experimentation.

They were fascinated by the rapid adaptation process of the Merck clan.

So they set their eyes of Merck clan.

But this time they would not have such a chance after the heavy blow from Vicky.

Vicky practically stole everything from them.

Their weapons and even their clothes are gone.

Vicky would not wear them instead he would sell them later.

In the apocalypse land anything and everything is valuable.

This is because everything can become a scarce resource at any given time.


In the early morning the water is completely still and the visibility is really great because of settlement of all the debris.

In the clear water one can see the outline of some of the buildings under the water.

These buildings looked like they have been under water for many years and are severely damaged by the wear and tear over time.

But all of this happened in just a single day.

This was actually caused because the water that came here originally has high amount of acidity.

But not all the water is this acidic.

In the stream of water only the first leading portion is high acidic and high pressured.

It directly caused all this destruction and vaporized into thin air.

The water now is completely normal water with every kind of human waste nonsense mixed in it.

There another special thing around the boat where Vicky is currently guarding.

It was the dead bodies of many survivors and adventurers that came over to kill them and steal the boat.

They are dead and all their spars were already dug out.

Some of them are from the Merck clan, some are from technotrix clan.

They can come and ask but they would not dare because Vicky showed his face.

Also the near 1 star powerhouse in their families is guarding their family during the disaster and they could not just come out and face Vicky.

Jerry is using the materials that Vicky salvaged from the attackers to improve the boat.

They have completed the things to let the boat float.

But there is still room for development and it is being done right now.

Some of the Merck clan members surrounded the boat but few cork screw like things flew out of Vicky’ hand and penetrated them in the brain straight in the water.

The water around the boat is already red because of the stagnation by the time it was evening.

What jerry is doing right now is to turn this boat in a way that it can be sailed even on the sand and can be driven like a car.

Vicky told him that they would set off from here after this disaster is over.

So naturally he was preparing for these things.

Since the time Vicky gave jerry is not much and the materials are not available,

He is trying to take the parts of others ruined houses to build his own base.

During the disaster time training would yield more results.

So Vicky’s girls are making better progress than it was better.


Another few days passed and there are many floating houses or boats like things in the water.

The corpses are all bloated from being in water for so much time.

Vicky calculated and it was at the right time to go to the area where ruins would appear.

So he told jerry to start the boat to take them to a different place.

When they arrived here Vicky called his women out and took a small rubber boat to get off the big boat.

Then he told jerry to go to the designated location and wait for his signal.

Vicky already told jerry about the possible appearance of something good here.

But jerry was not interested in this matter because he will not be able to compete with the other survivors and adventurers from many clans right now.

The location to which Vicky sent jerry to is a higher ground where even if the water receded the boat would land on the ground smoothly.

From there he can easily come back home and collect his other things.

He already got enough settings to the boat so that it can move smoothly on the desert like a car.

But the problem is that it would require spars to move around.

Vicky has already provided those spars to jerry.

Vicky did not promise anything but said that he would bring anything that would be good for jerry.

In the rubber boat Vicky and the 6 girls waited for the water to recede.

All the girls made good progress and around middle to late stage of tier 9.

Ginny concentrated and found that there are ruins below.

It was actually a temple like thing that appeared to be made out of sand stone.

But no one knows how it is holding while still in the water for so long.


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