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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 206: a high class chef, killed in a flash

He completed all the required processing of the food materials within 10 minutes and finally he started to cook with fire.

He added the ingredients in specific order at various timings while controlling the fire from going to high and low at various intervals.

When he started to cook the smell of the cooked food started with bland smell of flesh being cooked.

Then as he added more and more materials the smell of the food changed to the smell of deliciousness that made their mouth water and stomach grumble.

They felt that Vicky is some sort of high class chef of a big clan or something.

Also they finally understood why so many women seem to be following him.

Most probably those big clans wanted to recruit him and sent these women to go along with him to pull him towards them.

But they do not like to show their appearance to others.

For this reason they are wearing cloaks.

The thoughts of the head of the technotrix branch family ran around wildly.

Soon Vicky was done cooking a dish and he prepared other dishes along the way with the ingredients present.

Since it is an open place the smell spread throughout the area causing the stomachs of everyone present grumble from hunger.

Their eyes were turned towards this directly and appeared more like zombies that found fresh flesh.

That is the expression on their faces and Vicky smiled looking at them.

He then separated the dishes and let the servants serve the food.

He also told them how to serve the food to make it taste best.

But the head of the technotrix clan is still sober enough to not to eat anything.

He was waiting for the thing to test to see it did not contain any problem.

There is no need for a taste tester as the electronic equipment that was attached to his hand can easily check the food and find if there is any problem with that.

This would reduce the problem of having any danger.

Also with these devices he doesn’t have to feat about offending others that offered food to him.

After the analysis it was found that there is nothing wrong with the food.

So he ate the food and his face immediately changed.

The food was so delicious that he never ate something so good during his entire life time.

He once went to a higher tier city for the gathering of the branch clans in a major branch clan city.

Even there the food is not as good as the food cooked by Vicky.

With this he came to a conclusion that Vicky is some sort of super chef that was sought out by many clans.

Because of the pressure or finding some sort of ingredients he came all the way here to the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

This made him fearful because this kind of chef is as good as a powerhouse in any clan.

Everyone knows that eating the meat of the monster beasts would improve the power of a person in a different way.

So it is naturally that a high class chef that can make things tasty without losing its special properties was highly sought out.

This kind of people would have high level masters behind them.

Also these kind of professional chefs are like medicine refiners and artifact craft’s men.

Thinking of all these things he thought that he made the right decision to not to offend him and made friendship with him.

Right at that moment he saw something that made his hair stand.

One of the arrogant descendents that is lecherous looked at the hands of Vicky’s women and wanted to make a move to pull the cloak of one of them.

He was so surprise and angered that he almost had a heart attack.

Right at that time they saw a small flash of metal.

In the next moment the hand of the person that wanted to touch the cloak pinned to the wall behind him along with his body flew over.

The thing that pinned him over is actually a simple fork.

But the head of the technotrix clan was sure that he hand is scraped.

Actually there are many protective devices attached to that hand but none of them were able to stop a simple fork from piercing through the bone.

The person screamed like a pig while Vicky casually said.

“I don’t know who you are but let me make one thing clear.

As long as you have the idea to touch my woman, it is not different than signing a death warrant.

So beware that you never do something like this in your next life.

Then a knife flew over with a flash and it went straight through his forehead and pinned his head to the wall.

There is no time to even scream before dying.

Vicky took a fresh fork and knife and ate the food as if nothing happened.

The person that died is a tier 5 powerhouse that is considered to be the strongest in the younger generation.

That is the reason why he was not punished when he did all kinds of atrocities.

But now he died in a matter of moments.

Many people could not digest the thing that happened for several minutes.

They were so shocked that their mouths are open enough to fit the ostrich eggs.

When they came out of the shock they found that either Vicky or his women did not seem to stop eating during this time.

They did not even care about what happened behind them.

Vicky was eating so casually as if he just killed a buzzing fly or something.

But he did not show any expression that indicates that he just killed a person.

Well it is apocalypse land and death is at every corner but not at their homes with many people protecting them.

The person that died is not the son of the head.

Chapter 207: changed appearance to reenter the city

Well it is apocalypse land and death is at every corner but not at their homes with many people protecting them.

The person that died is not the son of the head.

But he still has to give an explanation in this situation to the concerned party, even if that person is not liked by him.

On the other hand Vicky did not show any change in his emotions.

It is like there is no one dead.

They are their meal peacefully and completely.

When other got back to their senses they wanted to attack Vicky and his girls.

But the head of the branch of the technotrix clan stopped them.

Vicky and his girls know that they are no longer welcome here.

So they simply left after their meal.

Before leaving Vicky spoke.

“Mister Richard, before I leave I wanted to give you people a word of warning.

I know that you could not stop your people from attacking from the dark.

But anyone that wants to attack me or my women would face the consequences just like the big hammer mercenary gang.

So before making a move let them think for themselves.

Also I will hold you accountable for their actions.

I will not only kill them but their entire family.

I know that your family is just a branch family and did not have the power of the main clan of the technotrix clan.

So don’t mess with the things that should not be messed.

Once the hands are burnt it is no use grabbing the leaves.

One has to be prepared to face the consequences of their actions.”

After saying these words Vicky left with his women and no one stopped them.

They are trembling from the aura released from Vicky.

They don’t know if Vicky is the only strong one or everyone around him is strong.

So they did not dare to do anything.

After leaving here Vicky knows that staying here would not be good.

So he decided to change his appearance and put on a disguise.

Till now he did not use disguise because there is no need to it.

But now he needs disguise.

First they returned to their room and then Vicky used the ghost technique to go to jerry.

Jerry has some mechanical things that can act as disguising tools.

It is like a mask and body cover.

It is made of breathable materials and it can change the body structure based on the intentions of the person wearing the cover.

Also they can simply input the specifications using a micro computer to change the structure.

The only bad thing is that this body cover is not useful in combat.

Also it would be damage easily.

Because of this they have to avoid fighting as much as possible.

Vicky has already informed jerry about this matter.

So they decided to vacate the room and leave the city.

But they will not leave the city and stay in a different place of the city with a disguise.

They did not change their identity cards or other things as they are fixed and hard to change because of the magic signature bonding.

Then Vicky created an illusion of them leaving the city.

In fact all 7 of them walked out of the city at that time.

But then Vicky with his current power clothes to a 1 star powerhouse or higher compared to many powerhouses with his solid foundation,

He was able to enter the city without alerting other people patrolling the city.

Since it was noted that they are outside the city no one would think that they are still inside the city.

As for the appearances, both Nubia and Natasha dressed up as macho men with disguise clothing.

Vicky changed his facial appearance to that of a middle aged man.

Ginny and Rose also changed their appearance to that of man with chubby body that would be least suspected.

As for Radha and Sakura they changed their appearance to that of chubby ugly middle aged woman.

Now these people reentered the city though the help of Vicky and rented a different house.

Radha and Sakura did not need the help of Vicky.

They became dematerialized like ghosts and moved easily.

Also after their improved their ability they were able to carry one person to dematerialize with them.

Vicky with his power can take two people with him.

So no one noticed them when they entered into the city.

There are many people without proper identity in this city which is actually like the den of thieves.

So no one would come forward to check anything.

After getting the room Vicky let his women rest while he went to talk with jerry.

Also he told his women to move around and socialize.

They are in the appearance of a family with Vicky as the head with two wives that are chubby and ugly.

There are 4 sons with two tall and strong like Vicky while the other two are short and chubby like his wives.

Well this is the disguise they made to enter into the city and live here for the time being.

Vicky’s planed to steal the warehouses of other clans including the technotrix clan this time.

Vicky is many times stronger than his previous self.

So he was confident in stealing the things from those warehouses.

He wanted his women to improve too.

For that he has to fill up the formation in the ark space and upgrade that place a little to bring that out.

Then with the high magic concentration they can train and improve quickly.

During this time Vicky can get those metal parts to make some machine and other things with the help of jerry.

Also during this time most powers would go to the earth that recently attacked for exploration.

So they will not be guarding from the internal forces much.

This is the best time to relax and prepare for the coming disasters.

Chapter 208: absolute stealing

So they will not be guarding from the internal forces much.

This is the best time to relax and prepare for the coming disasters.

With that they went on their own to do some small enquiry.

They did not continue with the missions of the guilds for the time being to hide their identities.

Any way the disaster is just a few months away.

Using the time when the security and personal of the big powers is lax Vicky started to make his move.

Naturally his first target is the technotrix clan.

Previously he only looted one of their warehouses with reserve materials.

But right now they are going to steal from the main warehouse and vaults.

As for the locations of all these things Vicky found them when he went to the technotrix clan before with the help of Ginny looking at every small detail.

So they made a plan last night while they are playing around.

Now that they got the information it was time to act.

That night Vicky changed into some dark clothes made of special material that would scramble the detection of low level technological devices on them.

Then he used the ghost ability to sneak into the warehouses of the technotrix clan.

Here contains many technological devices, parts, spare food, water, compressed food, meat of high class beasts in freezer,

Rare ingredients that are preserved separately and loads of spar of all grades separated by type and arranged neatly.

Every warehouse has all these things as if they are preparing various portions of the things.

Actually it is true.

One warehouse of goods would be used by the clan while the other warehouse with more preserved things would be sent as the tribute to their clan.

For this reason everything is arranged in the model of portion of the things.

It was easy for Vicky to take the things.

He first put a small device made by jerry to lock the surveillance device.

It would repeat the previous peaceful footage again and again instead of recording the current situation.

Then he would steal the entire place without raising the alarms silently.

When he took everything he would take his cover up device and leave this place from the blind spot.

Just like that he went around and stole everything that technotrix clan had stored all these years.

His girls are already in space.

They moved the things and separated them.

They are currently within the radius of connected space.

With them arranging the things Vicky did the work at a faster pace.

It took him the entire night to loot everything of the technotrix clan.

Even their vaults and safes were also looted completely.

By the time they became alert they don’t know where they should cry.

Even the hidden elder that is a 1 star powerhouse came out because of the emergency.

But they did not have even an inkling of the information about the person or group that stole their things.

It appeared like the work of a ghost.

The next day the entire city of Gnore started to boil because of this incident they don’t know who did it or how they did it,

But everything in the technotrix clan is completely gone.

It was so thoroughly stolen that they did not have anything to eat in the morning.

Except for some baby products and medicine that are essential for babies and little kids everything was stolen.

Even their water reserves are stolen by Vicky.

Well the ark space is very big and they all combined only filled a fifth of the space of various places.

There are too many empty spaces for them to store more things.

So naturally they are filling the things.

Just the mountain load of spars is enough to make Vicky sigh with satisfaction.

It is not as simply as slapping on the face of technotrix clan.

They were thoroughly, utterly and completely humiliated in their own turf.

Just because of this reason their hidden elder that is a 1 star powerhouse and also one of the strongest men of city of Gnore was called out.

When he listened to what happened he directly whipped the head of the technotrix clan Richard.

He considered it all happened because of the negligence of Richard.

Also this big elder is actually the relative of the lecherous man that was killed by Vicky during the dinner.

This was one the reason why that lecherous bastard is so unrestrained and did everything as he pleased.

But he tried to touch the wrong person and died without know how he even died.

Knowing this matter the hidden elder started to get angrier with Richard.

Richard was immediately removed from the head of the branch family also his family was isolated for punishment along with him.

The hidden elder wanted the people of the technotrix clan to find Vicky’s group that came over here as guests on the day of the dinner.

Also he told them that if they could not find Vicky then they can search for new entries into the city or new people that suddenly appeared in the city.

Vicky has already anticipated all this.

But they did not leave because the people that check are all normal tier 2 or tier 3 people.

They will not be able to do anything and can be easily manipulated into believing that they have normal identities.

With that things can be solved normally.

So when the people came to check them they found the group of weird family and then their minds are manipulated by Ginny.

When they are done with verification which is all just an illusion they left here normally.

That night Vicky and everyone rested normally.

They are going to steal from another family called the Merck family that is equally strong to the technotrix branch family.

Also they are from the Merck family from the central region.

They are fish man family like merfolk in the fantasies.

Chapter 209: stealing from the Merck family

Also they are from the Merck family from the central region.

They are fish man family like merfolk in the fantasies.

As for how they are living in the desert area is not a mystery.

The merfolk in the fantasies only live in water.

But in the apocalypse land there are many kinds of merfolk.

There are desert merfolk that should be the descendents of desert fish.

There are sky merfolk that should be the descendents of sky fish.

There are lava merfolk that should be the descendents of lava fish.

Just like that there are many variations.

The people here are said to be the merfolk that is half human and half fish of the desert fish category.

They are also extremely agile in the sand and their sense of smell and detection are also very high.

These people have the highest amount of monster products in the entire city.

They are very good at hunting and they use high technology in normal things but not on their bodies.

Fortunately they could not detect ghostly objects which would let Vicky easily enter into their location and steal their things.

As for why Vicky wanted steal from them is because these people are the desert bandits that would obstruct and kill most caravans and people in this part of the apocalypse land.

In this side of the oasis city they are the only ones that are called desert bandits.

They would charge caravans with a fee so that they would not be robbed by them.

These people are as vicious as human bandits that would commit all sorts of atrocities.

Most of their wealth came from robbery other than the things they hunted by themselves.

Even the caravans that Vicky travelled before has paid the protection fee to this clan before setting off into the desert.

Vicky took out special scent masking oil from his space and rubbed it on his body.

Along with him Ginny is also going to outline the area.

With Vicky he can simply amplify the radius through which she can monitor and observe.

That night they arrived at the predetermined area.

Vicky gave her a supporting buff to improve her detection range.

With that she monitored the designated area of the Merck branch family.

She was shocked to find that there are no guards at all.

She immediately looked at Vicky and said.

“They are too arrogant and did not position a single guard in the entire building.”

Vick smiled at her and said.

“There should be sandy grounds in the house carefully check under the sand and you will find the guards.”

Ginny was surprised again and checked once again.

Searching under the soil has less radius of coverage compared to the open area with mind control.

She was really shocked to see that there are so many guards positioned all over the place.

Vicky smiled at her and first asked her the locations of all the storage houses and materials stored there.

He also asked about the positioning of those guards and the passage ways without sand pits nearby.

After confirming the things he sent her into the space first and then activated his ghost ability.

Then he moved slowly towards the predetermined path.

Because of the ghost nature no one can notice him unless they are watching him walking around.

This Merck family people are arrogant in their ability to sense the smell and vibrations around.

They did not use their eyes for monitoring.

This is the chance that Vicky got to walk straight into their warehouses and steal all the things.

He stole everything just like how he stole from the technotrix clan before.

Some might thing that they should hide spars under the ground.

But there is a big problem.

That is as long as the spars are buried even if they are placed inside a box they would rapidly be consumed by the apocalypse land.

So they could not store them under the sand.

This was the good thing for Vicky.

The thing that shows that Vicky is safe is that materials he is sending back into the space.

Girls in the space collected them and separated them based on their previously discussed way.

After stealing everything Vicky silently came back the location where he sent Ginny into the space.

Ginny also came out of the space at this point with Vicky’s note.

If not when she comes out of the space she would appear here.

So she should return back to their current home before they can safely enter into the space.

Vicky pulled her into his embrace with her legs wrapping around his waist as he carried her in piggy back position.

With his speed he can travel longer distances in short amount of time.

They finally came to the house and arranged their things and entered the space after locking up the house.

In the ark space they are not idle instead they started to cook the food to replenish the already used food.

There are plenty of vegetables and all kinds of meat so they are really happy right now.

There are even spices in the field of the ark space.

As for the fertilizer Vicky actually used the waste of the meat from the monster beasts to be used as fertilizer.

This way the field of the large area is completely filled with nutrients to the brim.

Vicky cooked the good while some of the women processed the materials while some of them packed the things.

Also they did not forget to add the spars into the training room formation.

The indicator showed that the magic energy concentration has reached tier 9 before.

With the spars they just added it has reached 1 star level.

The 6 of them can train in it.

It is not suitable for Vicky right now because he was at a bottle neck.

Only under special conditions to trigger his potential can he improve to complete 1 star level powerhouse.

Chapter 210: after a month

It is not suitable for Vicky right now because he was at a bottle neck.

Only under special conditions to trigger his potential can he improve to complete 1 star level powerhouse.

This is the same for every star of improvement that is the reason why the number of people decreases as they moved to higher stars of power.

Since he has a block right now he plans to improve his girls to the same level as him and wait for the perfect opportunity.

This way they would all be strong in the coming disaster.

With the magic energy concentration reaching 1 star level the ark would not let him add any more magic spars.

This is because ark is currently a 1 star artifact.

There is another good thing that is related to the materials that Vicky stole.

These materials have elements that are required for it to improve.

Except for some special machines Vicky let the space directly swallow all the materials that the ark required for its future upgrade.

With that complete the training schedule is formed.

Vicky arranged a small portable formation in their room with 6 people seating area.

The women can sit around in a circle and the formation would block the loss of magic energy around them.

It can also stop the detection of magic energy around them.

It was from the basic formation books from the ark library.

It was also upgraded only to 1 star level and above that is not mentioned.

After arranging this formation the girls can open the magic formation in ark space to release the magic energy inside the formation.

This way they can start practicing and improving.

Unfortunately this method can only be used for practicing and could not be used to power up a formation or other artifacts outside the ark space.

But it is not a problem.

What they had is already enough for them.

With the girls training peacefully Vicky went to space to add few more spars to the formation generating concentrated magic energy.

As long as the concentration of magic energy decreases below 1 star level the formation immediately consumes the spar to replenish the magic energy.

While doing this Vicky did not go anywhere but to stay here and guard the place.

He has been studying the book of prophesies and other books from the space.

This has been their work for the next few days.

Vicky would do cooking and small chores while the women train.

A month slowly gone by but the thieves that stole from the two big power of the city of Gnore were not found yet.

This made the people of the clan anxious.

Also their reputation as a clan has gone down the drain.

They became a laughing stock everywhere.

Because of this the people of the clan are angry and they started to vent their anger on everyone in the city of Gnore.

These are the two man power and the remaining power of this place are just subsidiary.

The Merck clan was even angrier than the technotrix clan.

Originally they are the bandits but now there is someone that stole from the bandits.

This made them unable to lift their heads in front of others.

Also the party that stole their goods left the women and children products showing that they are good thieves unlike them that would do all kinds of atrocities.

This made them feel ashamed.

They thought that they have provoked someone that they should not provoke.

This is the final result of that.

Well what is the point of being angry and ashamed, the will not be able to catch Vicky or do anything to him.

By the end of the month all of his women reached tier 8.

There are still 4 months before the sudden disaster called the flash flood comes submerging all these cities and the desert.

During this time Vicky did not have many plans.

But he plan to steal from the human power of the human city too.

As for the Elven city he did not plan to touch it right now.

The protagonist in the Elven city would become a problem if Vicky touches that place.

So he has to stay away from that place for the time being.

It is best to distance yourself from the protagonists because their lives would be like a rollercoaster.

Also the people that are most effected or died would be the people beside the protagonist.

At most protagonist would swear some revenge nonsense for the dead.

The dead would stay dead and the protagonist would move his vicious hands towards the women of the dead.

That is how shameless and hypocritical the protagonist would be.

Vicky doesn’t want anything to do with this matter.

At most he would like to fuck the protagonist’s women if the system gives a mission.

During this time Vicky met with jerry and all the preparations were already complete for the sudden flash flood.

Vicky told him about few other things and told him to prepare.

That is after the flash flood disaster and taking the good opportunity they are planning to leave here to the other side of the desert.

They are planning to go to the 6 cities on the other side.

Also Vicky told him that he would meet the girl he would fall in love with after going out of here.

So he told him to get things ready to be packed and leave this place after the disaster passed by.

Jerry was more interested in this matter.

He has already prepared for the protection for his equipment to be under water.

All he has to do is to adjust something different to pack all the things carefully when they depart.

Vicky did not reveal about his space.

Even thought he likes jerry as a friend there are some differences and the heart of a being changes with the time.

So he did not plan to reveal anything right now.


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