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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 161: Jonathan’s reply to Ginny’s confession

“Jonathan, I love you….”

Her face turned as red as her hair.

Jonathan smiled and said.

“Just like a Gryffindor, very brave and decisive.

But before I answer to your feelings I have some things to say.”

Jonathan took a deep breath and said.

“I am a pure business man and I never tolerate betrayal.

Any act of betrayal can get some extreme consequences.

Also in the war between the death eaters and the order or phoenix, I will not take either side in the fight.

At the same time I would attack anyone for my benefits and anyone that tried to offend me.

If you love me then you have to stand by my side.

Even with your relation I will not take any side.

They have to pay the price to get my help.

You are not allowed to help any side either if you become my women.

Also I have multiple women but I don’t like my women to be with other men.

You might call me a scumbag or a scoundrel or a selfish person.

But that is what I am.

These things aside let me tell you the good things.

As long as you are my women no matter what it is I will stand by your side to face it.

I would love you as much as I love myself.

You can enjoy all the pleasures, riches and happiness you want.

I will protect you from everything and anything that can harm you and our future.

This is what I can promise.

Finally one last important thing,

There is no hierarchy among my women.

They are all equal to me.

Anyone that disrupts my rules would pay a terrible price.

I have said everything I have to say to you.

Now think and decide what you wanted to do.

Listening to all these things do you still want to be my woman?

You have to think carefully.

Once chosen you cannot go back.

The price to become my women is your loyalty and love.”

After saying these words Jonathan waited for Ginny to think about the words that Jonathan said.

After 6 minutes she looked like she made a decision.

So she looked at Jonathan and said.

“I have decided to love you no matter what.

What you said might look like a business deal, but if you understand it carefully they are all the marriage vows that were taken during the marriage.

This means that you needed pure love and did not want any betrayal.

Even though you have other women as long as you take care of me and love me without abandoning me that is enough.

Since you said it like that I would love to your woman too.

Well with the reciprocating I should kiss you to complete the deal right.

But I am a girl so you should take the initiative in this kind of thing.”

She said with a blushed face.

She did not look like she is lying as Jonathan can see her affection meter that is around 87 points.

Jonathan did not expect that there is someone that loves him so much.

If he knew he would have already tried to get her with few better plots and sketches.

Any way this is good and he decided to take the first kiss of Ginny today.

Jonathan walked forward and put his hands around her waist and pulled her closure.

Compared to Jonathan she is short.

Jonathan did not bend down instead he lifted up into the air and held her face straight to his face with their bodies tightly packed by his embrace.

He can feel her heart beat right next to his heart along with the fluffy sensation from the budding tits.

Her long red hair is gently blown into the air because of the breeze from the lake.

She felt the strong hands of Jonathan and felt that she was in a safe and secured place where she can do what she wanted.

Jonathan moved forward to meet her lips while she leaned forward putting her hands around the neck of Jonathan.

She closed her eyes while her lips touched the lips of Jonathan and her leg lifted up in the air.

Her lips parted as the tongue of Jonathan went in to ravage her mouth and she felt a sense of satisfaction.

She did not know that a kiss can feel so good.

She wanted more but her breath could not hold that longer.

So Jonathan parted his kiss to let her breath for a moment.

Then he kissed her again.

When they parted next time she kissed Jonathan on her own initiative

They kissed like this for a while before they stopped.

Well they have classes and they have to go back.

“You will also be my dance partner in the Yule ball.

So don’t accept the proposal of other men.

I will send you a good dress specifically prepared for the ball later.”

Jonathan said before parting and letting Ginny go with her lips red and swollen from his bites.

Ginny reluctantly parted with Jonathan and Jonathan told her where to meet him later.

There will be a great surprise for Harry and Ron during the dinner in the great hall in the evening.

Jonathan then returned to the classes.

He was a little late but the professor did not say anything.

They are sure that Jonathan had a valid reason for coming late.

He is a typical good student that did not have a single bad Mark.

So even if there is something wrong they would not point it out immediately.

Jonathan simply said his excuse that he went to look for a reference and lost the track of time.

Also Jonathan pointed about a reference about yesterday’s lesson making it more justified.

No one can point fingers at him.

Well he is a villain in the open that did not show any black marks for others to point at.

Chapter 162: a surprise for Weasley brothers

No one can point fingers at him.

Well he is a villain in the open that did not show any black marks for others to point at.

In the evening the people started to gather in the great hall.

The students from other schools also gathered around in their respective places.

When Harry, Ron and Hermione arrived they saw something that made their eyes pop.

There are two other people that already had their eyes pop before them.

This is because on one side of Jonathan there is Romilda as usually but the other side of Jonathan is actually Ginny.

Before the trio Fred and George came early and watched the scene of their sister sitting beside Jonathan and talking to him happily.

This made a small blast in their mind.

They avoided Jonathan before but now they might have him as their brother in law.

This is strange and they don’t know how to react to this shock.

They usually play pranks to shock others.

This is the first time they were shocked to this level.

Also they just got their beards cut and return back to their original selves after the effects of the aging potion wore off.

This time they are not as lively as they usually are and went to sit on the side looking with widened eyes at Ginny that is sitting beside Jonathan.

She even passed on some good that Jonathan liked to him.

Romilda on the side is also doing the same.

Also they giggled from time to time.

Romilda immediately understood that Ginny became Jonathan’s woman.

So it can be said that she is her sister.

Since it is like that she naturally acted close with Ginny directly.

Ginny did not expect this either so, she became happy about it.

Instead of fake friendships that would gossip behind her back this kind of thing is much better.


The trio was shocked speechless and they stood on the spot for a few minutes.

The first one to snap back to reality is Hermione.

She did not expect that Ginny would really talk to Jonathan and jump to his side directly.

She has complicated feelings in this matter.

She could not do what Ginny did.

She always follows rules and stubborn to some extent.

So she sighed and went to sit on her usually seat.

On the other hand Harry and Ron took their time to come back to reality.

By the time they got back to their senses, the teachers have already arrived and Ron did not get the chance to vent his anger at his sister.

But Jonathan would not let Ron vent his anger out on Ginny when he is present.

When they say Ron continued to glare towards Ginny all the time.

It is like he would eat her at any moment.

Ginny felt uncomfortable.

So Jonathan just waved his hand to cast a spell on Ron.

This spell is simply diversion spell.

He would feel that Harry is Ginny and his perception of locations and distance would change.

So he turned his head to the side facing Harry and glared at Harry just like he glared at Ginny.

Jonathan then signaled towards Rita Skeeter and sent a voice through his mind and spirit just like Voldemort sent his voice.

It was a short notice but Rita got the matter that Jonathan wanted to tell her.

She immediately found Ron glaring at Harry and waited for a perfect shot when victor Krum looking towards the location of Harry and Ron.

Actually he was looking at Hermione.

Rita knows that Jonathan has his hands extended towards Hermione.

She don’t mind Jonathan having other women because of a simply fact.

That is she loves Jonathan and knows that Jonathan loves her.

That is all she needed to know.

She is going to write a love triangle story about Harry, Ron and Krum right now.

She showed an excited smile towards Jonathan and Jonathan also smiled back.

Then he leaned towards the ear of Ginny and said.

“Don’t worry about that, your brother would not be able to glare at you any longer.

Tomorrow there will be another big event that includes your brother so that he can understand that he would not glare at others stupidly.

Ginny still thought of her bother for a moment and said.

“Don’t hurt him, he is just stupid.”

She thought that Jonathan would harm him.

Well it is an instinctive reaction of a sister and Jonathan can understand this so he was not angry.

He silently said.

“Don’t worry I will not hurt him.

He hurt himself because there is someone that is observing him.

May be tomorrow there would be another juicy article in the news.”

When Jonathan said this Ginny subconsciously looked towards Rita Skeeter that is sitting to the side of the professors.

Well as long as her brother did not hurt physically Ginny did not care about this matter.

Also she was sad because of her family conditions and the consequences that Jonathan would bear later because of his actions.

Other than that she did not have any other motives.

Jonathan smiled at her and they ate the dinner happily.

The deserts are even better for the Halloween.

When the dinner is done it was time for the announcement the results of the goblet of fire.

That is who the three champions from the three schools are.

The big tables are moved to the side and the entire hall is filled with students with great excitement.

The champions are announced with the small papers with the name of the selected candidate flew out of the goblet of fire.

The first one is Viktor Krum.

He is the Seeker for the Bulgarian National Quidditch team and he is representing Durmstrang

The second one is Fleur Delacour.

A beautiful girl with Veela bloodline and is charming and she is representing Beauxbatons

The third is Jonathan black the last remaining heir of the prestigious black family.

Chapter 163: the other schools arrived

A beautiful girl with Veela bloodline and is charming and she is representing Beauxbatons

The third is Jonathan black the last remaining heir of the prestigious black family.

He is a strong business man behind the scenes other than being an inventor with many patents.

He is from the Gryffindor studying fourth year and is representing Hogwarts.

This immediately caused a good amount of commotion.

Dumbledore could not sit still and he could not do anything either.

But Jonathan got good amount of cheers as well.

Well he is the champion of Hogwarts that can even bypass the age line drawn by Dumbledore.

But Jonathan has to be firm and should not tell them the truth that he was then one that dropped his name into the goblet of fire.

So he put on an innocent face in front of everyone along with the shocked expression.

The cheers are not that loud and Jonathan spoke.

“Professor Dumbledore, I did not put my name in it.

How was I even chosen?

Did the goblet have any problems and can choose people that did not put their names?”

The question was not only towards Dumbledore but also Barty crouch and Ludo bagman.

They are not the only people that are confused.

There is also Barty crouch junior that is in the appearance of moody that is confused at this moment.

He only dropped the name of Harry and he did not do anything with the goblet of fire to choose Jonathan.

So how does the name of Jonathan appear here?

“May be the confusion spell went wrong.

But how did the name of Jonathan appear?

Did someone else use the confusion charm to manipulate the goblet of fire other than me?”

He was tense for a while because the name of Jonathan did not appear yet.

This means that it did not bind to the goblet of fire yet.

If the entire thing is suspected and they did not let it give out the name of Harry then all of his efforts would be wasted.

While he was confused, others are also confused as everyone else.

Before they can react to the words of Jonathan, the goblet of fire started to burn brightly again.

It is like it was going to vomit something quickly.

Dumbledore stood there to catch the fourth name that was out of the goblet of fire.

Harry Potter the great savior has finally got the chance to show off, much to the surprise of everyone and dismay of some.

With the appearance of name of Harry it was confirmed that something has happened to the goblet of fire.

Since Harry neither submitted his name nor asked an older student to do so, the judges were dumbfounded.

That is someone specifically tampered with the goblet of fire.

But they could not stop the tournament right now because of the binding magical contract established by the goblet of fire.

The headmasters and other judges thoroughly questioned Jonathan and Harry many time and found that it was not done by them.

Originally the headmasters of the other schools would cause trouble if there are two candidates for a single school.

That means that the chance of winning of the school increases.

But since the two students are only fourth years has caused a severe imbalance in the match.

That is the other two schools are at an advantage.

Jonathan and harry were sent into the other room where the other two champions are present.

Harry himself is feeling very confused as he heads into the room where the champions are waiting along with Jonathan.

Once inside Jonathan smiled at the two people that are already present there.

Naturally his eyes are very clear when he looked at fleur and did not show the lust to gain her recognition.

As for Krum he wanted to tease Jonathan because of his handsome appearance.

So he gave Jonathan a shake hand with his strong muscle strength, Jonathan smiled back and pressed Krum’s hand with similar level or arm strength causing his face to turn red.

This was noticed by fleur and she giggled sweetly.

Krum was so embarrassed that he glared at Jonathan but his attention turned towards Harry that looked like an easy target.

Jonathan did not look like a little kid in the adult turning phase like Harry.

Instead he looked like a young man at around 18 years old.

His age looked very similar to Krum and fleur that they did not feel that Jonathan is young.

On the other hand Harry is short and looked scrawny.

It is as if he would blow away with a strong wind.

Even though he is eating very well right now, his mentality still needs some work.

When your mind is not good the food would not properly strengthen the body.

Mind and soul are mysterious things even for science and magic.

They would not dare to dwell too deep into this matter.

The anger the Krum had was diverted towards Harry.

Also he saw Harry sitting on the side of the person that caused him to be embarrassed before.

It was Ron.

He did not ask Harry and assumed that Ron is the friend of Harry along with the beauty.

Since he is angry he has to show that.

So he gave a big shake hand to Harry.

Even after he released the hand of Harry, the hand of Harry is still shaking.

It really is a shake hand.

Jonathan smiled and did not say anything.

Harry is none of his business.

In the tri wizard tournament everyone has to rely on themselves and Jonathan is not that team spirited towards Harry any way.

After a while the judges and people came over and crouch revealed that the First Task is on 24 November.

The champions have until then to figure out what it is and to prepare for it.

The champions are forbidden to receive any form of help from anyone else.

Chapter 164: Cho Chang loves someone else

The champions have until then to figure out what it is and to prepare for it.

The champions are forbidden to receive any form of help from anyone else.

They are told that they will learn the details of the Second Task after completing the First Task.

They will also be exempt from the end-of-year exams due to the tournament.

After receiving the instructions they were told to go back to their dorms.

Well Ron got a bigger shock of Harry being selected as the champion.

So it is natural that he forgot about his sister being close to John.

He felt that he was betrayed by his best friend.

This made him mad.

Harry tried to talk it out with Ron but the final result is that Ron stopped talking with Harry.

On the next day John noticed Hermione talking to Harry.

Hermione explained to Harry that his entry into the competition strained his relationship with Ron.

Ron feels that he was left in the shadow of his friend because of his inferiority complex.

Harry reluctantly accepts Hermione's advice and told her that he would send a letter to Sirius to update him on what happened.

John noticed all this with calm expression.

He has something to say to Hermione so he waited for her to complete her talk with Harry.

When Harry left John appeared right next to her and said.

“Miss granger, you did not forgot your end of the bargain right.

I don’t like being betrayed.

For the Yule ball, I will prepare a special dress for you.

So don’t promise anyone or waste your money to buy a dress.”

John said and left like a shadow.

Hermione shivered for a moment.

She wanted to ask how John is going to dance with so many people and what he would do with Ginny.

But she did not get the chance to ask as John left very quickly.

John went to great hall to get the breakfast.

At that time the owls flew around the great hall dropping the news papers again.

There are two big articles in the news paper.

First is the selection of the champions for the Triwizard competition.

The second thing is the juicy love story that was printed with a big photo on the front page right under the new of champions of Triwizard competition.

In the image Ron is glaring at Harry with mixed feelings, Harry is trying to eat his food calmly while Krum is looking at the location of Ron with great interest.

Under that a big story of the juice love between two champions and Ron was written by Rita Skeeter.

John could not stop laughing when looking at the information of the news paper.

With this John had the thought of rewarding Rita later that day with a hot massage and a deep kisses.

She would be very happy.

While thinking about Rita, John spoke to Ginny and Romilda about the dresses that would prepare for them for the Yule ball.

Romilda did not ask any question to John.

Since she did not ask John about how he would dance with so many of them at the same time, Ginny also did not ask.

Instead she decided to trust John.

As for Daphne, pansy, Astoria and other have already decided that John is their partner.

There are two more people John has to talk.

First is the Hannah abbot and the other is other is Cho Chang.

He has his eyes on these two people.

Cho Chang came to him on her own initiative and Hannah abbot is also the same.

So he has to reciprocate to them.

After coming out of the great hall John found Hannah abbot going somewhere.

When she was turning a corner, she once again hit John and was about to fall on her back.

John caught her hand and pulled her into his arms while closing her lips suddenly.

Unlike the women that would close their eyes when being kissed she opened her eyes suddenly and looked towards John.

After confirming that it was John she calmed down.

John already cast an invisibility and sound proofing ward around him.

So it will not be noticed by anyone.

John kissed her for a few minutes and said.

“Do you want to become my women?”

She nodded her head directly accepting the offer.

“I have many women, do you care.”

She smiled back and said.

“Hero’s have many women, kings have many women, and my great grandfather had 6 wives.

So it is not a problem for you to have many women as long as you love me too.”

John accepted it and said.

“Good girl, be prepared for the coming ball,

I will send you a good dress to wear.

You can contact pansy or Daphne or Romilda to get into contact with your sister.”

After saying these words John pecked on her lips once again and left her standing in daze.

The most troublesome candidate is actually Cho Chang.

She is a good person but rather timid and fickle minded.

Just like a Ravenclaw.

He has to confirm if she was still on his side or connected to someone else.

That someone should be Cedric Diggory.

Well he doesn’t know what she will choose.

It was last year when she kissed John.

This happened similar to Harry too.

But then she fell in love with another man.

John found her on the bridge and went towards her directly.

“Miss Cho, how are you.”

John asked as he appeared in front of her suddenly.

Once again he cast an invisibility and sound proof ward around them.

She looked surprised at John.

But she is still reserved.

After few moments of time she spoke.

“What happened between her before…?

I think that I liked someone else…”

She looked at the expression of John carefully.

It is to see if she is angry or not.

She doesn’t want to cause any problems with John.

Chapter 165: assembled at the room of requirements

She thought that she was impulsive before.

But after thinking she started to like a different person.

John under stood the nature of fickle minded people.

Any way he would not force anyone.

He is not the one at loss any way.

So he only said.

“Oh, it is like that.

Well best of luck then.”

After saying these words John left normally.

John wanted to tell her that once the opportunity is lost you might not get things back.

But he doesn’t want to sound like a sour looser.

So he did not say anything.

Since she is not his women then if she wants help then she has to pay with something to get the help.

Also she is no longer his responsibility.

With this solved John called the girls to assemble in the room of requirements tonight.

John wanted to take their measurements to get the best possible outfit.

It was easy.

As long as John hugged them tightly he can tell their measurements with his hands on their bodies.

Well they would be some close contacts but the women would not reject.


That night John came out of the Gryffindor room with Ginny, Romilda, Katie bell and Hermione.

Katie bell met John when he was returning back after asking Cho Chang.

She asked John if he wanted to become her partner in dance for Yule ball.

Many students already know about this matter but the real race started after the official announcement and the start of dance practices at the school.

As for Katie bell, she was impressed by John’s spectacular movements in Quidditch.

She loves Quidditch and John who is much better than Harry potter has made her become interested in him.

The recent actions of John doing charity have won her heart.

Naturally the women liked the man that is companionate towards the poor and the needy most of the time.

Also John is handsome and quite capable.

So it is natural for girls to like John.

Well movie stars might have married and had many lovers but many girls still love them and wanted to become their women.

So it is a normal thing that was embedded into the genes of humans from the beginning.

Strong and powerful men naturally attract women also the reverse is also possible in some cases.

John did not answer her question directly instead asked back.

“Do you trust me?”

She did not understand why John asked this question.

She asked the same question back at her and she doesn’t know the answer for it.

John understood her confusion and said.

“If you are really interested in becoming my dance partner then come to the common room in the night.

I will take you somewhere we can discuss.”

She blushed but still nodded her head.

In the night she was surprised to see that there is still Hermione, Romilda and Ginny present in the common room at the decided time.

She looked at Ginny and Romilda being close to John during the breakfast, lunch and dinner.

So she thought that they were also invited by John.

She suddenly wanted to go back but then she remembered the question of John.

‘Do you trust me?’

So she pulled up her courage and came over to talk with the girls.

As she expected they are waiting for John.

John suddenly appeared in the room as if he was there from the very start.

Then he took them to the room of requirements using the invisibility cloak and silencing ward.

Well all of them accepted to become his dance partners.

As for other women, John would go over and bring them after sending Ginny, Romilda, Katie and Hermione to the room of requirements.

After the start of Triwizard tournament the security of the school increased.

Fortunately John has invisibility cloak.

After three more trips all the girls assembled in the room of requirement.

This place looked like a lively park with a pond and fishes.

This was the area John chose when opening the room or requirements.

This place would be best for them to talk leisurely.

While John is bringing other women Ginny and Hermione talked.

Ginny asked.

“Hermione, do you like John.

You said that you are on the side of Harry and my brother right.

So why are you hear.”

The other two women are also interested in this matter and looked at Hermione.

Naturally Hermione blushed from the question, but she was brave and said.

“I once asked John for help in the past year and for that I have to pay the price.

The price we agreed upon is that, I would become his dance partner in the Yule ball this year.

Actually I don’t know that there is a ball this year till he mentioned it to me.

Since I received the help, I have to pay the price.”

At that time John arrived with Luna and said.

“I did help you and you are here to pay the price.

But when I went to ask Hagrid for help, he simply said that he was busy when he was playing with his dog at home without even opening the door.

Fortunately Luna was there to help me that day.

If I know that Hagrid would be so ungrateful to not even want to look at my face, I would have really not helped you.”

John said and left Luna here to go to Hufflepuff to bring Hannah.

While he was away Hermione asked Luna what happened.

Luna naturally knows what happened and she explained the matter to Hermione.

The impression of Hagrid in her mind dropped by a lot but she still wanted to ask Hagrid what happened later.

She cannot think of the thing in one sided way.

While they are talking Hannah was brought over.

Then John went to bring over pansy, Daphne and Astoria over.

With this trip everyone was here.

After they are gathered John transfigured the stones into benches for them to sit while he talked about their dresses.